Minutes of the May 6, 2007 College of Heralds
Meeting |
[Note: These submissions appear on the
Oct 07 LoAR]
Meeting commenced at 11:00 AM.
In attendance were: Lachlan Crescent, Su Dolphin,
Illuminada Silver Trumpet, Catherine de Winter,
Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau, Maela Caimbeul, Thomas Quatrefoil,
Marion Coral, John ap Griffin, Vivienne Recorder,
Rotherick Kyneth, Eridana Trident, Damien Sable Fret,
Medb Renata Scribe Armarius, Catrin ferch Dafydd, Tareyn Martin, and
Hrorek Chevron
Today is 5/6/7, and Su's birthday
Upcoming meetings are: June 24, 2007, July 8, 2007, August 26, 2007 and
September 23, 2007.
Unless otherwise noted, all submitters will accept the creation of a holding
name, if appropriate. Approved submissions will be forwarded on the June 29,
2007 Letter of Intent.
Altavia, Barony of
Altavia, Barony of. New badge. Vert, in saltire a sword
and an arrow inverted argent fretted with a mascle of four gauntlets aversant
[Name] Registered 04/82. The form indicates this is to be associated with the
Guardians of the High Road, but the name was not submitted with this badge and
is not previously registered.
[Armory] There was some discussion about the identifiability of the
gauntlets. We decline at this time to rule upon whether this difficulty is
reason for return. The fretting of these charges creates a single primary
charge group consisting of three different types of charges. This must be
returned for having three different objects in the same charge group. (RfS
As an administrative note, a petition of support and a financial transfer
form were also missing. Upon resubmission, please provide these documents.
Badge returned for lack of armorial simplicity.
Ivegard Sask. Laurel resubmission device. Per pale
azure and vert, a horse salient between three mullets of four points
[Name] Registered 12/04, via Middle.
[Armory] The submitter's previous design, submitted via the Middle Kingdom,
was returned by Laurel 12/04 stating, "The posture of the horses is
obtrusively modern..." This horse is drawn in a reasonably heraldic
fashion. As greater than one year has elapsed since the previous return, a new
submission fee is required and was collected by the Caidan College.
This is close to, but clear of Azure, a horse courant reguardant between
three mullets argent. (Fjorleif in Haga, 03/95). There is one Clear
Difference for change in field tincture (Rules for Submission X.4). Mullets of
four points are significantly different from default mullets of five points
such that a second CD is given via X.4.e for change in type of secondary
charges. No difference is given for these changes in posture of the horse.
Unfortunately, this must be returned for non-identifiability of the secondary
charges. RfS VIII.3 states, "Identifiable elements may be rendered
unidentifiable by significant reduction in size..." We recommend the
mullets be drawn slightly larger, but not so large as to have equal visual
weight to the horse (which would cause them to become co-primaries). We also
recommend that the horse's position be more diagonal. Currently, the position
is somewhere between statant and salient.
Device returned for redraw.
Meadhbh inghean ui Maiol Ruanaidh. New name and device.
Quarterly gules and sable, a Donnelly knot and in sinister chief a rose
[Name] Submitted as: Maeve inghean ui Maoil Ruanaidh The submitter
desires a feminine name. She will accept all changes, and if changes must be
made she cares most the meaning: "Maeve, daughter of Mulroony'.
Meadhbh is an early Modern Irish spelling, according to OCM
and the submitter’s documentation.
inghean ui Maiol Ruanaidh, "daughter of Mulroony"
This uses a modern Irish Gaelic genitive form MacLysaght (p.228, s.n. (O)
Mulroy, Mulry Ơ Maolruanaidh). "A once powerful sept subjugated by
the Maguires; in Fermanagh the name is still found in small numbers. In Co.
Galway it has been changed to Moroney."
It is not entirely clear to us exactly what name is desired (two names are
documented) or what period the submitter is interested in. Therefore, we are
returning this for more work, specifically so that the submitter can be
consulted and clarify her wishes (RfS III.2 "Every name as a whole should
be compatible with the culture of a single time and place.").
[Armory] According to precedent, "effectively with the February 1997
Laurel meeting, Donnelly knots will no longer acceptable for registration in
SCA heraldry." (Edana O’Donnelly, 09/96) This is because the knot is
an artistic motif not found in period heraldry. Generally "Irish
knotwork" is no longer registerable in SCA armory (RfS VIII.4.b).
Name returned for consultation. Device returned for non-period style
and lack of a name.
Robyn FitzOsbern. Kingdom resubmission device. Sable, on
a bezant an ounce's head erased sable within an orle embattled at the outer
edges Or.
[Name] Submitter's name was forwarded on the January 24, 2007 Letter of
[Armory] Submitter's previous submission, Sable, a panther's head erased
within an annulet within an orle Or was returned by Crescent 03/07 for
redraw, particularly that the orle was insufficiently thick and the SCA does
not register single diminutives of ordinaries. This redesign has eliminated the
previous issues.
While the submitter blazoned this as "a panther's head", the
college has changed it to an ounce, in accordance with the instructions in the
November 2006 LOAR.
This could also be blazoned as Sable, on a bezant an ounce's head erased
sable within a border parted bordurewise embattled sable and Or (similar
to Heinricus vom Eichenhain, 12/01, "Argent, [charges] within a
bordure parted bordurewise indented argent and sable")
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Robyn FitzOsbern. New badge. Per bend sinister sable and
Or, an ounce rampant within a bordure embattled all counterchanged.
[Name] Submitter's name was forwarded on the January 24, 2007 Letter of
[Armory] This was submitted as "a panther", this college has
changed it to an ounce in keeping with the November 2006 LOAR.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Secca of Venice. New name and device. Per bend azure and
vert, a griffin between three roundels Or.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name. He will allow all
changes and if changes must be made he cares most about the spelling,
Secca is found in Searle (p.413, header), listed as a
nomen viri. The submitter provided further documentation of its use as
a Goth name, approximately 7th C, with an excerpt from an Old English poem
"Widsith" (original poem is ~7th C. and is preserved in the Exeter
Book, a 10th C. collection of Old English poetry
... |
18 |
ætla weold Hunum, |
Eormanric Gotum, |
Becca Baningum, |
Burgendum Gifica. |
20 |
Caesere weold Cracum |
ond Cælic Finnum, |
... |
ðonan ic ealne geondhwearf |
eþel Gotena, |
110 |
sohte ic a gesiþa |
þa selestan; |
þæt wæs innweorud |
Earmanrices. |
... |
frodne ond godne |
fæder Unwenes. |
115 |
Seccan sohte ic ond Beccan, |
Seafolan ond þeodric, |
Heaþoric ond Sifecan, |
Hliþe ond Incgenþeow. |
... |
The translation of these lines can be found at
(new link needed).
18 |
Attila ruled the Huns, Eormanric the Goths, |
Becca the Banings, the Burgundians by Gifica. |
20 |
Casere ruled the Creeks and Caelic the Finns, |
... |
After that I passed through the entire realm of the Goths, |
110 |
seeking I companions that were of the best variety; |
such was the household of Eormanric. |
Hethca sought I and Beadeca and the Herelings, |
Emerca sought I and Fridla and the East Gotans, |
wise and good, the father of Unwen. |
115 |
Secca sought I and Becca, Seafola and Theodric, |
Heathoric and Sifeca Hlithe and Incgentheow. |
... |
In line 115, the name Secca appears as "Seccan" because it is in
the dative case. You can see that Becca also appears as "Beccan" in
line 115, but it is in its subjective case in line 19.
of Venice: from Venice, a city in Italy. According to the
Encyclopedia Britannica, "... Venice came into being after the fall of the
Roman Empire in the West. The Lombard hordes, whose incursions into northern
Italy began in AD 568, drove great numbers of mainlanders onto the islands of
the lagoon, previously the homes of itinerant fishermen and salt
Since the Goths had regular contact with the Italians, we believe this is a
reasonably constructed name.
[Device] No conflicts found. Unfortunately, this must be returned for redraw.
The Or is too orange and the azure too close to purple. (Administrative
Handbook VI.C.1 "Pastel or neon colors are inappropriate for colored
armory forms. However the forms are colored, the submission may be returned if
the tinctures are not recognizably heraldic tinctures.")
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for
Angels, Barony of the
Niccolo Genovese. New name change and new device. Sable,
three bezants one and two Or and a trimount argent.
[Name] The submitter's current primary name, Jahan Isfahani was registered
09/91. If this new name is registered, he wishes to retain the old name as an
alternate (The submitter marked both the Name Type: Alternate
and Action Type: Change boxes. When Crescent pointed out this
discrepancy, he indicated that he was confused by the form, and that he does
intend Niccolo to be his primary name and Jahan to be an alternate).
The submitter is interested in a masculine name, will accept all changes, and
if changes must be made, cares most about the unspecified sound and prefers the
given name "Niccolo".
Niccolo is found in De Felice, Dei Nomi (p.277ff, s.n. Nicola).
"Amiamente eiffuso per Nicola e gli alterati in tuta l'Italia, ma piu nel
Sud e soprattutto in Puglia, presenta invece una distribuzione diversa nelle
varie alter forme: sono por della Toscana Nicolo, Niccola, Niccolo e
Niccoloe" (found throughout as Nicola and having alternates in all of
Italy, more so in the South,.. in many diverse forms, as in Tuscany Nicolo,
Niccola, Niccolo …)
Genovese is found in De Felice Dei Cognomi (p. 134, s.n. Genova).
"Varianti: Genua. Derivati: Genovese e Genovesi, Genovese, ..Raro
e sporadico nel Centro-Nord, ma molto frequente nel Sud," (Variant: Genua,
Derivatives: Genovese, Genovesi, Genovese… Rare and sporadically (found)
in the Central North, but more frequently in the South.)
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Caid, Kingdom of
Mæva Svansdóttir. New name.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. She will accept minor
though not major changes. If changes must be made, she cares most about the
unspecified language and/or culture. The forms indicate this is a name change
for Maeve Bandruid. We see no prior registration of this name, so we are
treating this as a new name submission.
Mæva is a feminine given name found in Gierr Bassi
Svansdóttir is daughter of Svanr, a masculine given
name found in Gierr Bassi p.15. The patronymic construction follows the pattern
of Grímr → Grimsson/Grímsdóttir found in Gierr Bassi
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Calafia, Barony of
Marcus Artorius Metellus. Kingdom resubmission name and
device. Gules, on a pale between two lions combatant argent in pale a
dagger and a dagger inverted sable.
[Name] Submitter's form specifies no changes, but an email to the consulting
herald (included) specifically allows the change to Metelli. His previous
submission, Marcus Artorius Manennia was returned by Crescent 04/07
for lack of documentation.
This name is a reasonably-constructed "Tria Tomina" Roman
name as described in "Names and Naming Practices of Regal and Republican
Rome" by Meradudd Cethin
On this webpage, we found Marcus on the
prænomen link, and Metellus on the
cognomen link.
Artorius is found on Brittania.com’s website
which states "Artorius, the latin form of Arthur, is also a nomen, e.g.:
L. (Lucius) Artorius Castus. He was the 2nd century Dalmatian commander who was
stationed in Britain and commanded auxiliary troops."
[Device] No conflicts found.
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Daniel von Ravensfeld. New name.
[Name] Submitted as Daniel von Ravensfeuld. The submitter desires a
masculine name. He will accept minor but not major changes, and specifically
allows the spelling "Ravensfeld" if necessary to register the
Daniel is from Bahlow (p.75, s.n. Daniel) "the Prophet
(Hebrew ‘God is my judge’), in [Hamburg] as early as 1268..."
Danielis (son of Daniel).
von Ravensfeld is a constructed byname meaning the raven's
field. Bahlow lists Raven (p.441, s.n. Raven) LGer. Meaning 'raven' or old
person. 'Feld' also in Bahlow (pg.130, s.n. Feld), meaning "field".
Documented as a single name element in 1345, 1280 and 1390. We find no evidence
of the spelling "-feuld", so have changed the name per the
submitter's instructions.
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel.
Frederich von Baden. New name.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will not allow major
Frederick is found in Bahlow (p.130, s.n. Fried(e)rich) L
Ger. for Fried(e)rich(s).
von Baden is from Baden, a former state in SW Germany
according to CLG, page 137. It is undated in this source.
The Encyclopedia Britannica has a short article on Baden where it states:
The name (meaning "baths") refers to the warm mineral
springs, particularly in the town of Baden-Baden, valued since Roman
times. Baden first became a political unit in 1112. Split up many
times, the territory was finally reunited under Charles Frederick in
1771. A centre of 19th-century liberalism, it was active in the revolutions of
1848–50. It joined the German Empire in 1871 and became part of the
Weimar Republic in 1919. After World War II, Baden was incorporated
into West Germany as part of Baden-Württemberg
It clearly shows that Baden existed in period, but it also attaches
the name of Frederick as a ruler of the state. In addition to this
individual, we found several other Frederick’s as dukes of the territory
in Webster’s Biographical Dictionary (pg. 554, s.n. Frederick), though
these do not appear to have their own entry in the Encyclopedia Brittanica.
According to precedent, this must be returned for presumption (RfS VI.1):
Traditionally, we protect the names of rulers (though not
necessarily their consorts) whether or not they have entries in an
encyclopedia. Tsar and Grand Prince Ivan Vasilevich, Lord of All Russia (Ivan
"the Terrible") ruled from 1547 to 1584. From 1605-1606 a man
claiming to be Ivan's son Dmitrii ruled. In modern reference material, he is
referred to as the "First False Dmitrii". Webster's Biographical
Dictionary (p. 406) lists Ivan's real son as Dmitri Ivanovich. As
such, it is logical that the First False Dmitrii ruled as Dmitri
Ivanovitch. Therefore, this submission is in conflict with a historical
ruler and must be returned. [Dmitrii Ivanovich,
R-An Tir]
The following precedent is worthy of note as well:
[<name> Lietuvos, meaning <name> the Lithuanian] While prior
Laurel precedent has returned the form '{Name} the {Nationality}', we do not
find this presumptuous of the ruler of the country in the same way or to the
same degree that, say, '{Name} of {Nation}' would. Hence, we do not find that
this name conflicts with <name>, King of Lithuania. (LoAR 12/91
<Given Name> the Breton should no more conflict with <same Given
Name>, Duke of Brittany, than Richard the Englishman would
with Richard, King of England. (LoAR 10/90 p.2)
Thus the submitter might consider changing the name from "von
Baden" (of Baden) to "der Badenman" (the man from Baden) or
"der Badener" (the resident of Baden), which should not be
Name returned for presumption.
Geneviève la Douce. New name.
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. She allows no major changes,
and if changes must be made she cares most about the unspecified sound. She
specifically requests the "correct de, la, le to mean 'the
Geneviève is found in Douzat des Noms &
Prenoms de France (p.286, header) as a feminine given name. Genevote is
dated to 1292. The name Geneviève la Flamenge is in Colm
Dubh’s "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of
Douce is also found in Dauzat (p.209, header), which lists
many variants. The author states: that the name is a matronym derived from the
adjective doux, similar to the construction of the surname
Bonne. R&W (p.139, header) lists the name meaning
"sweet". Period spellings as a surname include; Hugo Duce, le Dulcis
1200, Geoffery Duz 1200, Gilbert le Dus 1296, Godfrey le Douz 1296, Walter
Douce 1379, etc. As a given name Douce de Moster 1274 and Douce of Chedle 1307
are listed. The addition of the particle 'la' changes the name from 'sweet' to
'the sweet' per the submitter's request.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Darach, Shire of
Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme. Change of badge.
(Fieldless) A pillar sundial argent.
[Name] The submitter's name was registered 10/81.
[Armory] From the submitter:
This would be the defining instance of a sundial in Society armory. The form
of sundial submitted is variously known as a "pillar sundial",
"cylinder sundial", or "shepherd's sundial". It was chosen
for two reasons:
First, the pillar sundial is found throughout period. A simple pillar
sundial, dating from the 1st C., was excavated in Italy in the late 19th C.,
but was not identified as such until 1984 [Higton 14]. The pillar dial was
described by Hermann of Reichenau, or Hermannus Contractus ("the
Lame"), d.1054; its invention had been attributed to him until the
identification of the Roman artifact [Cousins, fig 74]. Chaucer's
Canterbury Tales, c.1380, makes reference to a "chilindre"
(cylinder) for telling time of day. An ivory pillar dial was sold in
Nuremberg, 1455 [Gouk 28]. And the famous painting "The
Ambassadors", done by Hans Holbein the Younger in 1533, shows a variety
of sundials, including a pillar dial [Bruton 59, with a close-up in Cousins,
fig.75]. The sundial in Holbein's painting was the model for the current
From Roman times to the end of our period, then, the pillar or cylinder dial
would have been known and recognized. (Sources cited: Eric Bruton, The
History of Clocks and Watches; Frank Cousins, Sundials: the Art and
Science of Gnomonics; Penelope Gouk, The Ivory Sundials of Nuremberg,
1500-1700; Hester Higton, Sundials: An Illustrated History of Portable
Second, the pillar sundial has a recognizable and reproducible form. A
previous submission of a sundial in Society armory (Siobhan ni Riain of
Brielle, Oct 91) used a horizontal dial with a triangular pole-pointing gnomon
– the type found in many modern gardens. It was returned, among other
reasons, for its lack of recognizability. This is inherent when trying to use
a horizontal dial as a charge: when seen in side-view, it doesn't look like
much of anything, and the only way to draw it recognizably is to draw it in
trian aspect, which is contrary to most heraldic artistic tenets.
Given these facts, we suggest that this form of sundial be accepted as the
standard heraldic sundial for the Society. The sundial was not, so far as can
be found, used in period armory.
If this is registered, the submitter wishes to release his current badge,
(Fieldless) A black-haired demi-maiden proper, vested per pale and
chevronelly argent and azure, maintaining above her head a strung bow Or
(registered 06/93).
The submitter requested that this be blazoned as: (Fieldless) A sundial
argent. Everywhere in the submitter’s documentation, this artifact
is referred to as a "pillar sundial", "pillar dial",
"cylinder dial". We believe that changing the blazon to "pillar
sundial" better matches the documentation and will be helpful for scribes
attempting to draw this armory from blazon alone (they should be less tempted
to draw a "garden variety" sundial). An online detail from 'The
Ambassadors' can be found at
with "The Ambassadors" in the title field.
This is clear of Barry wavy azure and Or, a Doric column argent
(Barony of the Bridge, for Order of the Pillar, 03/84). There is a CD for
removal of the field. We believe the addition of the protruding arm of the
pillar dial is significant enough to warrant a CD according to RfS X.4.e.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Mary Taran of Glastonbury and Æduin of Skye. New
badge. Per fess wavy argent and barry wavy azure and argent, in chief a
Norse sun-cross sable.
[Name] Mary Taran of Glastonbury was registered 01/74. Æduin of Skye
was registered 04/02. This form indicates that it is intended for House Morien,
though no name form for this household was submitted, nor is one on file. This
may be forwarded though, without specific attribution.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Roesia de Grey. New name and device. Vert, a badger
rampant Or maintaining a rose argent slipped and leaved sable.
[Name] The submitter indicated no preferences other than wishes to keep some
form of "Rose" and some form of "Grey" in the name.
Roesia is a feminine given name, found in R&W (p.428,
s.n. Stock): Roesia atte Stocke, 1275.
de Grey is a toponymic byname, "of (a town called)
Gray", found in Bardsley's Dictionary of Welsh and English
Surnames, (p.334, s.n. Gray): Eva de Grey, 1273.
[Device] The device is a cant: "gray" is another blazonry term for
a badger (Parker 33).
This is clear of Vert, a raccoon rampant proper [Procyon lotor]
(Thorvald Gundaarsson, 07/82). There should be at least a CD via RfS X.4.e for
change in type of primary charge. We checked the emblazon of Thorvald's raccoon
and it is a clearly brown shade. By precedent, "Current policy appears to
be a tacit assumption that a brown animal or object proper is given tincture
difference from any standard heraldic tincture, as long as the particular shade
of brown is drawn so that it is not too close to a standard heraldic
tincture." [Áedán of Windhaven,
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Dreiburgen, Barony of
Mary Dedwydd verch Gwallter. Laurel resubmission device.
Quarterly gules and argent, an escallop counterchanged.
[Name] Submitter's name was registered 11/00.
[Armory] In 01/06 Laurel returned her design Vert estencelly, on a pile
throughout argent a brunette mermaid proper maintaining in each hand an
escallop inverted vert. In 10/06 Crescent returned her resubmission
Vert estencilly on a pile throughout Or a brunette mermaid proper
maintaining in each hand an escallop inverted vert for conflict with
Vert, on a pile between in pile seven cups Or, a mermaid erect affronty
maintaining in her dexter hand a wine bottle and in her sinister hand a tray
bearing three cups vert (Christianna MacGrain, 07/84); and also redrawing,
'The sparks are extremely difficult to make out, especially on the colored
emblazon. Please draw the individual dots of the sparks larger and the whole
charge more distinct. (RfS VIII.3)'
This new resubmission is a complete redesign. (Very classy armory. --
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Galavalley, Canton of
Sofia Beornsdotter. New name and device. Ermine, on a
bend between two hearts purpure three hearts palewise argent.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name, will accept all
changes, and if changes must be made is most interested in the unspecified
Sofia. According to the submitter, the Greek feminine name
Sophia was spelled as Sofia in Scandinavia (no documentation
provided). It is the submitter's mundane name, though this is also not
documented by a copy of appropriate ID.
Beornsdotter is intended to mean "daughter of Beorn".
Beorn of the Northern Sea (registered 02/95) is the submitter's natural father,
though no documentation was provided to support this relationship. Beorn
is found in Searle, pg. 99, though we do not have documentation of the
addition of "-dotter" in Anglo Saxon. We also note that
Bj{o,}rnsdottír is documentable in Old Norse.
The name is returned for lack of documentation of its construction. (RfS II.2
and II.4, and AH IV.C.2)
[Armory] This is clear of Ermine on a bend purpure four mullets of four
points palewise Or. (Michael of Middleford, 01/98) with one CD via RfS
X.4.b for addition of the secondary hearts and another via X.4.j for change in
type and tincture of tertiary charges. However, this must be returned for lack
of a primary name. (AH II.A.1)
Name returned for lack of documentation. Device returned for lack of
a name.
Isles, Shire of
Freygunnr Úlfarsdóttir. New name and device.
Per pale sable and argent, two bulls passant respectant
[Name] Submitted as Freygunnr Úlfarsdottir, the submitter is
interested in a feminine name. She will accept all changes, and if changes must
be made she cares most about the language and/or culture, "Old
Freygunnr. Found on Upland Rune Inscription on a stone
currently in Stockholm. See webpage
for a picture of the stone and its translation, "Þorsteinn
and Freygunnr, they ... stone in memory of ... their son". See
for a transcription of another stone featuring this name. (However, no copy of
this page was provided and 'membership' is required to view the pages). In
Norse, this is given as "kuþfastr aok þorontr litu rita sten
eftiR faþur sin hals ok frykuþr yftiR bonta sin þorþr
hiak runar þisar ual" with a translation "Gudhfastr and
Thróndr had the stone erected in memory of their father Hals; and
Freygunnr in memory of her husbandman. Thórdhr cut these runes
This appears to be the standard Latinized spelling of the name, but we note
that all of the sources show the original Norse spellings with a "k"
instead of a "g", and several end in thorn "þ"
instead of "n".
Úlfarsdóttir is daughter of Ulfarr. According
to the submitter, this "is found 4 or 5 times in the Landnambook." We
found it in Geirr Bassi (p.15, s.n. Ulfarr). In forming the patronymic, one of
the "r"s is dropped per Geirr Bassi’s instructions on pg.
15-17, e.g. "Geirr" → Geirsdóttir. We have added
the appropriate accent to the patronymic to make the entire word
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and
forwarded to Laurel.
Malkyn Sharowe. New name and device. Per bend sinister
embattled argent and sable, in canton a cinquefoil and on a bordure gules three
cinquefoils argent.
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. She will allow all changes and
if changes must be made she cares most about the spelling.
Malkyn is documented from Talan Gwynek's "Feminine
Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames"
listed under "Mary" and dated to 1297. Malkyn is also found
in Withycombe p. 211ff, s.n. Mary: Malkyn Coventry Mysteries, 15th
Sharowe is a surname documented from "Surnames in 15th
Century York" by Karen Larsdatter
which lists Sharow and Sharowe.. R&W (p.404, s.n. Sharroh,
Sharrow) includes Robert Sharrowe dtd to 1642.
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Lyondemere, Barony of
Eva filia Edeneweyn. New name.
[Name] Submitter will accept minor but not major changes and if changes must
be made, she cares most about the unspecified sound.
Eva is a Welsh given feminine name, found in "Women's
Names in the First Half of 16th Century Wales" by Tangwystyl verch Morgant
and "A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th Century Welsh Names" by the
same author
It is also found in Withycombe (p.112, header), dated from the Curia Rolls to
filia Edeneweyn means "daughter of
Edeneweyn" with the Latin form of the patronymic marker.
Edeneweyn is a masculine Welsh given name found in the "Simple
Guide to Constructing 13th Century Welsh Names"
Regarding the construction, the same article states:
For the most common type of byname -- one indicating relationship --
the name is set up as follows: <given name> <relationship word>
<relative's given name> ... Daughter – In this
document [The Merioneth Lay Subsidy Roll of 1292-3],
Latin filia is the only word found for this, although Welsh
verch can be found in documents of a similar period.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Naevehjem, Barony of
Ymanya Bartelot. New name and device. Or, a popinjay
gules beaked, winged and tailed argent.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. She will accept minor
but not major changes.
Ymanya is a feminine given name found in Bardsley (p.273,
s.n. Emeny) "Bapt, 'the son of Imayne' (not in Miss Younge's Glossary).
Once a popular Girl's name, now passed into oblivion" with Ymanya
de Thuyt, 1273.
Bartelot is a surname found in R&W (p.30, s.n. Bartlet)
with Thomas Bartelot, 1294, also commenting that this is a double
diminuative of Braat-, Bert, from Bartelmew, Bertelmew (Bartholomew).
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel
Ymanya Bartelot. New badge. (Fieldless) A popinjay gules
beaked, winged and tailed argent.
[Name] Appears above.
[Armory] Will conflict with device, submitted above. Permission to conflict
with oneself is assumed.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Order of Precedence Notes
Maeva Svansdóttir appears in the OP as Maeve Bandruid.
Bahlow, Hans. Dictionary of German Names. translated by Edda Gentry,
University of Wisconsin, Madison: Max Kade Institute for German-American
Studies, 1967, English version: 2002. [Bahlow/Gentry 2nd]
Bardsley, Charles. W. A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames.
London, 1901; Ramsbury, Wiltshire: Heraldry Today. Reprint ed.: 1988
Colm Dubh, "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of
Dauzat, Albert. Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et
Prénoms de France. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1987. Reviewed and
augmented by Marie-Thérèse Morlet. [Dauzat]
De Felice, Emilio. Dizionario dei Cognomi Italiani. 4th ed. Arnoldo
Mondadori Editore. Milan, 1986. [Cognomi]
De Felice, Emilio. Dizionario dei Nomi Italiani. 4th ed. Arnoldo
Mondadori Editore. Milan, 1986. [Nomi]
Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name. Olney, MD: Studia
Marklandica, 1977. [Geirr Bassi]
Harris, Karen, "Surnames in 15th Century York" by Karen Larsdatter
MacLysaght, Edward. The Surnames of Ireland. 6th ed. Dublin: Irish Academic
Press, 1985. [MacLysaght]
Meradudd Cethin , "Names and Naming Practices of Regal and Republican
Rome" http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/roman/
Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, and Maguire, Fidelma. Irish Names.
Dublin: The Lilliput Press, 1990. [OCM]
Parker, James, A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry. Rutland, Vermont:
Charles E. Tuttle, 1982.
Reaney, P. H., and Wilson, R. M. A Dictionary of English Surnames
Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press, 3rd ed. 1995. [R&W]
Searle, William George. Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum. 1897. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press,. Facsimile ed. 1969
Seltzer, L. E., ed. The Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World.
Morningside Heights, NY: Columbia University Press, 1952. [CLG]
Talan Gwynek "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English
Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, "A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th
Century Welsh Names"
Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn , "Women's Names in the First Half of
16th Century Wales"
Withycombe, E. G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.
Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press 3rd ed. 1977. [Withycombe]
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