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Honors Starting with P
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Western Seas
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Western Seas
highest excellence in service to the realm
Miscellaneous Society-wide honor
sustained devotion and extraordinary contributions to the arts of Heraldry and Armory
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Lyondemere
Territorial Baronage (retired)
Barony of the Angels
Out of Kingdom Honors Starting with P
Armigerous Baronial Order
Kingdom of Atenveldt
Armigerous Kingdom Order
Kingdom of Drachenwald
long and consistent excellence in the arts and sciences
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of 1000 Eyes, Kingdom of Artemisia
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Grey Niche, Kingdom of Gleann Abhann
Miscellaneous Baronial honor
Barony of the Westermark, Kingdom of the West
service to the Barony
Non-armigerous Principality award
Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West
Non-armigerous Kingdom award
Kingdom of the East
exceptional martial prowess on the field, field support, staff, or other gentles who support the East Kingdom at events held in another Kingdom
Miscellaneous Kingdom honor
Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Carolingia, Kingdom of the East
Non-armigerous award
Kingdom of the West
winners of kingdom dance competitions
Armigerous Principality Order
Principality of Artemisia, Kingdom of Atenveldt
service to the Principality & Kingdom
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Bridge, Kingdom of the East
Miscellaneous Kingdom honor
Kingdom of Meridies
Non-armigerous Principality award
Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West
prior service as a Captain of the Guard
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Arn Hold, Kingdom of Artemisia
excellence in teaching
Non-armigerous award
Kingdom of Drachenwald
departing the Kingdom who have made contributions
Non-armigerous Principality award
Principality of Cynagua, Kingdom of the West
Miscellaneous Principality honor
Principality of Cynagua, Kingdom of the West
Miscellaneous Principality honor
Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West
Non-armigerous award
Principality of the Outlands, Kingdom of Atenveldt
personal service to the Princess of the Outlands
Non-armigerous Principality award
Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West
service to the Princess during her reign
Non-armigerous award
Principality of Drachenwald, Kingdom of the East
Non-armigerous award
Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West
great courtesy and chivalry
Non-armigerous Principality award
Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West
service to the Princess during her reign
Non-armigerous Principality award
Principality of Cynagua, Kingdom of the West
Armigerous Kingdom Order
Kingdom of the Middle
Service to their group, office or kingdom.