Awards and Honors by Name or Territory
Honors Starting with B
Miscellaneous Kingdom honor
Kingdom of Caid
Miscellaneous Baronial honor
Barony of Naevehjem
Miscellaneous Baronial honor
Barony of Wintermist
Special Service to the Baronage
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Dun Or
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Naevehjem
Miscellaneous Baronial honor
Barony of Altavia
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Dun Or
Miscellaneous Baronial honor
Barony of Western Seas
Miscellaneous Baronial honor
Barony of Altavia
Baroness's Favorclosed
Miscellaneous Baronial honor
Barony of Wintermist
Special Service to the Baroness
Armigerous Baronial Order
Barony of Western Seas
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Calafia
a Group or Individual for long-standing service to the Baron or Baroness.
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of the Angels
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Gyldenholt
Busy Beeclosed
Non-armigerous award
Shire of Heatherwyne
Out of Kingdom Honors Starting with B
Miscellaneous Kingdom honor
Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West
Miscellaneous Kingdom honor
Kingdom of Meridies
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Stromgard, Kingdom of An Tir
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Dragon's Mist, Kingdom of An Tir
Non-armigerous award
Barony of Dragonsspine, Kingdom of the Outlands
showing graciousness and courtesy
Miscellaneous Baronial honor
Barony of Rivenoak, Kingdom of the West
service to the Baroness
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Tarnmist, Kingdom of the West
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Bright Hills, Kingdom of Atlantia
those who have distinguished themselves by their excellent contributions to the barony
Non-armigerous award
Barony of Far West, Kingdom of the West
This is the Baronial award established to honor those members of the Barony who are at all times examples of courtesy and grace.
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Nordskogen, Kingdom of Northshield
service to the Barony by youth members
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Glymm Mere, Kingdom of An Tir
outstanding and continuing displays of service to the barony.
Special armigerous Order (between Principality and Baronial Orders in rank)
Kingdom of Atenveldt
those persons who have given service to the Kingdom of Atenveldt.
Non-armigerous Principality award
Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West
continued enrichment of the Principality through extraordinary service over an extended period of time
Miscellaneous Kingdom honor
Kingdom of An Tir
Armigerous Kingdom Order
Kingdom of Northshield
Given to those who show proficiency in one or more of the Arts or Sciences, including a level of participation beyond their own personal endeavors.
Non-armigerous Principality award
Principality of Cynagua, Kingdom of the West
Non-armigerous Principality award
Principality of Cynagua, Kingdom of the West
Special armigerous Order (between Principality and Baronial Orders in rank)
Barony of Atenveldt, Kingdom of Atenveldt
skill in the fighting arts
Armigerous Kingdom Order
Kingdom of Meridies
Default award rank - below everything
Kingdom of An Tir
The Bountiful Hand is bestowed by the Crown to the many individuals and groups who crontribute to the word fame of the Kingdom through donations of ti
Non-armigerous Baronial award
Barony of Fettburg, Kingdom of the West
service to the barony
Non-armigerous award
Barony of Far West, Kingdom of the West
Non-armigerous Kingdom award
Kingdom of the East
autocrats/cooks for events Royalty attended
Non-armigerous award
Barony of Far West, Kingdom of the West
This is the Baronial award established to honor those members of the Barony who are at all times examples of courtesy and grace.