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Minutes of the June 14, 2009 College of Heralds Meeting |
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Meeting commenced at 11:25 AM.
In attendance were: Su Crescent, Illuminada Dolphin, Jeanne Marie Noir Licorne, Martin Monteyro de Monte, Catherine de Winter, Thomas Quatrefoil, Eridana Trident, Cormac Battlement, John ap Griffin, Hrorek Chevron, and Tezar of Aeolis.
Upcoming meetings are: July 19, August 16, September 13, October 18, November 15, and December 20.
Unless otherwise noted, all submitters will accept the creation of a holding name, if appropriate. Approved submissions will be forwarded on the August 26, 2009 Letter of Intent.
Jorgen Gruuendale New Name and Device Per pale Or and gules a zule counterchanged.
[Name] Submitted as Jorgen Grunduhl. The submitter indicated no preferences on the name form, but verbally requested Danish and the surname meaning “green valley.” He asserts Grunduhl means “green valley” as found in a modern dictionary. The submitting herald found Gr{o/}n meaning green and dal meaning valley in a modern online dictionary. The name was changed to the documented form: Gruuendale
Jorgen is found in Danmarks Gamle Personnavne, I Fornavne 1, col.342 s.n. Georgius: Jorgen Lund 1438, Jorgen Lessow 1454.
Gruuendale is found in Danmarks Gamel Personnavne, II Tilnavne, col.372 s.n. Grupendal: Hennek{ae} Gruuendale 1412. (found by Owen ap Morgan, copies included). Since we were unable to document the submitted spelling, we have changed it to the documented form.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Courtney of the White Meadow. Name Change from Actaeone Courtney of the White Meadow and Device Change: Per bend sinister argent and purpure, an escallop inverted gules and a narwhale argent.
[Name] Her current name was registered March 1987 via Caid. The submitter will accept minor but not major changes, and does not care about the gender of the name. If the submitted name is registered, she wishes to release her previous name.
Courtney – is found in this spelling in “Surnames in 15th Century York” by Karen Larsdatter http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/york15/surnames-alphabetical.htm .
Withycombe notes (s.n. Courtenay, p. 75) this name is "one of the considerable number of aristocratic surnames now often used as christian names."
Withycombe also discusses how surnames were used in late period as given names on p. xii providing examples of a number of surnames used given names including Warham St. Leger (1525-97) and Lord Guildford Dudley (1536-1554) among others. Concerning the use of surnames as Christian names, Withycombe (xii) writes "The fashion became fairly general among the landed Gentry in Elizabeth's reign". That's certainly within period as her reign ended in 1603.
of the White Meadow – grandfathered to the submitter.
[Armory] Her current device, Per bend sinister argent and purpure, an escallop inverted gules and a narwhal embowed to base argent, was registered April 1986 via Caid. If the submitted armory is registered, she wishes to release her current device.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Einarr blóðøx. New Device: Per bend sinister argent and ermine, a bend sinister purpure, in chief an alphyn dormant contourny sable.
[Name] His name was forwarded to Laurel on the December 31, 2008 Caidan LoI.
[Armoy] Precedent states "It was the consensus of the College that a divided field in which the two parts are tinctures that share the same background is allowable if there is an ordinary to aid in the separation of the two parts, though the practice is not documented." [Thorgrimr inn kyrri, 02/2001, A-Atlantia] Thus the bend sinister allows this field combination to be registered.
Please advise the submitter to draw fewer, larger ermine spots.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Lorissa du Griffin. New Badge: Per pale argent and sable, semy of pawprints counterchanged within a bordure vert.
[Name] Name registered April 1976.
[Armory] The use of pawprints is a step from period practice.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Nathaniel Longbow. New Name and Device: Sable, two sabers in saltire inverted surmounted by a saber on a chief double-arched argent three pheons sable.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name and will accept minor but not major changes. No other preferences have been indicated.
Nathaniel is found in Withycombe (s.n. Nathanael, Nathaniel; p. 22) as a masculine name “Hebrew ‘God has given’, the name of one of the apostles, generally known by his patronymic Bartholomew (q.v.) This name has only been noted once in the Middle Ages, but it became fairly common after the Reformation, often abbreviated to Nat.” The name is listed (with low frequency) on several SCA name sites:
http://heraldry.sca.org/names/english/bishops.html Names found in Rangeworthy Bishops (1578)
http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/eng16/eng16mfreq.html Late Sixteenth Century English Given Names
http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/brasses/men.html Brass Inscription Index – Male Given Names (1588)
http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/eng16/eng16alpha.html Late Sixteenth Century English Given Names
Longbow is a constructed byname. Long- is found with weapons: R&W p. 284 s.n. Longspey meaning ‘Long sword’ Richard Longspey 1298, s.n. Longknyf “long knife’ Richard Longknyf 1332, s.n. Longstirap ‘long stirrup’ Elfald Langsirap 1183, and s.n. Longstaff ‘Long staff’ Hugo Longstaf 1210. -bow is found in R&W p 39 s.n. Benbow, William Bendebowe 1249, Benbowe 1545. Longbow seems a reasonable combination of the two elements.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Saint Firmin, College of. Resub Kingdom Device: Per pale sable and gules, a bull's head and in chief a laurel wreath argent.
[Name] The college's name was forward to Laurel on the December 31, 2008 Caid LoI.
[Armory] The college's previous submission, Per bend gules and sable, a bull statant guardant argent within an orle of grape vines Or, leaved and fructed, was returned for multiple reasons. This is a complete redesign. The petition appears on a submission form and is signed by two of the three officers (including the seneschal) and majority of the populace.
This is clear of Per pale gules and sable, a bull’s head caboshed argent (Ehrenfried Schertenleib,October 1999, Middle), , by the change of the field tinctured and the addition of the wreath.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Temperance Raynescrofte New Device, Purpure, on a pile ermine between four triquetra argent, a pithon vert winged Or.
[Name] Her name was forward to Laurel on the December 31, 2008 Caid LoI.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Amalgaid mac Donnucáin. New Device: Per pale vert and azure, two ferrets statant erect argent.
[Name] His name was registered October 2008 via Caid.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Peter Cadarn. New Name and Device. Sable, a rhinoceros statant and in canton three mullets of eight two and one argent.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name. He has indicated no other preferences.
Peter is the submitter's given legal name as shown on his California driver's license as attested by Cormac Mor Battlement and John ap Griffin, Baron of the Angels. Peter is also found in R&W (s.n. Hull, p. 243), which dates Peter de Hull to 1199.
Cadarn - Morgan and Morgan (s.n. Cardan, p. 61), dated in this spelling to 1215. It is a descriptive nickname, derived from the Welsh cadarn "strong".
[Armory] The submitter is advised to draw the mullets larger to improve their identifiability.
[Administrative note] This submission requires no fee from the submitter due to administrative issues at the baronial level.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Cormac Mór. New Badge and Blanket Permission to Conflict: (Fieldless) A mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent.
[Name] His name was registered February 2003 via Caid.
[Armory] This conflicts with Elyn de Hauocmore (submitted at the same time), Azure, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent and with Martin Monteyro do Monte (submitted at the same time), Vert, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent. Both Elyn and Martin have provided blanket letters of permission to conflict.
There is a possible conflict with Hans Dürrmast von der Wanderlust (January 2004, An Tir), (Fieldless) A mullet of five greater and five lesser points within and conjoined to an annulet argent. There's a CD for fieldlessness but nothing for the difference between a mullet of five points and a mullet of five greater and five lesser points. However, as that lack of difference is based on visual similarity, there's a chance it may not hold for a mullet voided and interlaced. As we were unable to find any prior rulings on the difference - or lack thereof - between a mullet and a mullet voided and interlaced (or between a mullet of six points and a Star of David), we are forwarding this for the College to discuss.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict applies to any fielded armory.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows. New Badge: (Fieldless) Two peacocks addorsed conjoined proper.
[Name] Her name was registered September 1990 via Caid.
[Armory] Originally blazoned as pavonated to base, the term pavonated (as of the April 2007 Cover Letter since it simply means to be colored like a peacock) is no longer used in SCA blazons. The peacocks are in their default posture.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows. New Badge and Blanket Permission to Conflict: Azure, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet Or.
[Name] Her name was registered September 1990 via Caid.
[Armory] While this conflicts with Darius of the Bells (August 2003, Ansteorra), (Fieldless) A mullet of four points within and conjoined to an annulet Or, Darius has provided a blanket letter of permission to conflict with his badge for any armory that is not identical. It also conflicts with Illuminada Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy (submitted at the same time), (Fieldless) A mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet Or, who has also included a blanket permission to conflict with her submission; as Brianna's badge is fielded, the permission to conflict applies. It also conflicts with Elyn de Hauocmore (submitted at the same time), Azure, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent; Elyn has included a blanket permission to conflict.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict is granted for armory that is one CD from this badge.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Colen MacDonald New Name and Device Argent a goblet inverted vert.
[Name] Submitted as Colen McDonald. The submitter desires a masculine name. He allows NO changes to the spelling Colen but will allow any other changes.
Colen is found in the Annals of the Four Masters M1225-19
On this occasion Mahon, the son of Hugh, who was son of Conor Moinmoy; Gilchreest Mac Dermot; Niall, the son of Farrell O'Teige, and others, were slain; but the man who slew Niall O'Teige, i.e. the brother of Colen O'Dempsey, was slain himself also.Colene is a masculine name dating to approximately 1591 in "Names from Papers Relating to the Murder of the Laird of Clader" compiled by Margareet Makafee (http://www/contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~grm/calder.html). Other names found in the same document include Colene Campbell, Colin Campbell of Londie, and Coline Campbell. The latter two support the use of the name with and without the terminal e.
Colen is also found as an English surname, John Colen, listed in the ‘precynct of seint Martene le Graunde’ in THE 1541 SUBSIDY ROLL FOR LONDON E. 179/144/120 ALLDRYCHEGATE WARDE at: '1541 LONDON SUBSIDY ROLL: Aldersgate Ward', Two Tudor subsidy rolls for the city of London: 1541 and 1582 (1993), pp. 1-9. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=36095&strquery=Colen. The use of surnames as given names is a documented late period practice in England. This is discussed by Withycombe on p. xii, where she notes "The fashion became fairly general among the landed Gentry in Elizabeth's reign".
McDonald is found in Black with the period spelling being MakDonald dated to 1571 and M’Donnyle 1326 and McDonyll 1521 (contacted submitter for preference). Per the September 2007 Cover Letter, McDonald is not registerable as Mc- is a scribal abbreviation. We have therefore expanded the name to MacDonald.
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Deirdre Oilithreach- New Device Per bend sinister wavy Or and sable, a compass star azure and an escallop argent
[Name] Her name was registered April 2004 via Caid.
[Armory] The use of a compass star is a step from period practice.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Feia Ambur. New Name and Device Lozengy argent and gules, on a chief gules a cat Or.
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name and allows no changes.
Feia is in Wickenden found as a feminine given name in 13-14th century (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/paul/), "Feia (f) -- Feia. 13-14th Centuries. [Lev 52]"
Ambur is also found in Wickenden (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/paul/), as an unmarked patronymic. "Ambur (m) -- Ivan Ambur. Before 1439. [Gra 114]".
Per precedent the use of an unmarked patronymic in a Russian name is one step from period practice: “Raymond Silverwood. Alternate name Vitek Nahaika. This name uses an unmarked patronymic in a Russian name; this is one step from period practice." 12/07 LoAR.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Kathryn Monelyght of Mythomstede Resub Laurel device, Or, a fountain between five mullets one, two and two sable.
[Name] Her name was registered July 2008 via Caid.
[Armory] Her previous submission, Or, on a mullet sable a fountain, was returned on the July 2008 LoAR for multiple conflicts. This is a complete redesign.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Michael Mallory New Name and Device: Sable, a sword argent between two monkeys sejant erect addorsed Or each maintaining a mug argent.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name and cares most about the sound (not specified).
Michael is found in "Late Sixteenth Century English Given Names" by Talan Gwynek (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/eng16/eng16alpha.html), with 19 instances.
Michael is also found in Withycombe, s.n. Michael, p. 218-9, in this spelling dated to 1196-1215, 1218,1303,1346 and is Hebrew meaning “Who is the Lord”.
Mallory is found in R&W (s.n. Mallory, p. 295) where it is dated in this spelling to 1255 Robert Mallory.
[Device] This conflicts with James the Black (July 2008, Atenveldt), Sable, a sword argent between a pair of gauntlets Or. There is a single CD for changing the type of secondary charges.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for conflict.
Patricius Arcuarius New Name and Device Argent, three wolf’s teeth sable issuant from dexter, and on a chief gules an arrow reversed Or.
[Name] The submitter allows minor but not major changes; no other preferences are indicated.
Patricius is found in Withycombe (s.n. Patrick, p. 239), dated in the requested spelling to 1200-12,1284, and 1379.
Arcuarius is found Doomsday Names, An Index of Latin Personal and Place Names found in the Doomsday Book, Compiled by KSB Keats-Rohan & David Thornton p. 242 meaning maker of bows.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary ( http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus %3Atext %3A1999.04.0059 %3Aentry%3D%233471) gives “arcŭārius , ii, m., a maker of bows, Dig. 50, 6, 6.”
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Reina MacCormick New Name and device, Sable semy-de-lis Or, a horse's head couped on a chief argent a rapier reversed sable.
[Name] Submitted as Reina McCormick. The submitter desires a feminine name and has indicated no other preferences. If McCormick is not registerable, the submitter’s second choice is McCormack.
Reina is dated to the 13th century in Withycombe s.n. Regina. It's noted as a name of French origin. Reina is found in R&W, p. 370, s.n. Rain: Reina, Reyna vidua dated to 1214 and 1244, ‘Fr. Reine, Lat. Regina “queen” a personal name found in France.’
Per precedent:
[Regina.] The College is opposed to the use of titles in names. We have received documentation that Regina specifically was a common given name in our period. Therefore, we will allow the use of Regina as a given name so long as there is no indication in the name that a claim to royalty exists. This means that Regina must be the first word of the Society name and that the Society name may not be in Latin, and that the word Regina may not be followed by any translation of "of X," where X is a place name, as that could indicate that the person was queen of that place. This use of Regina does not imply permission to use any other titles as names (e.g., you still can't have Earl or Rex). WVS [63] [LoAR 26 Feb 82], p. 7
MacCormick is found in Woulfe p. 115 (s.n. MacCormac) with Mac Cormaic. R&W have McCormick as the header spelling on p. 291; there are no dated forms.
Precedent states "As no evidence has been found that McCormick was used in English in addition to Scots (and Anglicized Irish)" (q.v. Vaska McCormick, 04/2002, R-Calontir); this implies that there is evidence for McCormick in Scots and Anglicized Irish therefore we are sending this submission forward with a request for help finding better documentation for this surname.
Per the September 2007 Cover Letter, "Mc-" is not registerable as it is a scribal abbreviation; it must be expanded to "Mac".
MacCormick was registered most recently in May 2002 via Trimaris, Diana MacCormick, with no comment on the surname, but regret that the name could not be wholly authentic for Scottish, as Diana was not found in Scotland.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Tanna de Litha New Name and Device Per bend embowed azure and argent, a mascle ployé argent.
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name and has indicated no other preferences.
Tanna is the submitter’s legal name; a copy of her driver's license included.
de Litha is found in R&W (s.n. Lyth, p. 289); Robert de Litha 1214, meaning “dweller by the slope.”
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Uluric de Exeforde Resub Kingdom Device Per saltire gules and azure, a saltire between two lions passant guardant and two fleurs-de-lys Or.
[Name] His name appears on the May 2009 minutes of the Caidan CoH and was be forwarded to Laurel on the 2009-06-25 LoI.
[Armory] His previous submission, Per saltire gules and azure, a saltire Or,was returned for conflict in May 2009.
There was discussion at the CoH meeting whether or not this is presumptuous. Crescent believes that it is evocative of England and France but not presumptuous.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Wölfel Wizsilberlin Resub Laurel Device Vert, three bendlets sinister between a wolf’s head erased contourny and an oak leaf bendwise sinister argent.
[Name] His name was registered December 2007 via Caid.
[Armory] His previous submission, Vert, two bendlets between a wolf's head couped and an oak leaf bendwise argent, was returned on the October 2008 LoAR:
This armory is in conflict with that of Alen Bendbow, Vert, on a bend between two bows bendwise argent, a bow vert. There is a single CD for the change of type of secondary charges, from bows to head-and-leaf.The redesign clears that conflict.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Elana Blakefenn. New Badge: Argent, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet vert, in chief seven pawprints three and four sable.
[Name] Her name was registered August 1984 via Ansteorra.
[Armory] The use of pawprints is a step from period practice. The use of a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet was not ruled a step from practice on the March 2009 LoAR, thus we believe this to be registerable.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict uses non-standard wording, to wit "With regard to my recent badge submission which includes a pentacle, permission is hereby given for any future submissions to conflict with the same charge, as long as the badge is not identical." It is signed with the submitter's SCA and modern names. While non-standard, we believe the intent is clear to grant permission to conflict with this badge for any non-identical armory.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Elyn de Hauocmore. New Badge: Azure, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent.
[Name] Her name was registered March 2004 via Caid.
[Armory] This conflicts with Cormac Mór (submitted at the same time), (Fieldless) A mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent, with Martin Monteyro do Monte (submitted at the same time), Vert, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent, and with Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows (submitted at this time), Azure, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet Or. All three have provided blanket letters of permission to conflict. Since Elyn's badge is fielded, Cormac's permission to conflict applies.
There is a possible conflict with Hans Dürrmast von der Wanderlust (January 2004, An Tir), (Fieldless) A mullet of five greater and five lesser points within and conjoined to an annulet argent. There's a CD for fieldlessness but nothing for the difference between a mullet of five points and a mullet of five greater and five lesser points. However, as that lack of difference is based on visual similarity, there's a chance it may not hold for a mullet voided and interlaced. As we were unable to find any prior rulings on the difference - or lack thereof - between a mullet and a mullet voided and interlaced (or between a mullet of six points and a Star of David), we are forwarding this for the College to discuss. There is a possible conflict with Somalia (important non-SCA flag, 9/2005 via Laurel), Azure, a mullet argent. There is a CD for adding the annulet. Again, there may be a CD for the voiding and interlacing - there are no prior explicit rulings one way or the other.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict is granted for armory that is one CD from this badge.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Erin Keturah de Beuington. Name Change from Edana of Dreiburgen and Device: Argent, a chevron rompu azure between two four-leaf clovers slipped and a crab gules.
[Name] Her name was registered April 1996 via Caid. If this name is registered she wishes to release her previous name. The submitter desires a feminine name, no other preferences are indicated.
Erin is the submitter's legal given name; her California driver's license was seen and can be attested to by Illuminada Dolphin and Jeanne Marie Noir Licorne.
Keturah is the name of one of Abraham’s wives found in Genesis 25:1.
Biblical names were used in England during period. In a similar case, Laurel ruled:
Ethan was documented as "a biblical name, [...] found in I Kings 4:31 as well as the 89th Psalm." There was some question regarding the registerability of Ethan as a late period English name since no evidence could be found that Ethan was one of the Biblical names that came into use in England after the Reformation. Given the number of Biblical names that came into use in England at that time, and given that we know of no reason that the name Ethan would not have been included among the Biblical names adopted at that time, we are giving the submitter the benefit of the doubt and registering this name. [Ethan Stewart, 06/03, A-Æthelmearc]
Similarly, we know of no reason that the name Keturah would not have been included among the Biblical names adopted at that time and thus are forwarding this for Pelican to rule on its registerability.
de Beuington – is found in R&W (s.n. Bevington, p. 42), dated as Nicholas de Beuington to 1221.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Geoffrey Longschankes New Name
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He allows minor but not major changes. If the name must be changed, he cares most about sound. He will not allow a holding name.
Geoffrey is found in Withycombe (s.n. Geoffrey, p. 128); “Geoffrey was common in England from the 12th to 15th C, giving rise to many surnames … Geoffrey was rather uncommon from the 15th to the 19th C.”
Longschankes is found in R&W (s.n. Longshank, Longshanks, p. 284), dated in this spelling to 1315, meaning ‘crane legs’.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Martin Monteyro do Monte New Badge and Blanket Permission to Conflict: Vert, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent.
[Name] His name was registered October 2005 via Caid. [Armory] This conflicts with Cormac Mór (submitted at the same time), (Fieldless) A mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent, and with Elyn de Hauocmore (submitted at the same time), Azure, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent. Both Elyn and Cormac have provided blanket letters of permission to conflict. Since Martin's badge is fielded, Cormac's permission to conflict applies.
There is a possible conflict with Hans Dürrmast von der Wanderlust (January 2004, An Tir), (Fieldless) A mullet of five greater and five lesser points within and conjoined to an annulet argent.
There's a CD for fieldlessness but nothing for the difference between a mullet of five points and a mullet of five greater and five lesser points. However, as that lack of difference is based on visual similarity, there's a chance it may not hold for a mullet voided and interlaced. As we were unable to find any prior rulings on the difference - or lack thereof - between a mullet and a mullet voided and interlaced (or between a mullet of six points and a Star of David), we are forwarding this for the College to discuss.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict is granted for armory that is one CD from this badge.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Mary Dedwydd verch Gwallter. New Badge: (Fieldless) A mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet per pale argent and gules.
[Name] Her name was registered November 2000 via Caid.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict applies to any fielded armory.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Conrad Fürstein- New Name and Device: Per bend argent and gules, a furison and a tower counterchanged.
[Name] The submitter allows all changes and has marked no preferences.
Conrad is found in Withycombe (s.n. Conrad, p. 72), “Old German Conrad, Chonrad, compound of conja ‘bold and rad ‘counsel’. The name of a 10thC saint, Bishop of Constance. This is essentially a German name, but has been occasionally used in England, the earliest example noted being Conrad Nye, rector of Foxley, Wilts, from 1436.” Conrad is also found in "Late Period German Masculine Given Names" by Talan Gwynek (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/germmasc.html); it is found in 15th C Arnsburg.
Fürstein is found in Bahlow/Gentry 2nd (s.n. Feuer, p. 120); “Feuerstein [fire stone], Benz Fürstein (a farmer) near Rottwiel 1347, Wernher Fürstein 1160.”
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Evaine de Burgoyne. New Name and Device: Per bend sinister azure and argent, a wing and a cinquefoil counterchanged.
[Name] Submitter desires a feminine name. She allows minor but not major changes, no other preferences are indicated.
Evaine is based on the February 1989 LoAR (q.v. Evayne Addenbrook), which notes "The name 'Evaine; is not 'made-up;, either by the submittor or by Katherine Kurtz! In one version of the Arthurian tradition, Evaine was the sister of Elaine and the wife of King Bors (hence the mother of Lionel and Bors who were cousins of Lancelot)."
Evaine is found in The Arthurian Name Dictionary by Christopher W. Bruce (Taylor & Francis, Inc: 1999), which can be seen at Google books (http://tinyurl.com/lz8lom) under Evaine, p. 161, with the same information as found in the LoAR.
de Burgoyne – is found in R&W (s.n. Burgoin, p. 74), dated as de Burgoyne to 1319.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Illuminada Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy. New Badge and Blanket Permission to Conflict. (Fieldless) A mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet Or.
[Name] Her name was registered April 2008 via Caid. [Armory] This conflicts with Darius of the Bells (August 2003, Ansteorra), (Fieldless) A mullet of four points within and conjoined to an annulet Or. Darius has provided a blanket letter of permission to conflict with his badge for any armory that is not identical. It also conflicts with Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows (submitted at the same time), Azure, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet Or. Brianna has included a blanket permission to conflict with her submission.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict applied to any fielded armory.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Parzival von Hamborg. New Name and Device: Gules, a chalice Or on a chief argent three Latin crosses moline sable.
[Name] Name submitted as Parzival von Hamburg. Submitter desires a masculine name. He allows minor but not major changes, and if the name must be changed, cares most about language and/or culture: German, 14th century.
Parzival is found in Gentry, p. 363, s.n. Parseval: "The name of the knight of the Grail in the epic Parzival by the MHG-Bav. poet Wolferam von Eschenback; became a popular f.n. and surn. around 1250-1350 in noble, knightly and patrician circles."
von – generic German locative marker (from).
Hamborg – is found in Atlas Maior, Jean Bleau p. 105, and is also found in Bahlow/Gentry 2nd, p187, s.n. Hamborg, Hamborch: “Hamburg on the lower Elbe is an old ‘swamp castle’ (Hammeburg)”. Since Bahlow’s comment seems to indicate that the spelling Hamburg is the modern variant, we are changing the name to the documented period form.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Phelan de Bruce- Resub Kingdom Device: Per fess gules and azure, three bezants and a catapult Or.
[Name] His name was registered March 2001 via Caid.
[Armory] The submitter's previous submission, Azure, a catapult Or and on a chief gules three bezants, was returned at the November 2005 Caidan CoH meeting for color on color. This is a complete redesign. The submitter is encouraged to draw all four of the charges larger to make them more easily recognized.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Raven Tabur. New Name and Device: Argent, a triquetra vert between three wolves courant to sinister azure.
[Name] The submitter does not care about the gender of the name, will accept minor but not major changes, and cares most about the meaning ‘drummer’, the sound ‘raven’ and an unspecified language and culture.
Raven is found in R&W (s.n. Raven, p. 372) as a surname, William Raven 1133-60, and as a given name, Rauen de Engelbi 1185. The examples (R&W, s.n. Ravenhall, p. 372) of Willelmus filius Rauenilde 1297 and William Revenild 1276 illustrates the inter-changeability of /u/ and /v/.
Tabur is found in R&W (s.n. Taber, p. 438), Suein Taber 1185, Adam Tabur 1204, OFr rabur, tabout ‘drum, tabor’, by metonymy for Taberer. Taberer on the same page ‘A derivative of ME tab(e)re ‘to play on the tabor’ or from OFr tabor, tabour ‘tabout’; ‘one who plays the tabor, a drummer’. The consulting herald notes that the submitter prefers the submitted form Tabur to Taberer.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Susanna Willingham. New Name
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name and wants a name authentic for 11th - 12th century English.
Susanna is found in Withycombe, p. 273-4, s.n. Susan(nah), as a feminine name. “Hebrew Shushannah ‘lily’, the name of the heroine of the apocryphal Book of Susannah and the Elders. The name is found occasionally in the 13th C, but did not become common until the 17th C”. Withycombe dates Susanna from the Curia Rolls in this spelling to 1200, 1201, 1203, 1205, and 1213.
Willingham is found in R&W p. 493-4 s.n. Willingham “Odo de Willingeham 1190, John Wylyngham 1394, William Wyllyngham 1445-6, From Willingham or North, South, Cherry Willingham or Willingham on Stow.”
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Ceridwen Killian. New Badge: Per pale Or and sable, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet counterchanged.
[Name] Her name was registered April 1999 via Caid.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict is granted for armory that is one CD from this badge.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Sigbi{o,}rn Sigmundarson Resub Kingdom Device: Gules, a bear statant erect argent and on a chief Or the Futhark runic characters sowilo, isaz and gebo sable.
[Name] His name was forward to Laurel on the December 31, 2008 Caid LoI.
[Armory] The submitter’s previous device, Gules, a bear statant erect argent and on a chief Or the runes Sowilo, Isaz, and Gebo sable, was returned at the October 2008 Caid CoH meeting after changing the blazon to Gules, a bear statant erect argent and on a chief Or the Greek characters sigma, iota and chi sable.
According to the Viking Answer Lady, the runes used by the submitter would be considered "long-branch" or normal Younger Futhark, which are sometimes referred to as the "Danish runes". (http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/callig.shtml#RuneHistory). We are also referred from that source to Arild Hauge's Runes that also indicates these are Danish-Germanic runes dated to 500 ce. (http://www.arild-hauge.com/eindex.htm).The submitter blazoned the letters on the chief as the runes Sowilo, Isaz, and Gebo. We were unable to verify that this is an accurate depiction of Sowilo; it most closely resembles the Greek letter sigma. We therefore have blazoned this using Greek character names, as the first character looks exactly like a Greek chi. We request that the submitter document the depiction he is using or choose the more standard Sowilo. The meaning of the letters must also be specified. We assume it is intended to spell the sound "SIG", a shortened form of his chosen given name.
The bear on the device is not drawn in a heraldic posture, rather it is somewhat trian, or three-quarters view. This is cause for return, per RfS VIII.4.
We suggest that at the time of submission, the submitter indicate the reason for choosing the indicated runes so we may better represent his desires.
Elspeth Charissa aus Reinwald. New Badge and Blanket Permission to Conflict: Purpure, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet, a bordure argent.
[Name] Her name was registered July 1990 via Caid.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict is granted for armory that is one CD from this badge.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Cithruadh Duibh New Name and Device Purpure, on a chief triangular argent a raven maintaining a spear sable.
[Name] Submitted as Cithrúadh duban. The submitter will accept minor but not major changes and does not care about the gender. The submitter desires the name to be early Irish sounding something like “Kythera”.
Cithrúadh - Cithruadh (without the accent) is found in "Index of Names in Irish Annals: Ciothruadh" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Ciothruadh.shtml) by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan as a masculine given name. It is found in the raw data, dated in this spelling to 1478 and 1518. The Early Modern Irish Gaelic (c1200-c1700) nominative form is given as Ciothruadh. It is also found undated in OCM (pg. 52, header).
Duibh – The submitted form of Duban is an unmarked patronymic. The closest descriptive bynames which mean “black” are listed below: Dub / Dubh is found in "Index of Names in Irish Annals" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsIndex/DescriptiveBynames/Dub.shtml), from 582 through 1590 as a descriptive byname meaning “black” (probably refers to hair color).
- Old Irish Gaelic (c700-c900) genitive form - Duib
- Middle Irish Gaelic (c900-c1200) nominative form: - Dub
- Middle Irish Gaelic (c900-c1200) genitive form: - Duib
- Early Modern Irish Gaelic (c1200-c1700) nominative form: - Dubh
- Early Modern Irish Gaelic (c1200-c1700) genitive form: - Duibh
Cithruadh Duibh seems to be the closest spelling which keeps the name elements within the same timeframe (around the year 1500).
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Cithruadh Duibh. New Badge and Blanket Permission to Conflict: (Fieldless) A mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet purpure.
[Name] Her name is submitted name above.
[PtC] The blanket permission to conflict applied to any fielded armory.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel. Blanket permission to conflict forwarded to Laurel.
Pentacles: The following badge submissions are presented together because of their application of the recent pentacle precedent and the overlapping blanket letters of permission to conflict that accompany them. The submissions are listed in the order they were received.
See above: Brianna Je Nell Aislynn of Blue Shadows, Ceridwen Killian, Cithruadh Duibh, Cormac Mór, Elana Blakefenn, Elspeth Charissa aus Reinwald, Elyn de Hauocmore, Illuminada Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy, Martin Monteyro do Monte, Mary Dedwydd verch Gwallter,
The relevant precedent from the March 2009 LoAR:
Ailis Linne. Badge. (Fieldless) A mullet of five points voided and interlaced within and conjoined to an annulet azure.There is a long history of rulings regarding the unregisterability of mullets voided and interlaced (also known as pentacles or pentagrams), beginning as early as 1973 by Ioseph of Locksley and including rulings or correspondence in 1976, 1978, 1979, 1990, 1994, and 1996. The ruling in 1990 was appealed to the Board of Directors, as reflected and discussed on the April 1991 Cover Letter. As specified in that Cover Letter, the primary argument against the registerability of this charge was that "the device was not returned for its specific religious content as perceived by the submitter and her co-religionists, but for the specific anti-religious content as perceived by a far larger number of people, both within and without the SCA." The 1996 ruling was an appeal of a return from 1994, and after considering the various arguments, the then Laurel King of Arms, Da'ud ibn Auda, felt "compelled to uphold the prior precedents disallowing the registration of mullets of five points voided and interlaced, whether within and conjoined to an annulet or standing by themselves. [Based on the evidence presented, s]uch charges still are perceived by a significant portion of the population as [a] "satanic symbol", and hence cannot be registered by the College."The current submission presents extensive documentation showing that the pentacle or pentagram is no longer perceived as a specifically satanic symbol. Instead, it has become more closely recognized as a symbol of the Wiccan religion. For example, the US military services have acknowledged the Wiccan religion in their Chaplain's handbook since at least 1990, and, more recently, the association of the pentacle with the Wiccan religion was acknowledged by the US government when the pentacle became the Wiccan religious symbol allowed on the government-furnished headstones of fallen US soldiers.
We received a large amount of commentary on this submission from the College, and the consensus was overwhelmingly in favor of dropping the ban on this charge. We hereby overturn the ruling from 1996, and allow the registration of mullets voided and interlaced, both inverted and not, and both conjoined to annulets and not, so long as the overall design in which this charge is used does not otherwise violate RfS IX.2 Offensive Religious Symbolism.
Danmarks Gamle Personnavne, I Fornavne 1,
Aryanhwy merch Catmael. Names from Choisy, France, 1475-1478, http://heraldry.sca.org/names/french/choisy.html
Bahlow, Hans. Dictionary of German Names. translated by Edda Gentry, University of Wisconsin, Madison: Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, 1967, English version: 2002. [Bahlow/Gentry 2nd]
Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning, and History. New York: The New York Public Library, 1946. Ninth printing, 1989. [Black]
Bleau, Jean. Atlas Maior of 1665.Taschen, Barnes and Noble, NY.
Harris, Karen, “Surnames in 15th Century York” by Karen Larsdatter (sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/york15/surnames-alphabetical.htm).
Keats-Rohan, KSB and Thornton, David. Doomsday Names, An Index of Latin Personal and Place Names found in the Doomsday Book.
Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (Kathleen M. O'Brien). Index of Names in Irish Annals: Ciothruadh
Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (Kathleen M. O'Brien). Index of Names in Irish Annals: Dub/Dubh
Reaney, P. H., and Wilson, R. M. A Dictionary of English Surnames Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press, 3rd ed. 1995. [R&W]
Talan Gwynek. “Late 16c English Given Names” http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/eng16/eng16alpha.html
Wickenden of Thanet, Paul. A Dictionary of Period Russian Names. Mountain View, CA: SCA Inc. – Free Trumpet Press West, 3rd ed. 2001.
Withycombe, E. G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names. Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press 3rd ed. 1977. [Withycombe]
Woulfe, Patrick. Sloinnte Gaetheal ir Gall: Irish Names and Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1967. [Woulfe]
'1541 LONDON SUBSIDY ROLL: Aldersgate Ward', Two Tudor subsidy rolls for the city of London: 1541 and 1582 (1993), pp. 1-9. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=36095&strquery=Colen
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