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Honors Starting with K
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Dun Or
Outstanding baronial service for youth
Miscellaneous Kingdom honor
Kingdom of Caid
Non-armigerous Kingdom award
Kingdom of Caid
personal service to the King
highest excellence in armored combat
Out of Kingdom Honors Starting with K
Armigerous Principality Order
Principality of the Sun, Kingdom of Atenveldt
arts & sciences
Grant Order
Kingdom of Artemisia
excellence in arts and sciences and the teaching of those skills
Armigerous Kingdom Order
Kingdom of Æthelmearc
Non-armigerous award
Kingdom of the East
special merit in an act, a series of acts, or general behavior that is not already properly recognized by other East Kingdom awards
Non-armigerous award
Kingdom of the East
piller of the Crown
Non-armigerous Kingdom award
Kingdom of Northshield
Given for personal service to the King
Non-armigerous award
Kingdom of the East
special merit in an act, a series of acts, or general behavior that is not already properly recognized by other East Kingdom awards
Non-armigerous award
Kingdom of Calontir
personal service to himself or to the Crown
Non-armigerous award
Kingdom of An Tir
Personal service to the King
Non-armigerous Kingdom award
Kingdom of the West
Equestrian Arts
Non-armigerous Kingdom award
Kingdom of Drachenwald
Non-armigerous Kingdom award
Kingdom of the East
Non-armigerous award
Kingdom of the East
Non-armigerous Kingdom award
Kingdom of Atenveldt
personal service
Non-armigerous Kingdom award
Kingdom of the West