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All Awards and Honors for the Kingdom of Caid
Society-wide Royal Peerages
Duchess Two Kingdom Reigns
Duke Two Kingdom Reigns
Count One Kingdom Reign
Countess One Kingdom Reign
Viscount One Principality Reign
Viscountess One Principality Reign
Society-wide Orders bearing a Patent of Arms
Defense Rapier Combat
Knight Armored Combat
Laurel Arts & Sciences
Master of Arms Armored Combat
Pelican Service
Society-Wide and Kingdom Orders bearing a Grant of Arms
Court Barony With Grant
Argent Blade Rapier Combat
Chiron Archery
Crescent Service
Gauntlet of Caid Armored Combat
Golden Lance of Caid Equestrian Arts
Lux Caidis Arts & Sciences
White Scarf of Caid closed Rapier Combat
Grant of Arms
Society-wide and Kingdom Orders bearing an Award of Arms
Court Barony
Arcus Combat Archery
Argent Arrow Archery
Chamfron of Caid Equestrian Arts
Crescent Sword Combat
Dolphin of Caid Service
Duellist Rapier Combat
Harp Argent Arts & Sciences
Award of Arms
Society-wide and Kingdom Non-Armigerous Orders and Awards
Acorn Youth Service
Argent Star Youth Combat
Augmentation of Arms
Aurora Caidis closed Youth Arts & Sciences
Chanson Musical Arts
Corde de Guerre of Caid War Combat
Crescent and Flame Youth Arts & Sciences
Crossed Swords of Caid War Combat (Fighting Unit)
Furison of Caid Teaching
King's Favor Personal Service
Legion of Courtesy Courtesy
Make-A-Wish Prince/Princess for a Day
Queen's Favor Personal Service
Rose Consort for Kingdom Reign
Royal Favor Personal Service
Royal Recognition of Excellence Special Commendation
Sigillum Regis Personal Service
Signum Reginae Personal Service
Signum Regni Personal Service
Vanguard of Honor Honor & Chivalry
Honors of the Territories of the Kingdom of Caid
Honors of the Shire of Darach
Melusine closed
Sable Oak
Honors of the Barony of Dreiburgen
Defenders of the Three Towers Combat
Golden Ram closed Service
Illuminated Tower of Dreiburgen Arts & Sciences
Long Rangers of Dreiburgen Archery
Sterren von Dreiburgen Courtesy
Towers of Dreiburgen Service
Honors of the Barony of Dun Or
Baron's Favor
Baroness' Favor
Crimson Poppy Exceptional Service
Golden Antelope Arts & Sciences
Green Serpent Combat
Keystone of Dun Or Service
l'Antilope d'Or Arts & Sciences
Serpente Vert Combat
Tour d'Azure et d'Or Service
Tower of Dun Or Service
Honors of the Barony of Gyldenholt
Anneau de Gentillesse closed Courtesy
Baronial Treasure
Citrine Service
Escutcheon d'Or Combat
Forêt d'Or Continuing Service
Gemme d'Or Service
Orange Blossom Arts & Sciences
Honors of the Shire of Heatherwyne
Busy Bee closed
Honors of the Shire of the Isles
Crimson Tower
Honors of the Barony of Naevehjem
Baron and Baroness' Favor
Baron's Favor
Dragon's Blaze
Dragon's Foot Combat
Dragon's Gem Arts & Sciences
Dragon's Heart of Naevehjem Courtesy
Dragon's Scale of Naevehjem Youth Service
Dragon's Wing Service
Elite Guard Excellence in Skill at Arms
Moucheture Service (Group)
Sable Dragon Excellence in Skill at Arms
Sable Dragon
Honors of the Barony of Nordwache
Ember of Nordwache Service
Fenix d'Or Service
Flamme et Soleil
Heart of Nordwache
le Beau Coeur A&S
le Coeur Noble Courtesy
Talon and Flame Fighting
Honors of the Barony of Wintermist
Gillyflower Service
Lyre d'Or
Noble Touch Courtesy
Red Snow Flake Youth
Silver Quill
Vane Combat