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Minutes of the March 29, 2009 College of Heralds Meeting |
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Meeting commenced at 11:08 AM.
In attendance were: Su Crescent, Illuminada Dolphin, Hrorek Chevron, Catherine de Winter, Cormac Battlement, Eridana Trident, Damien Sable Fret, Lachlan Silver Abacus, Thomas Quatrefoil, Tighearnan Coral.
Upcoming meetings are: April 5, May 17, June 14, July 19, August 16, September 13, October 18, November 15, either December 20.
Dec. LoAR includes directions for summarizing documentation for names.
Unless otherwise noted, all submitters will accept the creation of a holding name, if appropriate. Approved submissions will be forwarded on the May 31 2009 Letter of Intent.
Erycha Scotte. Kingdom Resubmission Name.
Previous submission Erycha von Scotte was returned at the Dec 2008 kingdom meeting
[Name] Erych – Ricardus Erych dtd to 1288. is found in The Publications of the Selden Society by Seldon Society, p. xxix.
In Leet Juristiction in the City of Norwich during the XIIIth and XIVth century Ed by William Hudson , Instriduction IV. 4 p.xxix is found:
One of these exceptoins is in the Roll of 1288. Under the sublet of S. Conesford it is stated (p.2): ‘Omnes in Mia pro concelamento. Presentat etiam Ricardus Erych quod Alanus de Catton invenit ix bidentes submerses etc. Richard Erych was one of the Capital Pledges
In Diplomatarium Norvegicum by Christian Christopher at: http://books.google.com/books?id=hIQBAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA376&dq=erych#PPA376,M1 p. 376-7 is found:
“8 Juli 1527 Tangermünde.
Entry is signed? By Hertzoge Erych etc.”
Additionally, Erica – is found in Yonge, History of Christian Names undated, and Ereche, Ericke and Ehricke are all found in Bahlow p. 106.
With these various spellings and a multitude of other feminine names ending in “a”, the college believes adding an ‘a’ to make the masculine name feminine is a reasonable change.
Scotte is found in R&W s.n. Scotson cites Alexander Scotteson 1379 PTY ‘son of scot.’ According to the Dictionary of Surnames, Hanks and Hodges, Schött(e), Schott(e) was also used in the middle ages for peddlars who traveled around the country, because many of whom were originally from Scotland. (Without von) Also found Scott(e). From Brechenmacher. Vol. II p. 360 Johanne Scotus the old Scotus that one sometimes finds in old Europe comes from Scots, for example, Johanne Scotus in 11th cent. There was a Michael Scotus in 1232, Johannus duns Scotus was born 1266 in Scotland, dies 1307 in Cologne,
The college believes that Erica Soctus, might be plausible, as would Erica Schotte/Scotte.This submission is pended to the next meeting for consultation.
Æthelwynne of the Angels. New Name and New Device. Sable,, a cross patonce Or between four mullets argent.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. No other preferences are indicated.
Æthelwynne is found in Anglo-Saxon Women's Names from Royal Charters by Marieke van de Dal (Christina Krupp) http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/marieke/anglosaxonfem/ Æthelwyn, Æþelwynne S-1497, 990x1001; English.
of is the common English preposition meaning “from”.
the Angels is a barony of Caid (the “A” in Caid) registered as Angels, Barony of the, so ‘the’ has been included to match the documentation), where the submitter resides.
[Device] The opinion of the College of Caid is that this is clear of: Sable, a cross Avellane Or between four roses argent, barbed and seeded Or, (Aveline de la Rose, Feb 92) with one CD for the secondaries, and another because the cross patonce is a period charge, while the registered one is not a period charge, preference should be given to the period charge.
Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Æthelwynne of the Angels. New Badge. (Fieldless) a swan naiant contourny .
[Name] See above submission.
[Badge] While this is clear of Argent a legless quail close to sinister reguardant sable (Kathren of Sandesward, 08/ 82) with one CD for fieldless, and another for kind of bird per the 11/03 cover letter, it does conflict with Per pale Or and gules, a swan naiant countourny sable, (Guðrún Valdísardóttir 09/02, originally registered to Gabrielle de La Roche, but her name was changed.
Badge is returned for conflict.
Aubray Brangwyne de Vitry. Laurel Resubmission device. Per pale vert and purpure, a chevron rompy between two quills and a wolf passant Or and an orle Or counterchanged.
[Name] Registered 07/07.
[Device] Originally returned 08/07: Per chevron vert and purpure, on a pile Or a feather vert, overall a chevron rompu counterchanged purpure and Or.
This device is return for violating the Rules for Submission (RfS) section VIII.3, Armorial Identifiability, which states "Elements must be used in a design so as to preserve their individual identifiability." The section goes on to state "Identifiable elements may be rendered unidentifiable by significant reduction in size, marginal contrast, excessive counterchanging, voiding, or fimbriation, or by being obscured by other elements of the design."
In general, a charge may only be counterchanged over another charge if both are ordinaries. The assumption is that both charges will maintain their identifiability in such cases. However, in the submitted emblazon counterchanging the chevron rompu fatally hampers its identifiability. This must therefore be returned.
It was suggested that this be reblazoned as Per chevron vert and purpure, on a pile Or a feather vert, overall a chevron rompu Or counterchanged purpure. While this is a valid blazon, we have only twice registered this form (specifying a single tincture) twice - once in 1986 and once in 1988. The form counterchanged tincture 1 and tincture 2 has been registered almost 300 times. In order maintain clarity of the blazon, we have elected to use the slightly longer blazon and specified both tinctures.
This must be returned because there is a color issue. It is recommended that the submitter print outline copies and color them using markers (rather than print the colors). Lachlan volunteered to consult.
Device returned for unidentifiable tinctures.
Cormac Mor. New household name. Peerless House and New Badge. (Fieldless) a pelican in her piety argent within and conjoined to an orle of chain Or.
[Name] Peerless is a header in Reaney and Wilson, p. 344 Richard Pereles, 1377 John Pereles, 1472 Test Ebor. “Without equal, peer” OFr pair, OE –lēas. Submitter specifically will accept the spelling Pereles dated 1377 and 1472.
Peer is found in COED p 2113 in this spelling is dated to 1386 Chaucer, Chanticler In al the land of crowying nas his peer.
Peerless is found in COED p 2113 in this spelling is 1667 Milton… at length Apparent Queen unvalid her peerless light.
[Badge] This badge is returned by the Caidan College of Heralds for violation of the current rules for submission, XI.1. It includes reserved charges – both the gold chain and the pelican it her piety, which are reserved to the order and members of the order of chivalry and the order of pelican respectively. The submitter is appealing the college’s decision, and therefore this is being forwarded to Laurel for decision.
This appeal is forwarded without the support of the college, though we support his right to be heard and appeal Crescent's decision.
The current proposal before Wreath regarding the removal of restriction of use of chains and pelicans was discussed at the meeting in conjunction with the submission and appeal of this badge. Comments from the meeting were:
“ This is a perfect example of why the reservations should not be dropped. “
A local pelican said: “I see no reason that the rules should be changed, because the use of either of these charges will be seen as presumptuous. The fact that the Laurels don’t have a charge reserved to them should not matter.”
“It is not a good idea, echoing the idea that it will appear to be presumptuous.”
“There are already enough situations where new people are confronted by vocal members, this would likely create more situations which would lend themselves to confrontation.”
“We are human beings, and we want to have easy identification for certain ranks,”
“If it is no longer reserved from heraldry, then they can no longer be meaningfully reserved as regalia.”
“If the SCA is going to have any restricted items, then there should be a restriction for each of the peerages.”
Cormac's letter of appeal is included in it's entirety:
At the March 29 Caidan College of Heralds, Mistress Su of the Silver Horn, Crescent Principal Herald returned my submitted badge, "(Fieldless) a pelican in her piety argent within and conjoined to an annulet of chain Or," citing RfS XI.1, which prohibits the use of "elements reserved to or required of certain ranks, positions, or territorial entities," and the Glossary of Terms Table 1, which protects "orles or annulets of chain" for knights, and a pelican in its piety for the Order of the Pelican. I hereby appeal this decision to Laurel, to ask the College of Arms for commentary on whether or not this badge is truly presumptuous.
In the November 2008 Letter of Acceptances and Returns, discussion was requested on whether the reservation of the chain and the pelican should be lifted, allowing anyone to register these symbols which have up to now been exclusive to the Order of Knighthood, the Order of the Pelican, and the respective members of each. Should this restriction be lifted, the ability to use either of these charges would be opened to any submitter, regardless of rank, and (at least in theory) not convey the appearance of presumption. Regalia of the Orders would be kept intact; only the use of the symbols in armory would be affected.
I vehemently disagree with this proposed change of Laurel policy, because I feel that use of the symbols within Society armory cannot be separated from their use as regalia. There is no mode of heraldic display in which use of either of these symbols would not be mistaken by many as a claim of membership in one of the peerages. My submission, a fieldless badge which combines the two symbols in question, may be considered an extreme example, but by no means can it be considered an impossible, or indeed an improbable, reaction to the proposed change. In my role as the Devil's Advocate submitter, I link this badge with a submitted household name, "Peerless House," and state my intent to use the armory as a livery badge for all members of my house, to be worn either as a pendant from a chain around the neck, or embroidered upon the back of a cloak. In this way, I seek to demonstrate the inherent presumption of using these charges within the context of Society heraldry and heraldic display.
While submitters commenters may feel differently about the probability of non-Peers who use these charges to be mistaken for Peers, I hope that this modest example of a post-change submission may cause Laurel to think twice before releasing these protected Society symbols. It should be noted for the sake of completeness that I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the Order of Chivalry, the Order of the Pelican, or the Order of the Laurel, and fully recognize that under the current rules, submission of this badge by a non-Peer is clearly presumptuous. I sincerely hope it stays that way.
Cormac Mór
Battlement Pursuivant, Caid
Crescent's Comments
While Cormac's methods leave much to be desired, and he tends to tongue-in-cheek heraldry; in this case, he is trying to make a very important point through example.
As a double peer (Laurel/Pelican) and herald since at least 1975, during that time I have changed my own arms four times; each time the heraldry has improved in both design and historial accuracy. I have absolutely no desire at all (not even the slightest) to have either some designation for the Laurel or the bleeding bird on my arms. I even have serious doubts if I would want add a heraldic augmentation if awarded.
No, the unadorned chain should not be unreserved.
No, the pelican (in her piety) should not be unreserved.
I don't think the opinions of the Caidan College of Heralds could be clearer.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Badge forwarded as appealed. These submissions were submitted on a separate LoI on 4/19/09.
Jean-Christophe Messier. Resub Kingdom Device. Per chevron vert and sable, a chevron between three mullets and a cross botony argent.
[Name] Submitted on the 12/31/08 LoI
[Device]The previous submission, Vert, a chevron between three mullets and a cross botony argent, was withdrawn by the submitter for conflict with Vert, a chevron between three apples in chevron and a lion sejant, queue-forchy argent.( Julienne Thorne 12/96) with only one CD for change in type of secondary charges. This submission clears that conflict.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Anne Noe of York. Laurel Name Resubmission.
[Name] The submitter cares most about the sound of the name, being close to “No-E” or “No-Ay” No other preferences ere indicated
The submitter’s previous submitted name was returned by Laurel 12-08:
Anne Ouy de York. Name.The byname Ouy was documented from Dauzat, Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille et Prenoms de France, s.n. Ouy. However, that entry gives no indication that the surname Ouy was found in our period. None of the commenters provided alternative documentation for Ouy. Lacking evidence that it is either a period surname or a plausible spelling of a period surname, it is not registerable. We cannot drop the problematic element as Anne de York would conflict with the queen consort of Richard, the last king of the house of York, who ruled from 1483-1485.
Anne is found in Withycombe, p.25, header Anne as the French version of the Hebrew Hannah and was a favorite Byzantine name and brought from France to England in 1218 but was rare until the beginning of the 14th C. Anne is also found in Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames Part Two: The Names A-G by Talen Gwynek http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyAG.html , header Ann: Anne*1327 Dambell and Anne 1566 Thackeray; 1568 Hamlet; 1576 Coryat; 1592 Vicars. The * indicates that in this instance it is a matronymic.
Noe is found in Reaney & Wilson pg 325 under the heading Noy. Dated to c.1125 StCh; Thomas filius Noe 1185 Templars (Wa), meaning “long lived”.
de York is a locative byname. Reaney & Wilson s.n. York, p. 508 cites John de York 1324.
The addition of the locative de York should remove any conflict with Anna Oy, registered via the East LoI 04/08..
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Gregory Lucan. New Device. Quarterly vert and argent, a compass rose and a bordure counterchanged.
[Name] Submitted on the 01/30/08 LoI.
Device is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Haraldr hlátr-mildr. Resub Laurel Device, Per fess indented argent gouty de sang and vert.
[Name] Currently in Laurel Resubmission on the Caid Feb 12, 2009 LoI.
[Device] Previous submission was Returned by Laurel May 08 LoAR.
This device is returned for conflict with the badge for Caelin on Andrede, Argent goutty de sang. The mountain, despite its size, is considered a peripheral charge. Thus, there is but one CD for adding the peripheral charge.
This depiction of a mountain, which crosses the center line, is sufficient reason for return. Precedent states:
As noted in the LoAR of September 1993, p. 10, "mountains, as variants of mounts, should be emblazoned to occupy no more than the lower portion of the field". As in the emblazon here the mountain is sufficiently high so as to immediately be thought of as a per chevron field by most of the commenters and everyone at the Laurel meeting, there are multiple conflicts with "[Field], a rose Or". This needs at the very least to be redrawn so it is identifiable as a mountain rather than a field division. [Tara of Montrose, 04/94]
The submitter has received a letter of permission to conflict with Caelin on Andrede (m.k.a. Richard Threlkeld) included:
I, (modern name) known in the SCA as Caelin on Andrede give (modern name), known in the SCA as Haraldr hátr-mildr permission for armory “Per fess indented argent gouty de sang and vert” to look similar to, but not identical to, my armory, “Argent, gouty de sang”, registered Oct. ’02 via the Ansteorra. I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once Haraldr hátr-mildr armory is registered. Signed… Dated 3/23/2009
No conflicts found.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Konrad Faust Tyndell. New Name.
[Name] Submitter allows minor changes, wants a masculine name.
Konrad a common German given name 67 people out of 1280 from 1451-1500 and 121 out of 4204 from 1501-1550 found on Late Period German Masculine Given Names by Talan Gwynek (Brian M. Scott) scott@math.csuohio.edu, http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/germmasc.html .
Faust is a German epithet vust (1270) and later a surname (16th century magician Georg Faust) meaning “fist”, The same magician went by Faustus (latin given name).
St Gabriel Report 2190 http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/showfinal.cgi?2190+0
“The history of the name <Faustus> is slightly complex. The German name derives originally from an older form of the word <Faust> 'fist'. It is recorded as an epithet as early as 1270, <Wessel mit der vust> "Wessel with the fist". The best-known bearer of the name is the 16th century magician Georg Faust. He also styled himself <Faustus>, making a play on the Latin word <faustus> "lucky" [3]. Much earlier in history, the Latin word itself was used as the basis for a name; there were several early Saints Faustinus and a 5th century Saint Faustus [4]. However, these names did not remain in use in Germany into the Middle Ages. <Faustus> did not come back into use as a given name until the 19th century [6].”
[3] Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann, _Etymologisches Woerterbuch der deutschen Familiennamen_ (Limburg a. d. Lahn, C. A. Starke-Verlag, 1957-1960), s.n. Faust.
Tyndell is found as a locative surname in Reaney & Wilson pg 448 under Tindal. meaning from the valley or river of Tyne. Dated spellings include de Tindal 1165 P (Nb); Roger Tindale 1332 SRCu; John Tyndall 1395 Whitby (Y).
Tindal - RED 1613
Tindall - LON 1581 1590 1606 1608 NSA 1603 WHK 1595 1604
Tyndell - DSO 1545 1602 GAI 1606 RED 1578
Also found in Ekwall pg 484 under the header Tyne Tyndedale is Tindala 1158 a rivername.
At most name this is one step from period practice with the German name with an English locative.
Eridana will provide additional consultation with the submitter.
Name is returned for additional consultation.
Maluchka Korotkova. New Device. Or estencelly gules, a turtle bendwise sinister vert.
[Name] Submitted on the 12/31/08 LoI.
Device is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Þorfinr brimill - Laurel Resubmission Device, Per pale azure and argent a three-headed dog statant to sinister and a chief embattled sable.
[Name] Registered August 2007.
[Device] The previous submission was returned Oct 2008
Per pale azure and argent, a three-headed dog statant contourny sable. This device is in conflict with the badge of Malcom Leslie the Scot, (Fieldless) A Scottish terrier statant contourny sable, the badge of Lorn Stark, (Fieldless) A wolf courant contourny sable, and the device of Lettice Atwode of Sandhyll, Gyronny gules and Or, a greyhound statant contourny sable. In each case, there is a CD for changes to the field but nothing for the posture and nothing for the difference between a normal dog and a three-headed dog, per the precedent: "[a three-headed hydra vs a dragon] Details of the dragons, including number of heads... count for nothing. (Thomas Grayson of Falconridge, 3/98 p. 22)"
The addition of the chief removes these conflicts.
The device is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Thorgrim Tryggvason. New Name.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name, will accept minor but not major changes, and if changes must be made, cares most about the unspecified sound.
Submitted as Thorgrim Tryggvisson, we have changed the spelling of the patronymic to match the suggestions from Gierr Bassi pg. 17 - names which end in /i/ the final vowel would change to /a/ and then add son to make it patronymic.
Thorgrim is found in Nordiskt runnamnslexikon s.n. ÞórgrímR found on pg 99.
Tryggvason Tryggvi is also found in Nordiskt runnamnslexikon as a given name, the header on page 96, where the author indicates that it is derived from the adjective meaning “trusty, faithful”.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
William Talemache - New Name.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name, and will allows minor but not major changes.
Submitted as William Talemach’ was changed by the college to William Talemache as we do not register scribal abbreviations.
William is found in Yorkshire Given Names 1279, as a common given name second only to Johanne found in York in 1379. http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/yorkshire.html#yorkm.
Talemache is found in R&W pg 439, under the heading Talmadge, nickname from Old French meaning “knapsack”. William Talmach’ 1297, MinAcctCo; William Talmege 1512 FFHu; Elizabeth Talmage 1524 STZSf. The apostrophe appears to be an abbreviation of a final “e” based on other entries.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Willen de Crœk - New Name.
[Name] Submitter allows minor changes does not care about the gender of the name and cares about the sound “Willin de CroekSubmitted as Willin de Crœk, the submitter would prefer the spelling Willen. He will specifically accept spelling in the following order 1) Willen, 2) Willin, 3) Wyllin and 4) Willan. Since Noir Licorne found documentation for Willen, the name was changed to meet the submitter's request.
Willin Wyllin is found as the given name of 2 individuals dated to 1538 and 1545 DSO copy included English Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records by as Aryanhwy merch Catmael; http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/english/parishes/parishes.html. Additionally, Willinson is found as a surname meaning “son of Willin” dated to 1561, 1567and two more times in the early gray period, from http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juetta/parish/surnames_wy.html, “Surnames in Durham and Northumberland”, 1521-1615 by Julie Kahan.
Willen is found in the "Scouloudi, Irene, _ Returns of strangers in the metropolis 1593, 1627, 1635, 1639_ (Huguenot Society of London, London: 1985)," which is apparently the raw data for an in-progress article that Ary is working on (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/aliens/1593aliensraw). The entry is "Willen Brawne, Antwerp".
de is the Norman preposition meaning “from (location)” or “from (the family of)”.
Crœk is found in R&W p. 116 s.n. Creek, Godwin Crœk, dated 1166. R&W also list Bartholomew de Crek 1187, and John de Creke 1298, showing the use of the preposition de.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Gregor MacDonald and Petronel Harlakenden. Household name resubmission (kingdom), House Evergold.
[Name] The submitter allows minor but not major changes. No other preferences are indicated.
This is a constructed name based on elements from Middle English Nicknames by Jönsjö follows the naming pattern [surname]+[house].
Ever- is found on pg. 85 Everwake, cites Nich. Everwake dtd 1398. OE œfre “ever, always” + OE wāk and ON veikr “weak”.
-gold is found on pg 71 Chipgold dated Will. Chipgold 1332 ME chippen “to chip’ and OE gold “gold.” and pg. 107 Hamergold Joh. Dicti Hamergold dtd 1313. ME hameren “to hammer” + OE gold “gold”.
This name combines the two elements Ever+gold.
Ever is found in COED p.907 as an adverb def. 1 always, at all times: in all cases. Dtd in this spelling to the 12th cent.
Gold is found in COED p.1171 as an adjective def. II8 dated to simple attribute passing into adjective def. a. made (wholly or partly) of gold. 1205
Jönsjö on pg. 31 indicates that the pattern adverb+adjective with thirteen examples including Ayredy, Ouerprud, and Malvais,
Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Illuminada Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy - Household name resubmission Laurel, Monelyght Manor.
[Name] The submitter’s previous submission Monelyght Chapel was returned on the Oct 2008 LoAR:
This is returned for lack of documentation for the pattern <surname> + Chapel in English before 1600. While a number of examples of this pattern were provided in commentary, no evidence was provided that these chapels were known by their current names in our period. In fact, all of the period English chapel names that were found by the commenters were named after saints or other religious figures, e.g., the following examples from the Middle English Dictionary s.v. chapele.
All of the examples from the Wykeham register are from the 14th century. We would not be surprised if further research showed these latter three patterns in English (and not just Latin records from English). However, none of these patterns support the submitted name. Lacking evidence that Monelyght Chapel follows period patterns of English chapel names, it is not registerable.
This submission uses the form Surname + Manor.
Monelyght is found in R&W p.313, s.n. Moonlight: Robert Monelyght 1442. ED mōne lēoht, possibly for someone give to roaming about at night.
Manor is a generic designator for a group of people, found in COED p. 1718 definition 1 is: a mansion, habitation; country residence; a principal house of an estate. Dtd from 1290 in the spelling maner, 1400 manere, 1450 maner, 1561 is the first listing of manor. The submitter will specifically accept Maner to make the spelling contemporary with Monelyght.
While preferring Monelyght Manor, the submitter is specifically willing to accept Monelyght House.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Agrippa Morris. New Name and Device. Per pale sable and gules, a single arched bridge argent.
[Name] No preferences are indicated.
Agrippa: name (cognomen) of Roman General/Consul. 37-27 BC “Who Was Who in Roman Times” Medieval Names Archive. Also found as a cognomen in Names and Naming Practices of Regal and Republican Rome - Cognomen and Agnomen By Meradudd Cethin, at http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/roman/names2.html
Wickenden, p. 3, Agrippa is found meaning “wild horse” as a feminine martyr from the 7th century.
Morris: Reaney and Wilson p. 303 s.n. Maurice .
Since there is more than 1000 years difference in the two name elements, this is being documented using the modern name allowance. Crescent attests to Morris as the submitter’s modern surname.
[Device] Conflicts with Anne of the White Tower: Dec 71 Sable, a tower argent.
From the June 2007 LoAR: Iain Cinnsealach. Device change. Per pale azure and vert, a single-arched bridge argent.
This device is returned for conflict with the badge of Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft, Vert, a dolmen of three uprights capped by two lintels argent. There is a CD for the field. The dolmen is insignificantly different from a bridge - and we do not grant a CD for the number of arches in a bridge.
The device also conflicts with the badge for Stonebridge Freehold, registered to Clare RosMuire St. John, (Fieldless) On a fountain, a bridge of five arches, ends couped, argent. When considered as Barry wavy azure and argent, a bridge of five arches argent, as it must be since a roundel is a means of heraldic display, there is only a single CD for changes to the field.
This submission has the same conflict.
Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device is returned for conflict.
Giles Hill. Change of name from Giles Hill of Sweetwater
[Name] Submitter is interested in a masculine name, will allow no changes, and wishes to retain Giles Hill of Sweetwater as an alternate name.
Giles Hill of Sweetwater was registered October 1982 (via Ansteorra).
Both name elements are grandfathered to the submitter, no conflicts were found.
Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Giles Hill. Heraldic Title Chrysostom Herald
[Name] This follows the pattern Surname Herald , which is one of the patterns identified by Juliana de Luna in her article: Heraldic Titles from the Middle Ages and Renaissance: Overview
Chrysostom is found as the byname of Dio Chrysostom, a Greek sophist and rhetorician, born in Prusa AD 40 to 115. He was called CHRYSOSTOM “golden-mouthed" from his eloquence, and also to distinguish him from his grandson, Cassius; his surname Cocceianus was derived from his patron, the emperor Cocceius Nerva . http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/DEM_DIO/DIO_CHRYSOSTOM_c_AD_40_115_.html
St John Chrysostom, born 347, died 407, John -- whose surname "Chrysostom" occurs for the first time in the "Constitution" of Pope Vigilius (cf. P.L., LX, 217) in the year 553 -- is generally considered the most prominent doctor of the Greek Church and the greatest preacher ever heard in a Christian pulpit. His natural gifts, as well as exterior circumstances, helped him to become what he was. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08452b.htm
John Chrysostom has his own entry in Encyclopedia Britannica.
In chapter II of “The Life and Times of Chrysostom” (Robert Wheler Bush, 1885), the author states on pg. 35 that name Chrysostom “was a singular as well as an honourable cognomen” after the title was given to the saint.
Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Enid Gwyr. New name and New Device. Azure, a fox sejant guardant argent shod vert on a chief engrailed argent a crescent inverted vert.
[Name] The submitter allows all changes. She is most interested in the meaning (“soul & truth”), the sound, and the language and/or culture (Welsh). She wishes the name to be feminine.
Enid is found in Gruffydd, pg. 40, as the header, but we don’t have a copy of the book to verify. Withycombe indicates that the Welsh name came into use in England after Tennyson popularized the name in his work Idylls of the King, published in 1859.
Gwyr No documentation provided by the submitter.
[Device] No conflicts found, but the name is being returned so the device has to be returned also.
Illuminada volunteered to consult with the submitter,
Name returned for lack of documentation. Device returned for lack of name.
Sviatoslava Akilina Vasil'evskaia zhena Nikolaeva- Kingdom Resubmission Device, Sable, on a bend sinister argent three pomegranates palewise gules seeded and in canton a peacock in its pride Or.
[Name] This name appears on the 10/08 LoAR.
[Armory] The submitter’s previous resubmission was discussed at the Sept. 28, 2009 meeting:
The submitter's previous submission, Sable, on a bend sinister argent three pomegranates palewise gules seeded, slipped and leaved and in canton, a peacock feather Or was returned by Crescent on 04/08 for redraw:This submission addresses the concerns of the September meeting.The bend sinister should be drawn wider, which would allow the pomegranates to be larger. The peacock feather is difficult to identify and should also be redrawn. (RfS VII.7.a) There is also the possibility that the Or stems and leaves will not have enough contrast with the argent bend. (RfS VIII.2.b.ii) We must therefore return this at this time for more work.The submitter has redesigned some to address these concerns. This depiction is heading in the right direction. The bend needs to be even wider (perhaps another ½ to ¾ inch), which would give the pomegranates more room, allowing them to be drawn larger. Additionally, we note that, in historical heraldry, charges on a bend are oriented diagonally to allow them to fit the available space better. The submitter might consider rotating the pomegranates 45 degrees counter-clockwise. Finally, this depiction of the peacock is not in keeping with period style – the feet need to show, and the tail feathers are usually not shown with a horizontal bottom. Device returned for redraw.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Pátraic Ó Ceallaigh. Laurel resubmission - Name change from Gaius Grattius Brutus.
[Name] Submitter desires to retain previous name as alternate.
The previous submission Pátraic O'Ceallaigh was returned on the Oct 2008 LoAR:
The byname O'Ceallaigh violates RfS III.1.a Linguistic Consistency by combining Anglicized Irish O' and Gaelic Ceallaigh in the same phrase. We would change the name to the wholly Gaelic Pátraic Ó Ceallaigh, but the submitter does not allow major changes, such as changing the language of an element.
The submitter is using the suggestion from Pelican, “Pátraic Ó Ceallaigh”.
Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Noe College: New Badge. [Fieldless], a triangle Or.
This is withdrawn for further consultation.
Oddbj{o,}rn kápa. New name
[Name] The submitter will accept minor but not major changes; no other choices are indicated.
Oddbj{o,}rn – is found in Geirr Basse p. 13 as submitted. Oddbj{o,}rn is a masculine given name that appears once in the Landnámabók.
kápa found in Geirr Bassi, p. 24 meaning “hooded cloak”
Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Muriel Gard Yale. Kingdom Resubmission Devise, Per fess argent and azure, a cat passant sable and a cat sejant ermine.
[Name] Registered Feb 2004.
[Device] The previous submission with an identical blazon was returned for redraw, as the passant cat was not in a standard heraldic position. This submission addresses the reason for return.
Device is approved and forwarded to Laurel.None.
Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Sara L. Uckelman). English Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/english/parishes/parishes.html
Catholic Encyclopedia, St. John Chrysostom http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08452b.htm
Ekwall, Eilert. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names. 4th ed. Oxford University, New York, 1960. [Ekwall]
Kahan, Julie. Surnames in Durham and Northumberland, 1521-1615. http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juetta/parish/surnames_wy.html.
Online Encyclopedia, Dio Chrysostom, http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/DEM_DIO/DIO_CHRYSOSTOM_c_AD_40_115_.html
Reaney, P. H., and Wilson, R. M. A Dictionary of English Surnames Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press, 3rd ed. 1995. [R&W]
Talan Gwynek .“Late Period German Masculine Given Names” http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/germmasc.html
Talan Gwynek. “Yorkshire Given Names from 1370.” http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/yorkshire.html#rkm
Withycombe, E. G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names. Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press 3rd ed. 1977. [Withycombe]
St Gabriel Report 2190 http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/showfinal.cgi?2190+0
Nordiskt runnamnslexikon by Lena Peterson (and translated by CL Ward 200
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