Minutes of the February 11, 2007 College of Heralds
Meeting |
[Note: These submissions appear on the
Jul 07 LoAR]
Meeting commenced at 10:50 AM.
In attendance were: Lachlan Crescent, Su Dolphin,
Hrorek Chevron, Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau, Jordan mac Lachlan,
Thomas Quatrefoil, Marion Coral Macer, and Edborough Kellie.
Upcoming meetings are: March 11, 2007; April 1, 2007; May 6, 2007; June 24,
2007. The April meeting is the final meeting that we will accept submissions on
older forms. After that date, older forms will be subject to administrative
I am pleased to announce that Njall Olaf Hagarson was created Sommelier
Herald at Festival of the Rose. This honors his mastery of heraldry,
particularly vocal heraldry and ceremony, and his long service to the Caid
College of Heralds.
Next weekend is Estrella. If you are attending, please consider donating some
volunteer time. Consider volunteering at the heraldic consultation booth or
camp cry or anywhere else you feel you'd be useful.
Unless otherwise noted, all submitters will accept the creation of a holding
name, if appropriate. Approved submissions will be forwarded on the March 21,
2007 Letter of Intent.
Altavia, Barony of
Asakura Machime. New device. Argent, a phoenix azure issuant from
flames gules.
[Name] The submitter's name was Registered 09/06.
[Armory] This submission conflicts with [Fieldless] A phoenix azure rising
from flames proper (Christina Ebenstein, 03/98). There is one Clear
Difference via RfS X.4.iii for the addition of the field. The remaining CD must
come from change in tincture of the phoenix. Flames proper consist of half
gules and half Or flames. Given this, the change here is to only approximately
¼ of the tincture of the primary charge and therefore is insufficient to
warrant a CD via RfS X.4.d,
Device returned for conflict.
Angels, Barony of the
Cassandra Zoë Paganal. Laurel resubmission device. Sable, a
winged bear rampant regardant wings displayed and in chief a compass star
(line drawing)
[Name] Registered 08/99.
[Armory] The submitter's previous submission, Azure, a silkie Or headed
argent, in chief on three flames Or three gouts azure was returned by
Laurel 08/99,
Gouttes on flames are inherently unidentifiable. "The gout is
unrecognizable as such on the flames, appearing to be a part of the flames
rather than a separate charge." (Da'ud ibn Auda, LoAR August 1994, p.
This is a complete redesign.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Reymund of Salisbury. New device. Lozengy argent and azure, a lion
sejant erect guardant maintaining in its forepaws a baton dovetailed bendwise
sinister Or.
[Name] Registered 08/98 (via Atlantia).
[Armory] The color emblazons provided are color photocopiesy. Unfortunately,
the Or did not reproduce well, leaving the lion appearing brownish. We are
returning this device for this reason. We recommend that, on resubmission, the
submitter consider drawing each lozenge in the field larger. If each lozenge
were the size of four of these lozenges, it would help clarify the outline of
the primary charge.
The proposed blazon specifies that the maintained charge is meant to be a
lightning bolt. Though not reason for return, this is not drawn as a standard
lightning bolt, so we have done our best to blazon what is drawn. If the
submitter really desires a lightning bolt, we recommend consulting the
Pictorial Dictionary or their local herald.
Device returned for re-draw.
Dreiburgen, Barony of
Jumana al-Zarqa'. Kingdom resubmission name and device. Argent,
three flames sable.
(line drawing)
[Name] Submitted as juMANA al-ZARQA. The submitter is interested in a
feminine name. She will accept minor but not major changes and if changes must
be made she cares most about the language/culture, "Arabic".
Her previous name submission, Jumana Kalyi Jag was returned by Crescent 09/98
for lingual incompatibility between Arabic and Romani ("Jumana Da'ud said
so. However, he has a hard time with the Romani combination. There is
insufficient documentation of the byname, and insufficient documentation for
interaction between the cultures. "). This name has corrected that
problem. As greater than one year has elapsed since the time of her previous
submission, a new submission fee is required by Caidan policy.
Jumana is found in "Period Arabic Names and Naming
Practices" by Da'ud ibn Auda
as a feminine ism (given name).
al-Zarqa is an alternative transliteration of
"al-Zarqa'" This name is also found in the same source as a
feminine cognomen meaning, "the blue eyed". It appears to us that the
apostrophe, representing the glottal stop, is omitted in some transliteration
systems. This can be seen by the following variant spellings in Da'ud's
article: Da'ud -> Daud. Asma' -> Asma. Hawwa -> Hawa, Hawwa'. (a few
others omitted). We feel, however, that the apostrophe is warranted here in
order to distinguish between the two different pronunciations of the final
vowels in the first and last names. We have added the apostrophe for this
We note that this is clear of the SCA name Jumana bint Nur al-Zarqa'
(Registered 02/04), as one is "Jumana the blue-eyed", and the other
is "Jumana the daughter of the light of the blue-eyed". Thus the
sound is significantly different, and there is no presumption of
[Armory] The submitter's previous submission, Argent, on a flame sable, an
increscent enclosing a mullet argent, a chief purpure was "pended for
lack of a name" on 09/98. Given the time passed and current policy not to
pend armory submissions in case of name return, we feel it is reasonable to
treat this device as though it had been returned. As greater than one year has
elapsed since the time of her previous submission, a new submission fee is
required by Caidan policy.
Name and Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Dun Or, Barony of
Faizeh al-Zarqa. New name change from Fa'izah al-Zarqa'.
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. She will allow all changes, and
if changes must be made, she cares most about the spelling. If registered, she
wishes her current primary name to be released.
Her current primary name was registered 09/02 with the following
Listed on the LoI as F{a-}'izah al-Zaqra, we
have corrected the typo in the byname. The given name was submitted as
Faizeh and changed at Kingdom to a form documented from a
modern name book, as no documentation could be found for Faizeh. The
form Fa'iza is dated to period in Juliana de Luna's article "Jewish
Women's Names in an Arab Context: Names from the Geniza of Cairo"
Fa'izah is an alternate transliteration of Fa'iza. We have
added the glottal stop to the end of the byname, al-Zarqa', for
consistency, as it is included in the given name.
While the changes made were minor according to the instructions on the form,
the resulting name is unsatisfactory to the submitter.
This submission is presented as an alternative transliteration of her
registered name.
Faizeh: As mentioned in the note from Laurel above, Fa'iza is
found in "Jewish Women's Names in an Arab Context." Also, in e-mail
conversation between Da'ud ibn Auda and Crescent on this name, Da'ud reported
that, "Ahmed's 'A Dictionary of Muslim Names', p. 253, gives the name as
both Faaiza and Faa'izah, as the feminine form of Faaiz." This suggests
that both the removal of the apostrophe (') representing the glottal
stop and adding the terminal h are reasonable changes. The question of
whether it is reasonable to change the a to e is more difficult
to justify. Da'ud went on to say:
For the change from a to e, however, there is less
help, and most of what there is is modern. For example, Ahmed, p. 9, gives both
Ahmed and Ahmad, and for the entry for the first, says "See Ahmad".
But there are no dates for Ahmed (indeed, the few dates he has for Ahmad are
18th and 19th Century, but Ahmad is well-documented in period in Dodge,
"The Fihrist of al-Nadim", pp. 945-951). The "a" and
"e" sounds are sufficiently different in Arabic that it would
really only be non-Arab speakers (the British, for example, who often used to
transliterate "al-" as "el" for much of the
19th and 20th Centuries) who would confuse them.
(Note: The Caidan college does not have access to sources quoted by Da'ud in
order to provide photocopies for the packet. We take Master Da'ud on his
To Da'ud's commentary, we add one note: Da'ud's article, "Period Arabic
Names and Naming Practices"
gives two examples of an a to e change in alternative
- Zebeebah -> Zabibah (the first syllable gives za to ze,
which is similar to the submitted name. Also note though that the final
syllable is -bah in both transliterations)
- Sulayman -> Sulaiman, Suleiman (this is a weaker example, since the
a to e change is part of a vowel blend, so it's really
lay/lai/lei and so represents a completely different sound)
al-Zarqa: If the apostrophe (') is removed from the ism, it
should be removed from the cognomen as well, giving the submitted spelling
al-Zarqa based upon the feminine cognomen al-Zarqa', found in
Da'ud's article.
So in summary, the submitter's first concern is that the final
"a" in the first name be changed to an "e",
and the second is that the glottal stop apostrophes be removed.
Name forwarded to Laurel.
Rhiannon Asling. New name.
[Name] Submitted as Rhiannon Aislinge. The submitter does not
care about the gender of her name. She will allow all changes, and if changes
must be made she cares most about the meaning (unspecified) and the
language/culture, "Irish".
Rhiannon is an SCA Compatible name of Welsh origin "The name
Rhiannon is SCA-compatible, but no evidence has yet been found of it
being used as a given name by real people in period." (Rhiannon of
Shrewsbury, 04/03). As such, it is one step from period practice.
Aislinge is a masculine name found in OCM (p.21, s.n. Aislinn), where the
author states that the name "occurs once as a male name in the early
literature". Here it is apparently used as an unmarked patronymic.
Previous precedent specifies that names combining Welsh and Gaelic are not
registerable (Saige inghean Ghiolla Phádraig, 01/05).
Luckily, Asling is a surname found in Withycombe (p. 2, s.n. Acelin),
dated to the 13th C. It is also found in this spelling undated in R&W (p.
16, s.n. Aslin). We have changed the unmarked Irish patronymic form to the
English patronymic form, since English and Welsh are considered compatible
(Cover letter 08/99). This leaves the name registerable, with only one
"weirdness" for use of an SCA-compatible name...though the name is
not Irish, as the submitter requested.
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel.
Lyondemere, Barony of
Cecilia Lightfoot. New device. Gules, on a chevron between two
harps and a lion Or five quatrefoils gules and on a chief potenty Or three
martlets gules.
(line drawing)
[Name] Submitter's name was registered 02/06.
[Armory] By our count, this design has a complexity count of eight (two
colors and six types of charge). According to the rule of thumb in RfS
VIII.1.a, this indicates a possibly overly-complex design, though it may be
registerable if the overall effect is not obtrusively non-period. We believe
this is the case here.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Cecilia Lightfoot. New badge. Or, a lion maintaining a harp gules,
on a chief azure three castles argent.
(line drawing)
[Name] Submitter's name was registered 02/06.
[Armory] We have informed the submitter that the castles should be drawn
clearly in fess and the lion should be centered in the field so that it doesn't
touch the chief. We do not consider these adjustments to be reason for
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Starkhafn, Barony of
Clare von Kallenberg. New name.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. She will accept all
changes and if changes must be made, she cares most about the language/culture,
"14th C. German".
Clare is found in "Medieval Given Names from Silesia" by
Talan Gwynek
It is listed as a feminine name dated to 1385 and 1387.
von Kallenberg found in Bahlow (p. 283, s.n. Kallenbach), undated. We
also found it in the Zurich Roll of Arms, Strip II, front page 10, #115.
Kallenberg is a German city documented in Brechenmacher v. II, p.
6, with the use as a surname dated to 1316. In addition, it is found in
Bahlow/Gentry (p.283, s.n. Kallenbach) where it is undated.
Also the surname is grandfathered to the submitter via her father, Albrecth
von Kallenberg (registered 01/03). The submitter includes a letter, which
reads, "I Ken Zicker authorize my daughter Mara Zicker to use the name von
Kallenberg" We accept this as proof of the relationship between this
submitter and Albrecht.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Order of Precedence Notes
Both Faizeh al Zarqa and Fa'izah al Zarqa' are found in the OP.
Currently, the former has a note to see the latter. If this name change is
accepted, the opposite will likely be needed.
Bahlow, Hans. Dictionary of German Names. translated by Edda Gentry,
University of Wisconsin, Madison: Max Kade Institute for German-American
Studies, 1967, English version: 2002. [Bahlow/Gentry 2nd]
Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann. Etymologisches Woerterbuch der Deutschen
Familiennamen. Limburg a.d. Lahn: C.A. Starke Verlag, 1957-1960.
Da'ud ibn Auda. "Period Arabic Names and Naming Practices",
Juliana de Luna, "Jewish Women's Names in an Arab Context: Names from
the Geniza of Cairo"
Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, and Maguire, Fidelma. Irish Names.
Dublin: The Lilliput Press, 1990. [OCM]
Reaney, P. H., and Wilson, R. M. A Dictionary of English Surnames
Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press, 3rd ed. 1995. [R&W]
Talan Gwynek , "Medieval Given Names from Silesia",
Withycombe, E. G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.
Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press 3rd ed. 1977. [Withycombe]
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