Minutes of the November 18, 2007 College of Heralds
Meeting |
Meeting commenced at 11:00 AM.
In attendance were: Lachlan Crescent, Su Dolphin,
Maela Caimbeul, Thomas Quatrefoil, Eridana Trident,
Catrin Golden Rose, Damien Sable Fret, Marion Coral,
Sechequr Qara, Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau, Barbara Fuentes.
Upcoming meetings are: December 9, 2007.
Please note the change in submission fees. Starting January, the fee for new
submissions will be $8. Primary name and primary device submitted together will
be discounted an additional $1, making them $15 total. In January, February and
March 2008 we will not be charging for resubmissions, no matter the length of
time since the original return.
Email change! The Caid Heralds mailing list is now at
Likewise, forwarding addresses previously on castle.org have been relocated to
The Caid Roll of Arms is now under the control of Edborough Kellie at
http://roa.sca-caid.org/, and the
College needs to decide upon its future disposition. Please enjoy this service
and check it for errors.
Unless otherwise noted, all submitters will accept the creation of a holding
name, if appropriate. Approved submissions will be forwarded on the January 29,
2008 Letter of Intent.
Altavia, Barony of
Ysoude of Rochester. New device. Quarterly sable and
azure, four fleurs-de-lis in cross bases to center within a bordure
[Name] Registered 05/05.
[Armory] Unfortunately this conflicts with Purpure, a cross flory within
a bordure argent (Anne of the Golden City 01/74) with only one CD via
X.4.a for the change to the field. No CD is given between a cross flory and
four fleurs-de-lys in cross. They are considered variants of each other.
Device returned for conflict.
Calafia, Barony of
Amos the Pious. Kingdom resubmission device. Per chevron
gules and sable, three Latin crosses crosslet one and two and a chalice
[Name] Registered 11/06.
[Armory] The submitter's previous submission was returned by Crescent 05/06
for redraw:
This must be returned for difficulties identifying the charges.
(see: RfS VII.a) The per chevron division is too low, looking more like a point
pointed, however such an interpretation would break the rule of tincture. Also
the small crosses on the crosses crosslet need more definition to be easily
distinguished from a distance.
This emblazon fixes the problems with the previous emblazon. No conflicts
This submission is not timely according to current Caidan policy. A new fee
was paid.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Alexandra Raven. New name.
[Name] Submitted as Alexa Raven. Submitter will allow minor but not
major changes. No other boxes are marked. Submitter will allow change to
"Alexandra" if necessary to register the name.
Alexandra is in Withycombe (p.14, header) as a feminine form
of Alexander, dating to 1205. The submitter prefers the diminutive form
Alexa, but we were unable to find any supporting documentation
for that form and have changed the name per her instructions.
Raven is found in R&W (pg. 372, header), from the bird.
William Raven 1133-60.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Dragon Georglev syn rudak. Kingdom resubmission name.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will allow minor but not
major changes. No other preferences are indicated but he states:
I will accept a minor change to "Georgliev" if this is deemed
necessary to get the name passed,
Rudelin was suggested by Selene during my original consultation, I had
wished to use "rudak" for red-haired but there was more than 300
years between that and the documented use of "Dragon". I will accept
a minor change to "Ruda or Rudelin" if necessary. Though I would
still prefer to use "Rudak" if at all possible.
The submitter's previous name submission, Dragon Georglev syn Rudelin, was
returned by Crescent 06/07, "As we are unable to document the spelling of
submitter's desired patronymic, or the construction of given name,
patronymic, patronymic, and as he allows no changes, we are forced to
return this name for further consultation. (RfS III.1)."
Dragon is found in Thanet (pg. 74, header) dated to 1052 as
a given name. It is also listed in the online version at
Georglev syn is a patronymic construction meaning "Son
of Georgi," a name found in Thanet (pg. 107, s.n. Georgii). Construction
conforms to the rules expressed here:
pg xxii
rudak is a patronymic meaning "son of the red
haired", and refers to the hair-color of Georgi, not
Dragon. We believe that it belongs in the genitive, but do not know
enough about how to do so in Russian to proceed. Nonetheless, we believe this
is adequate to forward for consideration and help from the College of Arms.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Éadaoin inghen Muircheartaigh. Kingdom resubmission
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. She will accept minor but not
major changes, and if changes must be made, she cares most about unspecified
sound. The submitter's previous name submission, Éadaoin Ó
Muirgheasa, was returned by Crescent 06/07 for gender inconsistency. The
minutes suggest, "The correct patronymic for a woman would be 'inghean
uí Mhuirgheasa.'"
Éadaoin is found in Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's
"Index of Names in Irish Annals"
Éadaoin is the early modern Irish Gaelic nominative form
(1200-1700). The source lists Éadaoin inghen Még Mathgamma ben
Még Uidhir, 1328 (also in 1393,and 1476).
inghen Muircheartaigh is a patronymic meaning "daughter
of Muirchertach." The name is also found in "Index of Names in Irish
Annals." It is the early modern Irish Gaelic genitive form
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Elizabeth de Grace. New name and device. Per fess vert
and sable a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or.
[Name] Submitter will accept minor but not major changes and cares about
unspecified sound. Submitter is aware the "de" may be changed to
"le" to register. We note that the request for authenticity was
initially marked but crossed out prior to submission.
Elizabeth is found in Withycombe (pg. 99, header)
"found in England from time to time in the 13th &14th C, but did not
become common until the end of the 15th C… Elizabeth Cur
Grace is found in R&W (pg. 201, header). Meaning for
this surname comes from various sources. OFr grace, or ME grace,
gras 'a pleasing quality' ie 'attractive, charming'. Another meaning
is from the OFr gras meaning 'fat' or OE gras 'one who puts
out cattle to grass.' William Grace 1310.
[Device] This conflicts with Sable, the upper half of a mullet of four
greater and twelve lesser points Or (Kara the twin of Kelton, 01/97).
There is one Clear Difference via RfS X.4.a for changes to the field. No
difference is granted between a poly-pointed mullet and a sun.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for
Gemma Evangelista Borgia New name and device. Purpure, a
bend sable fimbriated between a stag springing and an arrow bendwise
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name and will allow minor but not
major changes. No other preferences are indicated.
Gemma is a given name in
It is a name occurring 11 times in the 1427 Catasto of Florence.
Evangelista is the submitter's legal middle name as
documented by a copy of her driver's license.
Borgia was the surname of a daughter of Pope Alexander VI
From Spain, Rodrigo was born into the Spanish branch of the prominent and
powerful Borgia family. Lucrezia was born in 1480, died 1519. We note
with interest that Webster's Biographical Dictionary states that the
original Spanish form is Borja.
Name and Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Gregory Lucan. New name.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will allow minor but not
major changes, and if changes must be made, he cares most about sound
"Lu-can". The submitter specifically accepts the alternate spelling
Lukyn (R&W, pg. 285, s.n. Lovekin).
Gregory is from Withycombe (p.139, header). This name was
not found before the Norman Conquest, but was common in the 12th C and later.
Gregory HR 1273.
Lucan is found in Searle (pg. 350, s.n. Luca). The entry
simply says: "Luca local : Lucan beohr". If we've misread
the entry, the submitter will allow the English name Lukyn
noted above.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Haraldr hlátr drengr. New name and device. Argent
goutty de sang and a mountain vert.
[Name] Submitter will accept minor but not major changes, and if changes must
be made, he cares most about the unstated language and culture and indicated to
the submitting herald that he preferred the meaning, "Laughing
Haraldr is a masculine given name in Geirr Bassi (p.11).
hlátr drengr is a descriptive byname meaning,
"laughing boy." Hlátr is found in "Zoega's A
Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic"
meaning laughter or laughing. Drengr is found in the same source,
meaning "man" in various connotations. The Nordiskt runnamnslexikon
confirms this, stating that the word comes from OW Norse and means "young
The submitter indicated to the submitting herald that he wishes for a surname
meaning "the boy [or man] who laughs". He has explicitly stated on
the form that he will accept "Haraldr hlátr-drengr",
"Haraldr hinn hlátr-drengr", and "Haraldr drengr hinn
hlátr". We are not knowledgeable enough in Old Norse to determine
which would be the best choice based on the submitter's preferences. We request
the College's assistance and advice in this matter.
Name and Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Sabyna of Aydon Kingdom resubmission device. Per pale
azure and argent, in pall three card piques bases to center
[Name] The submitter's name was forwarded to Laurel on the 10-31-07 LoI.
[Armory] The submitter's previous submission, Azure, a horse rampant
between in bend a card pique and a card pique inverted argent, was
returned by Crescent 08/07 for redraw – the card piques were too small to
be distinguished. This is a complete redesign.
Unfortunately, this design conflicts with Per pale azure and argent,
three seeblatter counterchanged (Johanna de Glastingburi 11/06) with only
one CD for the change in orientation of primary charges. No CD is granted for
the difference between a seeblätt and a card pique.
Device returned for conflict.
Dun Or, Barony of
Colyn mac Labhruinn. New name and device. Per chevron
inverted azure and sable, in base a stag courant Or.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will accept all changes,
and if changes must be made, he cares most about the sound, "Call in Mac
Lawr in".
Colyn: The submitter provides documentation for
"Colyne" (with an –e) from "13th and 14th Century Scottish
Names" by Symon Freser of Lovat. Withycombe indicates that the Anglicized
version of the name, Colin, was a common Scottish name. She dates the
use to 1379 from the Poll Tax (pg. 74). We believe that the submitted form is a
reasonable combination of the documented variations.
mac Labhruinn is found in Black, (p534, s.n. MacLaren), as
the Scots Gaelic form, and states, "In G. Mac Labhruinn, 'son of
Laurence' (G. Labhruinn, MG. (1467) Labhran).
Name and Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Muiriath ingean Sheain. New name and device. Argent, in
pale a crescent and a cat passant sable between flaunches vert.
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. She will accept all changes,
and if changes must be made, she cares most about the sound "Myoo Rye ith
in-yen Sheen".
Muiriath is found in "Early Irish Feminine Names from
the Index to O'Briens Corpus Genealogiarum Hiberniae," by Tangwystyl verch
Morgant Glasvryn.
inghean Sheain is a patronymic meaning "daughter of
Sean". Seán is found in OCM (pg. 163, s.n. Seaan). The lenited
genitive form is Sheain from page 4 of Mari Elspeth's article, "Index of
Names in Irish Annals: Seán (Seóan)"
[Device] This device is clear of Argent, in pale two crescents gules
between a pair of flaunches vert (Adwen verch Gryffyn, 11/00), with a CD
for change in color of primary charge group, and another CD for change in type
of half of the primary charge group.
Name and Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Sechequr Qara. New name change and new device change.
Per bend argent and sable, a yale rampant Or spotted maintaining a sword
[Name] The submitter's original name Tairdelbach M'Cleri was
registered 07/05 and is to be retained as an alternate.
The submitter is interested in a masculine, Mongolian name, will accept minor
but not major changes, and if changes must be made is most interested in the
Mongolian language/culture.
Sechequr is found on Heather Daveno's "Names from the
Secret History of the Mongols"
where it is listed as a masculine name on page 126 of the original
Qara is found Baras-aghur Naran's "On the Documentation
and Construction of Period Mongolian Names"
where it is listed as the color black.
Also, according to this reference, "the meanings of these names are
descriptive, and are usually nouns and adjectives." While we could not
determine a meaning for the name Sechequr, or the correct name order,
the submitter was attending the meeting and will accept the changing the name
order to Qara Sechequr if needed for registration.
[Armory] The submitter's original submission Per bend argent and sable, a
yale rampant gules spotted maintaining a sword Or was registered 07/05 and
is to be released if this submission is registered. We note this does not
conflict with (Fieldless) A yale rampant Or (Elizabeth Braidwood
09/00) with one CD for changes to the field and a second CD for addition of the
tertiary spots.
Name and device change approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Gyldenholt, Barony of
Irmgard von Einbeck. New device change. Per pale pupure
and argent, two seeblätter and an ankh counterchanged.
[Name] The submitter's name was registered 02/03.
[Armory] The submitter wishes to release her current device, Argent
chapé ployé sable, three seeblätter azure (registered
12/04), when this new one is registered.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Vitasha Ivanova doch'. New name change from Aleksandra
Ivanovna Molotova.
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. She will not accept changes.
Her current primary name, Aleksandra Ivanovna Molotova (registered
03/97) is to be released upon registration of this new name.
Vitasha is a feminine given name documented from "A
Dictionary of Period Russian Names" by Paul Wickenden of Thanet
Ivanova doch' is a patronymic meaning "daughter of
Ivan". Ivan is found on p.125 of Thanet. The patronymic adheres to one of
the many formulae on p.XXV. The source even provides the hypothetical name
"Ol'ga Ivanova doch'" as one of the examples.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Lyondemere, Barony of
Pierre de Dieppe. New name and device. Per bend
sinister azure and vert, a bend sinister wavy argent between an anchor and a
bell Or.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will accept minor but not
major changes and if changes must be made, he cares most about the unspecified
language and/or culture.
Pierre is found in Dauzat (pg. 482, header), undated. It is
dated in the article "French Names from Two Thirteenth Century
Chronicles" (Arval Benicoeur) at
de Dieppe is "from Dieppe", a port on the Normandy
coast. Columbia Lippincott states (pg. 513) that the town is the site of a 13th
C church and a 15th C castle, both of which were heavily damaged during WWII.
In addition, it states that under Francis I (1494-1547), Dieppe was a leading
port and was known for manufacturing carved ivory. The submitted spelling is
also found in Blaeu's Atlas Maior of 1665, both on the main map of the
Kingdom of France (orig. vol.VII map I. Taschen repro. p.302-3) and the detail
map of the Duchy of Normandy (orig. vol.VII, map 9. Taschen repro. p.318-9).
The latter map made its first appearance in Blaeu's 1635 atlas. This dates the
spelling solidly within the grey area, and is likely older than that.
[Device] The device conflicts with SCA armory: Per bend sinister azure
and vert, a bend sinister wavy argent between two flames Or (Ruadhan
Suilghlas, 03/01).
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for
Order of Precedence Notes
Sechequr Qara is a name change from Tairdelbach M'Cleri, which isn't
listed in the online line OP, but received a Crescent Sword on 10/06/07
Colyn mac Labhruinn has awards listed in the online OP and the
updated list to the OP
Muiriath ingean Sheain is listed in the OP as Muiriath mac
Vitasha Ivanova doch' is listed in the OP as Aleksandra Ivanovna
Haraldr hlátr drengr is listed in the OP as Haraald Hlatur
Dréngur and Harald Hlatur Drengur.
Arval Benicoeur, "French Names from Two Thirteenth Century
Baras-aghur Naran. "On the Documentation and Construction of Period
Mongolian Names",
Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning, and
History. New York: The New York Public Library, 1946. Ninth printing, 1989.
Dauzat, Albert. Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et
Prénoms de France. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1987. Reviewed and
augmented by Marie-Thérèse Morlet. [Dauzat]
Daveno, Heather, "Names from the Secret History of the Mongols"
Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name. Olney, MD: Studia
Marklandica, 1977. [Geirr Bassi]
Mari Elspeth nic Bryan, "Index of Names in Irish Annals",
Reaney, P. H., and Wilson, R. M. A Dictionary of English Surnames
Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press, 3rd ed. 1995. [R&W]
Searle, William George. Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum. 1897. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press,. Facsimile ed. 1969.
Seltzer, L. E., ed. The Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World.
Morningside Heights, NY: Columbia University Press, 1952.
Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, "Early Irish Feminine Names from the
Index to O'Briens Corpus Genealogiarum Hiberniae,"
Thanet, Paul Wickenden, "Dictionary of Period Russian Names",
van der Krogt, Peter, editor. Joan Blaeu – Atlas Maior of
1665. Taschen GmbH, Köln. 2005.
Withycombe, E. G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.
Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press 3rd ed. 1977. [Withycombe]
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