Minutes of the July 8, 2007 College of Heralds
Meeting |
Meeting commenced at 11:18 AM.
In attendance were: Lachlan Crescent, Su Dolphin,
Catherine de Winter, Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau, Marion Coral,
Cormac Mor, and Anne Cathryn of Wicken Bonhunt.
Upcoming meetings are: August 26, September 23, October 14, November 18 and
December 16. The August meeting is the last meeting prior to Crown Tournament.
Please explain this to any who may need to know it.
The West kingdom is volunteering to host a Field Herald's symposium for
Western kingdoms. Several people in the college have expressed interest in
Unless otherwise noted, all submitters will accept the creation of a holding
name, if appropriate. Approved submissions will be forwarded on the September
20, 2007 Letter of Intent.
Angels, Barony of the
Angels, Barony of the. New badge. (Fieldless) A set of
seraph's wings Or.
[Name] The group's name was registered "at some point".
[Armory] This badge is to be a populace badge.
We do not know of any examples of seraph's wings, minus the seraph head,
being used as a charge. This then is an extension of the example of eagle ->
vol or pair of wings conjoined in lure. We request a ruling on whether this is
a recognizable charge group, suitable for use in SCA armory.
This does not conflict with Azure, a vol Or, (Brioc Morcannuc, 05/98
via Outlands). There is one CD for fieldlessness, and a second for change in
number of wings. Likewise it does not conflict with Gyronny azure and
argent, a vol Or, (Kristr{o/}{dh}r Bjarnarson, 03/98 via Ansteorra) for
the same reasons.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Angels, Barony of the. New badge. (Fieldless) On a set
of seraph's wings Or a mullet of six points saltirewise gules.
[Name] The group's name was registered "at some point". This badge
is to be associated with Seraphic Star, Order of the, registered 04/81.
[Armory] We do not know of any examples of seraph's wings, minus the seraph
head, being used as a charge. This then is an extension of the example of eagle
-> vol or pair of wings conjoined in lure. We request a ruling on whether
this is a recognizable charge group, suitable for use in SCA armory.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Angels, Barony of the. New badge. Gules, on a pall
between three vols wingtips outward Or two swords and an arrow points outward
[Name] The group's name was registered "at some point". This badge
is to be associated with Seraph, Order of the, registered 08/03.
[Armory] This design does not resemble period style in our experience, but
the problems are not so great as to require return.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Angels, Barony of the. New order name Soggy Maunch,
Order of the and badge. (Fieldless) A maunch Or gouttee de
[Name] The group's name was registered "at some point".
We see no documentation that "soggy" is a period term. 1722 was the
first citation we found. However, sogging appears to be a period term with the
submitter's desired meaning.
Unfortunately, even if changed to "Sogging Maunch, Order of the",
no documentation was provided and none found which suggests the construction
"noun + adjective of a temporary nature" follows any period patterns
of order names. This must be returned for more work due to this.
This would be clear of "Maunch Pursuivant" and "Maunch, Order
of the", both registered to the East Kingdom by the addition of the
[Badge] This emblazon has far too many goutes, which reduces their
recognizability. This is reason for return. Please advise the submitters to
draw the maunch with fewer and larger gouts – 8-10 is a good number.
At the meeting, we brainstormed a few other (simpler) ways to represent the
desired meaning in armory. An alternative depiction of this concept might be a
maunch barry wavy azure and argent, or a maunch per fess Or and azure, or some
Name returned for lack of documentation for the construction. Device
returned for redraw.
Cormac Mor. New badge change. (Fieldless) Two torches in
saltire Or.
[Name] The name was registered in 02/03.
[Armory] If this device is approved, the submitter would like to release his
current badge, (Fieldless) Two torches in saltire argent enflamed
proper (Registered 04/03). This is a reworking of his older badge with a
far better emblazon, plus a simplification of the tinctures.
While visually similar to the heralds' badge, we feel that this does not
conflict with Vert, two trumpets crossed in saltire Or.
Trumpets are period charges. It is difficult to determine whether this shape
of torch, the standard for SCA armory, is actually period. In period armory,
torches tend to be drawn as rough logs held vertically with the top engulfed in
flames, for example in an example from Tirol-Anton Wappenbuch ~1475-1550
There is also an example of a torch in the Zurich roll; the arms of
Fackelstein, Argent, a torch or flaming gules. A photo of it can be
found at
(It's second to last on the page, so it may take some time for it to load).
This torch is difficult to distinguish in the photograph of the original, but
seems to have the "flaming ice cream cone" shape the modern emblazon
If torches are period charges, and we have nothing indicating that
trumpets and torches were considered equivalent in period armory, then this is
clear of the herald's badge by X.2.
If torches as we know them are not period charges, then difference
must be determined by visual means. In this case, the flames are so significant
as to comprise one-third of the charge. The PicDic says that torches are always
depicted enflamed, even when it is not explicitly blazoned. Therefore we feel
it is reasonable to grant at minimum a clear difference for adding significant
flames, and added to the CD for removal of the field, this should be clear of
the herald's badge.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Calafia, Barony of
Eleanora di Gerardi. New device. Vert, three peacocks in
their pride argent.
[Name] Registered 04/04.
[Armory] This is very attractive armory.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Darach, Shire of
Ismay of Giggleswick. New alternate name Ljúfvina
[Name] Submitter's primary name registered 07/99. The submitter desires a
feminine name. She will accept minor though not major changes and if changes
must be made, she cares most about the unspecified meaning.
Ljúfvina is found in Gierr Bassi p. 13.
íkorni is from Zoëga's A Concise Dictionary of
Old Icelandic
íkorni, m. squirrel. Gierr Bassi lists
several examples of animals used as descriptive bynames in Old Norse, for
example, brimill (large seal, phoca major, p.20), dýr
(animal, deer, p.21), geit (nanny-goat, p.21), kaða (hen,
p.24), karfi (carp, fish, p.24), kýr (cow, p.25) and
so on...
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Lyondemere, Barony of
Tetchubah of Greenlake. Appeal of kingdom return of new
badge. (Fieldless) A human breast azure charged in base with three gouttes
[Name] The submitter's name was registered 05/86.
[Armory] This is an appeal of a return by Crescent 06/07. This badge was
returned for conflict with Barry argent and sable, a moon in her plenitude
azure (Doniphan non Sequitur, 08/79). The return stated:
There is one difference via RfS X.4.a.iii for removal of the field.
According to the submitter's documentation the gouttes are a defining
characteristic of a woman's breast, since the example in period armory (the
arms of Dodge of Stockport) is never depicted without gouttes. As a defining
characteristic, they must be considered part of the charge, not separate
charges. This is analogous to a rose proper, which is never interpreted as
upon a rose a bezant. Thus we cannot give the second CD via RfS X.4.i
for addition of tertiaries. Also, the gouttes are significantly less than half
the charge, so one cannot argue that there is a significant change of tincture
according to the requirements of RfS X.4.d.
We note that according to the reasoning above, this additionally conflicts
with Per chevron Or and purpure, in chief a hurt (Ana Lucia de
Andalucia , 04/02) as a fieldless badge can gain no difference for placement on
the field. We apologize to the submitter for not noting this conflict
The submitter's appeal is as follows:
The appeal takes two parts. The return states that the gouts are a defining
characteristic of the charge; in other words, by definition they distinguish a
woman's breast (as a charge) from a roundel. According to
RfS X.4.e, "types of charges considered to be separate in period... will
be considered different." Since both the roundel and the breast were
period heraldic charges, if they are distinguished by the gouts, difference
must be granted between them. Only if it can be shown that period heralds
would have considered the charges negligibly different may the Society do
likewise, and that has not been shown.
If, on the other hand, the breast is considered negligibly
different from a roundel, then the gouts play no part in its identification.
If the gouts do not define the breast -- i.e., it's possible to use the breast
as a charge without the presence of gouts -- then the gouts in this submission
must be treated as tertiary charges. (Certainly, if we'd substituted mullets
here, there would be no doubt that they were tertiary charges.) In that case,
the addition of tertiary charges does count for difference.
In this respect, the return's analogy to a rose's seeding is faulty: for the
heraldic rose was often depicted with the seeding of the same tincture as the
rose, or even without seeding at all (v. Heralds' Commemorative
Exhibition, plate XXIV). In the rose's case, the seeding must be an
artistic detail, not a tertiary charge, and certainly not a defining
To sum up: if the gouts serve to define the breast as a charge, they must
distinguish it from other charges -- and by RfS X.4.e, must provide a CD of
difference from a roundel. If the breast is considered negligibly different
from a roundel, then the gouts in this submission must be treated as tertiary
charges, providing a CD per RfS X.4.i. In either case, this must be clear of
the cited conflict with Doniphan.
We note that, in a previous submission of a woman's breast (Meredydd ferch
Owain ap Eliseg, LoAR of May 06), a woman's breast proper distilling gouts
argent was ruled negligibly different from a plate: "...
there is no difference between a plate (that is, a roundel argent) and a
woman's breast proper. The goutes count for naught." But in that
case, the gouts had extremely poor contrast against the breast, and barely
extended past its outer boundary; as the gouts couldn't be seen, it was
reasonable to count no difference for them. In this case, the tinctures were
chosen to provide good contrast between the breast and the gouts, and the
gouts were drawn to be unquestionable tertiary charges. We feel, therefore,
that the reasons for the May 06 return do not apply to this submission.
We agree with the submitter that, if a woman's breast and a roundel were
considered distinct in period, then there should be at minimum a clear
difference between a properly drawn heraldic woman's breast and a roundel.
We question, however, whether this emblazon qualifies as "a properly
drawn heraldic woman's breast". The documented example has gouttes, which
extend some distance down the pale, essentially doubling the height of the
charge (group). But if this is not a properly drawn heraldic woman's
breast, then what is it? It is reasonable to interpret this as a roundel azure
with some artistic detailing, charged in base with three gouttes. By this
interpretation, there should be a CD for the addition of the gouttes, and by
removing the field, this is still clear.
While the college would prefer the defining instance of this charge be drawn
in a period fashion, we support this appeal.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Starkhafn, Barony of
Margaret Hepburn of Ardrossan. Appeal of kingdom return of
new badge. (Fieldless) A greyhound couchant reguardant azure ermined and
collared argent.
[Name] Registered 07/01, via Outlands.
[Armory] This is an appeal of the return by Crescent of her badge submission
dated April 1, 2007. Please see text of appeal below for a correct quote of
this decision. The text of the appeal is as follows:
I write to you today to appeal to you to overturn the return by Crescent
Principal Herald of my badge submission dated April 2007. This appeal is
supported by proof that the original submission was returned in error.
My first badge submission was returned by the Outlands College of Heralds in
October 2006 with the following comments:
Commenters indicate that while the device itself is clear, the depiction
has too many and too small of ermine spots. This issue has caused return by
Laurel as recent as May 2006:
Áine Finnólfsdottir. Device. Azure, a pegasus passant
argent, a chief Or semy of trefoils vert.
This device is returned for a redraw of the semy of trefoils. Thirty
trefoils is too many to place on a chief: drawn so small they become
unrecognizable. We'd suggest about two-thirds of them should be removed,
leaving seven to ten trefoils. This will allow the trefoils to be drawn
larger, which will aid in their identifiability. [May-06]
In April 2007, I submitted my redrawn badge design to the Caid College of
Heralds. It was returned for administrative reasons ("lack of funds"
paid to Caid). The text of the return reads:
[Armory] The forms indicate this is a resubmission of a return by the
Outlands College of Heralds. The original submission was returned there
10/06. It has never been ruled upon by Laurel. The Administrative Handbook
IV.B states:
Kingdom of Residence - Submissions must be made through the appropriate
heraldic officers as defined by the kingdom of which the submitter is a
subject according to Corpora and Board policy. A submission already in
process above the local level when a submitter leaves a kingdom may continue
to be processed by the kingdom of origin until it is registered or returned
by Laurel. In this case any resubmissions must be made through the new
The submitter's choices are to resubmit via Outlands or submit as a new
submission to Caid, for which a fee is required.
I believe this return to be based upon a misinterpretation of the cited
rule. The second sentence applies only to the initial submission, which may be
processed by the kingdom the submitter has moved out of, not subsequent
resubmissions, which must be submitted through the submitter's new kingdom.
While that sentence does not specify what to do in the case that Laurel does
not get a chance to register or return the submission due to kingdom return,
the default should be that resubmissions are handled according to the sentence
preceding it.
Note that the rule specifies neither that the submitter must
resubmit via their old kingdom of residence nor that they may not
resubmit with their new kingdom of residence.
I respectfully request that my badge submission be forwarded to the College
of Arms for consideration. Thank you.
Done by my hand this 7th day of July, 2007, Margaret Hepburn of
The College of Heralds supports this appeal, with Crescent's apology to the
submitter. After extensive discussion with White Stag Herald and Laurel Queen
of Arms, it is clear to Crescent that the intent of IV.B is that a submission
should be forwarded in this situation, even though it does not clearly state
this. We request of Laurel to consider revising IV.B to make it clear and
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Wintermist, Shire of
Martin FitzJames. New change of device. Per chevron
argent and sable, three roses in chevron proper and a sword fesswise
[Name] Registered 01/00.
[Armory] If this is registered, the submitter desires his previous arms,
Per chevron argent and sable, a rose chevronwise reversed proper slipped
and leaved vert and a sword fesswise argent. (registered 01/00) to be
released (form altered prior to submission). [Molto bene! Dolphin]
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Thórbjörn Assa. Indeterminate name submission
and new device change. Ermine, two ravens close respectant gules.
[Name] Submitted as Thorbjorn Ulfsson. The submitter's registered name
is Thórbjörn Assa (01/92). In July 2004, his name change to
Thorbjorn Ulfsson was returned by Laurel:
Aural conflict with the registered name Thorbjorn Olafsson,
registered December 1987. The given names are identical. In June 2001, the
name Astrid Olafsdatter was ruled an aural conflict with Astrith
Ulfsdottir. Therefore, Olafsson and Ulfsson are also an
aural conflict."
This submission was accompanied by a "New Name change" form to the
same submitted name, Thorbjorn Ulfsson. We are unclear as to the submitter's
wishes. If this is intended as an appeal, there should be additional evidence
showing the return was in error, which there is none. If this is a resubmission
of the Laurel return, then the submitter must make some change to the name to
fix the cause of return. This is withdrawn for clarification of submitter's
Thorbj{o,}rn is found in Geirr Bassi p.16 as a compound
given name (Thor + bjorn).
Ulfsson, son of Ulfr, a masculine given name found in Geirr
Bassi p.15. This patronymic is formed according to the pattern Grimr ->
Grimsson on p.17.
[Armory] The posture of the ravens is a bit more vertical than the typical
"close" posture. This position was chosen however in order to draw
the ravens as large as possible within the pointed shield shape. In period, a
good deal of leeway was granted to the heraldic artist to manipulate charges to
make them fit. Given this, we feel this is a reasonable emblazon and should be
The submitter is advised to use larger ermine spots in the future.
Name withdrawn. Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Order of Precedence Notes
Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme and Akagawa Yoshio. A Pictorial Dictionary
of Heraldry as Used in the Society for Creative Anachronism. privately
published, 1988. [PicDic]
Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name. Olney, MD: Studia
Marklandica, 1977. [Geirr Bassi]
Zoëga, A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic
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