Minutes of the November 6, 2005 meeting
[Note: These submissions appear on the
May 06 LoAR]
Meeting commenced at 11:15 AM and ended at 5:30 PM. At the scheduled meeting
end, there were still a number of submissions that had not yet been considered.
These submissions are pended and will be considered first at the December
meeting. It is worth noting that all save one of submissions which Crescent
received summaries for prior to the Thursday evening cutoff were ruled on.
In attendance were: Lachlan Crescent, Su Dolphin, Thomas
Brownell, Vivienne Recorder, Illuminada Silver Trumpet,
Santin Gold Forest, Damien Sable Fret, Selene Aurum,
Catherine de Winter, Rotheric Kynith, Balthazar Seraph, Hrorek
Chevron, Meala Caimbeul, Christopher Golden Rose, Cassandre
Upcoming meetings are: December 11, 2005 (Date changed to avoid conflict with
Queen's Champion Equestrian), January 22, 2006, February 05, 2006, March 12,
2006, April 02, 2006, May 07, 2006 and June 25, 2006. Following the December
meeting will be the traditional College of Heralds holiday party.
This weekend, the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann celebrates its first coronation.
We hope the new kingdom will flourish and grow.
Caid's Coronation will be held next weekend.
The device submission for Kater^ina Magdaléna Stoyanovna, Purpure,
five Catherine's wheels Or was inadvertently omitted from the minutes of
the August 7, 2005 meeting. It should have been approved and forwarded to
Laurel at that time. As the August minutes were then used to build the
September LoI, the device is also missing there. The device submission has been
forwarded on the October 26, 2005 LoI. Better late than never! [Webwright's
note: The submission is on the web version of the August
05 minutes.]
Submissions marked with "†" were accepted at Collegium
Caidis. Submissions marked with "‡" were accepted at Great
Western War. Unless otherwise noted, all submitters will accept the creation of
a holding name, if appropriate. Approved submissions will be forwarded on the
January 25, 2006 Letter of Intent.
al-Sahid, Shire of
‡ Gregor Turov. New name and device. Per bend
sinister Or and argent, a bull's head caboshed and a hammer sable hafted
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will accept no
Gregor is documented from Wickendon 2nd ed. (s.n. Grigorii, p. 75), dated to
the 15th C. as a masculine name.
Turov is also from Wickendon (header, p. 248), dated 1571 and glossed as
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and forwarded
to Laurel.
‡ Kiena Gledston. New badge. (Fieldless) a
decrescent per pale azure and argent.
[Name] Name registered 02/03.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
‡ Saher de Wahull. New badge. (Fieldless) A
crescent gules.
[Name] Name registered 05/02.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Altavia, Barony of
† Ingilborg Sigmundardottir. New badge
(Fieldless) A sheaf of a sword inverted between four arrows bound with a
garter argent.
[Name] The submitter's name was registered 08/01. This badge is to be
associated with "House Strongbow" which appears on the 08/24/05
Letter of Intent from Caid.
[Armory] We note that a garter and a belt are identical. White belts are
restricted to the chivalry so the submitted badge is presumptuous. We request
that the final drawing be submitted in black ink, since the photocopied pencil
drawing was impossible to distinguish across the room.
Badge returned for presumption.
Thorin O'Seaghdua. Kingdom resub device. Per pale gules
and vert, in chevron an axe and a needle, on a chief argent three trefoils
[Name] Submitters name was approved and forwarded to Laurel at the Caid
10/02/05 meeting.
Submission withdrawn.
Angels, Barony of
‡ Una Morgant o Rhos. New name.
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. She will accept minor but not
major changes to the name, and if changes must be made, she cares most about
the meaning: "Una - white wave".
Una is found in OCM (p. 176, s.n. Una). The editors note
that it is extremely popular.
Morgant is found in Morgan & Morgan, (p. 168, s.n.
Morgan) "The OW form Morcant... the name became Morgan in the med period.
There are examples relatively late of Morgant." They indicate that there
were two instances found in the RecCa Index (Record of Carnarvon),
which they fail to date.
Double given names are not registerable in Welsh, so we presume that this is
an unmarked patronymic, which we do not believe is registerable. This might be
fixed by the addition of the Welsh verch (daughter of). This would be
a major change and thus prohibited by the submitter's wishes.
o Rhos "of Rhios". The location is found in Dewi
Davis, Welsh Place Names and Their Meaning, (p. 40, s.n. Rhos), meaning
"moorland". The New Welsh Dictionary by Evans and Thomas
list "o" under "from" p.293.
Name returned for lack of documentation.
Caid, Kingdom of
Phelan de Bruce. New device. Azure, a catapult Or and on
a chief gules three bezants.
[Name] Name registered 03/01 via Caid.
[Armory] The submitter has permission to conflict with Osric Saxon, though
the designs do not conflict.
This must be returned for breaking the rule of tincture (RfS VIII.2.b). The
chief must have good contrast with the field. Also, as drawn, the catapult is
not recognizable to a degree necessary according to RfS VII.7.a. We recommend
the submitter view the depiction in the Pictorial Dictionary of
Heraldry for guidance.
Device returned for lack of contrast.
Calafia, Barony of
Brianna de Blare. New name.
Submission pended for lack of time.
‡ Brian Fayre. New name and device. Per pale
purpure and argent an hourglass sustained between two panthers combatant
[Name] Submitted as Bryan Fayre. The submitter desires a masculine
name. He will accept all changes and if changes must be made, cares most about
the sound.
Bryan is found in Withycombe, pg 53 "Brian or
Bryan has from early times been a favorite in Ireland on account of
the national hero Brian Borimge, but it was, during the middle ages, equally
popular in England, where it was introduced from Britany at the time of the
Norman Conquest." Unfortunately, Withycombe is not reliable for
non-English names or spellings and OCM fail to corroborate this spelling. We
have changed the name to the documentable English spelling. (Withycombe
continues on p. 53, "Brian is the name of 2 sub-tenants in
Fayre is documented from R&W (p. 160, s.n. Fayre) with
Thomas le Fayre, 1332.
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and
forwarded to Laurel.
Katherine Hunter. New name.
Submission pended due to lack of time.
Dia of Newcastle. New name and device. Vert, a stag's
head cabossed sable between in fess a decrescent and an increscent argent
fimbriated sable basemost horns conjoined each charged with a crescent-shaped
knot "purpure".
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. She will accept minor
though not major changes.
Dia is the submitters legal given name, though paperwork
documenting this is not provided. According to the "Legal Name
Allowance" (RfS II.4), an element of the submitter's legal name may be
used to serve a similar purpose in their registered SCA name, but it must be
documented with a photocopy of the submitter's driver's license or other
suitable identification. If this is supplied, this name can be forwarded.
of Newcastle is a locative. "Newcastle upon Tyne"
is found in Ekwall (p.339-340, header spelling) with the spelling
"Newcasle super Are" dated to 1316-17. We believe it
reasonable to omit the reference to the river in an English locative.
[Armory] This device is not of a period style and must be returned for
redraw. The stag's head has poor contrast with the field as is required by RfS
VIII.2. While not intentional, the crescents appear to be fimbriated due to the
thick, black outline around each one. In Laurel's words, "Please advise
the submitter to be careful on future submissions to avoid outlines so thick
that they appear to be fimbriation." (Magy McTerlach, 10/01). Also, the
exact orientation of the crescents is difficult to accurately describe in
standard blazon language, as is required by RfS VII.7.b. Likewise, the knots
upon the crescents are not describable in standard blazon language.
"Celtic knotwork" has been unregisterable for SCA armory for some
time now. "One can find references to a 'long-standing ban on knotwork' in
November 1994, and the policies on knotwork have not changed since then."
(Eithne Rannach na an tEilan Dubh, 03/02). And finally, the submitter is warned
to avoid the use of ink jet printers to provide the color on future submission
forms due to the fugitive nature of that medium. The color of the knots on this
submission is only recognizable as "purpure" with some imagination.
Whatever color it was originally, it appears quite brown now.
Name returned for lack of documentation. Device returned for multiple
problems, including lack of a name.
Fionnghuala inghean Uilliam. New name.
Submission pended due to lack of time.
Helga gylðir. New name and device. Per fess sable
and argent, in pale a wolf passant and a wolf sejant ullulant contourny
Submissions pended due to lack of time.
† Jeremias de Froggemor. New name and device.
Sable a frog Or.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will accept any changes,
and if changes must be made, he cares most about the sound.
Jeremias is found in R&W (p. 254, s.n. Jeremy) with
Jeremias de Ecclesfeld 1219.
de Froggemor is found in R&W (p. 178 sn. Frogmore). It
is an English toponymic: William de Froggemor 1275.
[Armory] This device conflicts with Æsa Gilsdottir, Per pale azure
and gules, a frog Or (07/04) with only one clear difference for changes to
the field.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for
‡ Maddeleentje van Leiden. New name
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. She will allow minor but not
major changes, and if changes must be made, she cares most about the sound, and
language/culture: 1575-1600 Netherlands. The submitter originally requested
changes to make the name authentic, but changed her mind and altered the form
prior to submission.
Maddeleentje is found in Woordenboek van Voornamen,
Dr. J. Van Der Schaar (pg 254, s.n. Magdalena), dated to 1633.
van Leiden, "of Leiden", a city in the
Netherlands. We have found it in Chambers World Gazetteer, ed. Dr.
David Munro (header, pg. 357). The authors state that the city dates to the
11th C. It received its charter in 1266.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
‡ Margeret Kerne. New device. Vert, on a chevron
argent three escallops sable.
[Name] Name registered 12/04.
[Armory] This conflicts with Klaus Winter, Vert, on a chevron throughout
argent three holly leaves vert (registered 01/01) with only one clear
difference for cumulative changes to the tertiary charges (see RfS X.4.j).
There is no difference given between a chevron and a chevron throughout. We
also caution the submitter to omit the black outlining on the chevron for
future submissions to avoid any confusion with unregisterable fimbriation.
Device returned for conflict.
‡ Pelay Saber. New name and device. Per bend
sinister wavy sable estensilly argent and azure, a natural dolphin palewise
embowed argent.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will accept no changes, and
if changes must be made, he cares most about the sound. The submitter will not
allow the creation of a holding name.
Both elements found in Melcon, though no information is available on what
this source says about these names. As time is short, we are returning this
name in hopes the submitter can provide more detail.
[Armory] Clear of Per chevron vert and gules, a dolphin haurient
argent (Juan el Blanco, 10/97). There is a clear difference for changes to
the tincture of the field as well as an additional clear difference for the
addition of the estencils. These count as secondary charges, rather than part
of the field itself. However, this must be returned for lack of a name (AH
II.A.1), and for a redrawing of the device - the curves on the wavy need more
amplitude and the estencils should be larger and perhaps fewer in number.
Name returned for lack of documentation. Device returned for lack of
a name and a redrawing.
Tamitha de Barde. New name and device. Argent, a chevron
sable between two thistles proper and a goblet gules.
Submissions pended due to lack of time.
Thomas Hewes of Islington. New name.
Submission pended due to lack of time.
‡ William M'Killroy. New name and device. Per
fess gules and sable, a fess wavy between three dolphins hauriant Or.
[Name] The submitter desires name of Irish/English origin. He will accept
minor but not major changes and if changes must be made, he specifically does
not want "Mac"
William The submitter has provided St. Gabriel's report 2810
indicating William is found in OCM (s.n. Uilliam) with evidence from
Annala Rioghachta Eireann: Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four
Masters from the Earliest period to the Year 1616 citing seven examples of
William being used in English-language documents by Gaelic men. Also
cited in the report was Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's "Index of Names in Irish
Annals" (WWW: Academy of S. Gabriel, 2001-2002) dating Uilliam to the 16th
M'Killroy - This is found in the same St. Gabriel's report
with the original source being Wolfe (p.379 s.n. Mac Giolla Ruaid). This shows
M'Killroy and other variants to be forms of Mac Giolla Ruaidh with the
modern form being McElroy. Fortunately, it looks like the original inquirer
never registered any of the variants.
[Armory] The fess wavy, as drawn must be returned for redraw (RfS VII.7.a).
We recommend the submitter draw one or two additional undulations on the fess
and draw each undulation "deeper". Due to lack of time, this has not
been thoroughly checked for conflicts.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for
Summergate, Canton of
‡ Leonardo Geminiani. New name and device. Azure,
in fess two lions rampant Or.
[Name] Submitted as Leonardo Geminani. Submitter is interested in a
masculine name. He will accept minor but not major changes.
Leonardo is found in De Felici, Nomi, (pp. 226-227) as a
masculine given name
Geminiani is found in De Felici, Cognomi, (p. 133 s.n.
Geminiani). The submitted spelling does not appear in the entry, so we assume
that it is an error. The name is apparently of toponomic origin
("Cemignani o Gimignani, in Toscana, possono anche
essere formati dai toponimi San Gemignano (LU) e San
Gimignano (SI)")
[Armory] This must be returned for Conflict with William Longespee (Important
non-SCA arms) Azure, six lions rampant Or. There is only one clear
difference for change in number of charges.
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for
Carreg Wen, Shire of
‡ Samutani Sukenobu. New name.
Submission pended due to lack of time.
Dreiburgen, Barony of
‡ Osric Saxon. New name and device. Azure, in
pale a crescent inverted and a catapult argent.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will accept minor, but not
major changes.
Osric is found in Searle (header, pg. 377). There are 17
different individuals listed, dating from 633 to 882 A.D. In addition, it is
found in Reaney Origins of English Surnames (p. 207), where the author
states, "whilst the curious Horsewright, noted in Suffolk (John
Horsewright, Robert Horsewreath 1524 SSRSF), is probably from OE
Saxon is from R&W (header, p 394), undated in this
spelling but other variants dated to the 13th C.
[Armory] No conflicts found. The submitter has permission to conflict with
Phelan de Bruce, though the designs do not conflict. As drawn, the catapult is
not recognizable to a degree necessary according to RfS VII.7.a. We recommend
the submitter view the depiction in the Pictorial Dictionary of
Heraldry for guidance.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for
Gyldenholt, Barony of
Collette Millard. New name and device. Azure, on a
chevron inverted between a dove volant bendwise sinister maintaining in its
beak an olive branch and two fleurs de lis argent, two feathers tips crossed
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. If changes must be made, she
cares most about the Language/Culture, "French."
Collette is documented from a Saint Gabriel report,
a copy is provided. This report dates the name to the 14th-15th C in Picardy.
The Academy's reference for this is Morlet, Marie-Therise, Etude
d'anthroponymie picarde, les nomes de personne en Houte Picardie aux XIIIe,
XIVe, XVe siecles (Amiens, Musee de Picardie, 1967).
Collette is also found in Wythecombe (p. 70, s.n. Colette), dated to
Millard is found in Dauzat (p.435, s.n. Millard)
"Millard, ver. Graphique de Milard (Nord); [Midi] « champ de millet
»" (Millard is a graphic variation of "Milard" from the
North meaning "millet field") Milard is found on p. 434, "n. de
personnes d'origine germ." (A name of German origin?).
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Dirk Ivanovich. New badge. Or, a gorgon's head cabossed
[Name] Name change (from Direk Ivanovich) appears on the 06/24/05 Letter of
intent from Caid.
[Armory] The charge on this badge is drawn in a highly stylized fashion.
Especially confounding are two braids (?) hanging down over where the shoulders
might be. Without documentation that this depiction may have been used in
Medieval heraldry, this must be returned (RfS VII.7.a). We recommend the
submitter view the emblazon found in the Pictorial Dictionary of
Heraldry for guidance. This was conflict checked and found to be free of
Device returned for redraw.
Edward Thorp. New name.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will allow no changes, and
if changes are required, he cares most about the Language/Culture,
Edward can be documented from Withycombe (p.94, sn. Edward).
It is dated throughout our period. For example, "From the ascension of
Edward I in 1272 there was an Edward on the throne of England for over
a century (until 1377)..."
Thorp is found in R&W (p.455, s.n. Thorp). "Robert
de Thorp 1287... William in le Thorp 1327... Jak del
Thorp 1332... From one of the numerous places named Thorp(e)"
We found an Edward Thorpe in Webster's Biographical
Dictionary (s.n. Thorpe, pg. 1467), who was an English chemist who lived from
1845-1925. We believe that he is important enough to protect.
Name returned for conflict.
Fionnuala MacNaulty. New name.
[Name] The submitter has indicated no preferences.
Fionnuala is found in OCM (p.103, s.n. Finnguala:
Fionnghuala, Fionnuala) as a feminine name meaning "fair
shouldered". "Finnguala was an extremely popular name in Ireland in
the later middle ages..."
MacNaulty is found in MacLysaght (p.233, s.n.
(Mac)Naulty, Nolty). It is undated.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Gaius Brutus. New name change from Gaius Grattius
Brutus; Laurel resub device. Sable, on a bend sinister between two
bulldogs heads caboshed argent, four quatrefoils slipped vert.
[Name] Submitter's current name was registered 04/05. He will accept no
changes. He requests an authentic name, but fails to specify either time period
or language/culture. Submitter does not indicate a desire to keep the old name
as an alternate. Gaius is found in Withycombe (header, p.
124), where the author states it is a Roman praenomen.
Brutus is listed as a cognomen (Decimus Brutus) in
Rome In The Augustan Age by H. T. Rowell (University of Oklahoma
Press) page 21 and also in The Fourth Edition of A History of the Roman
People by Allen M. Ward (University of Connecticut), Fritz M. Heichelheim
and Cedric A. Yeo on page 219. (Copies of Title and cited pages attached to
submission form.)
[Armory] The submitter's previous design, Sable, on a bend sinister
between two bulldogs statant respectant argent, four quatrefoils bendwise
slipped to dexter base vert was returned by Laurel 05/05 due to lack of
documentation of the bulldog's appearance.
Bulldog's heads similar to this emblazon have been previously registered. The
primary charge of Connor Wulfric MacNeill's device (Or, a bulldog's head
caboshed gules and a ford proper registered 11/00 via Caid) is very
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
‡ Madog Maelgwn ap Llywelyn. New badge.
(Fieldless) a lightening bolt within a stag's attire gules.
[Name] Name registered 11/98.
[Armory] The submitter may have intended this badge to have an argent field,
but it is submitted on a fieldless badge submission form and there are no notes
indicating he does not want a fieldless design (there is no proposed
blazon). If this is, indeed a fieldless badge, it is improperly formed
according to RfS VIII.5 because the charges are not conjoined in some fashion.
Rather than make assumptions to the submitter's wishes, we are returning this
so that the submitter may clarify them. Due to lack of time, this was not
checked for conflicts.
Badge returned for poor fieldless style.
‡ Rhael Anedd. New badge. Purpure, a musical note
Or within a stag's attire argent.
[Name] Name registered 07/98.
[Armory] This submitter has provided documentation from Carl Parrish's The
Notation of Medieval Music to document the style of musical note being used
between 1417-1480.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Rónán Ó Tighernaigh. New name and
device. Per pale gules and sable, a chevron and in base a boar passant
[Name] Submitted as Ronan O'Tigernaig. The
submitter marked no boxes.
Rónán is found in OCM (pg. 157 s.n.
Ronan) as a masculine name. "A relatively popular name in early
Ireland. According to ecclesiastical sources there were ten saints of the
O' Tigernaig is found in MacLysaght, (pg. 286 s.n. (O)
Tierney O Tighearnaigh) glossed as "tighearner, lord". It is not
dated Also, OCM (pg. 170 s.n.Tigernach: Tighearnach, Tiarnach) show
the name used as a masculine, given name dated to the eleventh century.
"From this name derives the modern surname O Tighearnaigh (O
Tierney)." Ó Tighernaigh is the proper, lenited form.
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel. Device approved and
forwarded to Laurel.
Ryce Vaghan. New name.
[Name] Submitted as: Ryce Vaghen. The submitter is interested in a
masculine name, authentic for 1300's Welsh. If changes must be made, he cares
most about the sound.
Ryce is documented from "Late Sixteenth Century Welsh
Names" by Talan Gwynek
as an alternate spelling for Reeice. Also in Morgan and Morgan . 186: n.s. Rhys
- Howell and Agnes ap Ryce.
Vaghen is found in Morgan & Morgan (p. 203, s.n. Vaghan,
Vaghen, Vahan v. Bychan). Bychan - Vaghan dated to 1325 p. 58, the
submitted spelling seems to be dated to 1773. We are changing to documented
spelling to conform to the submitter's request for authenticity.
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel.
Sadb ingen Abner ui Lorccáin. New device.
Purpure, three wake knots conjoined in pall throughout Or.
[Name] This name appeared on the 10/26/05 Letter of Intent.
[Armory] We believe this is clear of Sable, three wake knots inverted
conjoined in pall throughout Or (Alexander Baird, 11/89, reblazoned as
"inverted" 04/91) with one clear difference for change to the field
tincture and a second CD for inverting the primary charge group
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Seamus O'Domhnaill. New name and device. Argent, a
trefoil slipped vert and on a chief azure three crescents argent.
[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. If changes must be made, he
cares most about the Language/Culture, "Irish" which is not indicated
on his form, but provided brief documentation indicating the name to be
Seamus is found in OCM (p.163, header) as a masculine name.
"This name was common among the Anglo-Norman settlers in Ireland and was
adopted by the native Irish."
O'Domhnaill is found in MacLysaght (p.85, sn. O'Donnell,
O'Domhnaill). "The main sept, one of the most famous in Irish history,
especially in the seventeenth century..."
In Black (s.n. Donald, pg. 214), Donald is the Anglicized form of the modern
Gaelic name Domhnall, "... in the Gaelic genealogical manuscript
of 1467 and in the Gaelic entries in the Book of Deer (c. 1100) it is
Unfortunately, this conflicts with Seamus MacDonald,
(registered 02/87). The given names are identical, the surnames are related and
represent the same relationship.
[Armory] This conflicts with Argent, a shamrock vert and on a chief azure
a rose Or barbed vert (Rois inghean Domhnaill, registered 08/02). There is
no difference between a shamrock and a trefoil. Therefore, the only clear
difference here is for cumulative changes to the tertiaries (see RfS
Name returned for conflict. Device returned for
Siobhan ingen Chathasaigh. New name.
[Name] The submitter desires a feminine name. If changes must be made, she
cares most about the Language/Culture, "Irish".
Siobhan is found in OCM (p.165, s.n.Sib'an:
Siobhan) as a feminine name. "This is a borrowing of Jehane or
Jehanne, a French feminine form of John, which came into favor in the twelfth
ingen Chathasaigh, "daughter of Cathasaigh". OCM
(p.47, s.n. Cathassach: Cathasach) tells us the name means "vigilant in
war" and is a fairly common name dated to 947 (Cathassach mac
Gusáin). Chathasaigh is the lenited form.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Stiamha Gruamdha. New device. Or, in pale two badgers
statant sable.
[Name] This name appears on the 10/26/05 Letter of Intent from Caid.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Wilhelm of Caid. New badge. Or, an emmet tergiant
Submission pended due to lack of time.
Geneviève Chapeliere de Soie. New name.
[Name] Submitted as Geneviéve Champelier de Soie, the submitter
desires a feminine name and will accept minor but not major changes.
Geneviève is a feminine given name found in Colm
Dubh's "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris",
KWHS (Meridies), AS XXXI, June 1996.
Chapelier de Soie is an occupational by-name meaning
"silk hat maker" found in Colm Dubh's "Occupational By-Names in
the 1292 Tax Role of Paris", KWHS, June 2000, p. 11 (also
The feminine form is Chapeliere. We believe the accent over the third
e in Genevieve is an error on the submitter's part. We have corrected the
accent. We have changed the name to match the documented form.
Name is approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel.
‡ Isabella de Grey. New name and device. Purpure,
a chevron rompu between two roses argent seeded Or, barbed vert, and a
fleur-de-lis argent. [Name] The submitter desires a feminine name, in
French/English. She will accept minor but not major changes and if changes must
be made wants to keep "de Gray" as her husband has submitted a name
with that surname.
Isabella in Withycombe (Isabel, p 164), dated to 1199.
de Grey is found in Reaney & Wilson (s.n. Gray, p.
This name conflicts with Isabella Grey (registered 11/93).
The addition of the preposition, de is insufficient to clear conflict with a
registered SCA name.
[Armory] This conflicts with Caoilinn Mirymuth, Purpure, a chevron rompu
between two mullets and a dumbeg argent, (registered 01/03) with one clear
difference for change in type of all secondary charges (X.4.e). We feel the
changes to barbs and seeds of the roses are insufficient to count as a clear
difference via X.4.d. This must also be returned for lack of a name (AH II.A.1)
We note that Roses have Five (5) petals, not six, and they have a gentle curve
in the middle of each petal to indicate curling.
Name returned for conflict. Device returned for conflict and lack of
Kristian sindri. New name.
[Name] The submitter will accept minor but not major changes, and has
indicated no other preferences.
Kristian is an Old Norse (Icelandic) masculine given name
dated to 1303 found in Lind, vol. 5, columns 717-718 (photocopies
sindri is a nickname meaning "iron-forger" found
in Geirr Bassi, p. 27.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Western Seas, Barony of
Art in Gai Bernaig. New name and device. Quarterly
argent and Or, a rooster statant within a border embattled sable
[Name] The submitter is interested in an authentic Irish masculine name and
cares most about language/culture. He will accept all changes.
Art - The submitter has provided documentation from
indicating Art was used in the nominative form from 700-900, 900-1200
and 1200-1700. Additional research notes on this page indicate the source is
OCM (p. 24 s.n. Art) with Art airchinnech Mungairti dated to
in Gai Bernaig - The submitter has provided documentation
which indicates this byname means "[of ] the Broken Spear" and is
used in the genitive form from 900-1200. Additional notes on this page from
Talan Gwynek indicate the "reasonable normalized early form would be
therefore in Gai Bernaig. ..." with Áed in Gai
Bergaig mac Taidc in Eich Gil h-Úi Choncobair dated to 1067.
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Conn Catha an Dúna. New name and device. Sable,
on a fess between three estoilles argent, an estoille sable
[Name] The submitter is interested in an authentic Irish masculine name and
cares most about language/culture. He will accept all changes.
Conn - The submitter has provided documentation from
indicating Conn was used in the nominative form from both 900-1200 and
1200-1700. Additional research notes on this page indicate the source is OCM
(p. 58 s.n. Conn) with Conn Ua Meallaigh epscop Eanaigh
Dúin dated to 1201 and Conn Craibhdech Ua Flannagáin
dated to.
Catha an Dúna - The submitter has provided
documentation from from
which indicates this byname means [of the] Battle of Down and is used in the
genitive form from 1200-1700. Additional research notes on this page indicate
the source is OCM (p. 35 s.n. Brian): "The most famous O Neill to bear the
name was Brian Catha an Dúna ('of the battle of Down'), who
fell fighting the colonists at Down patrick in 1260."
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Niall an Eich Gil. New name and device. Per bend
sinister gules and argent, a wolf salient counterchanged
[Name] The submitter is interested in an authentic Irish masculine name and
cares most about language/culture. He will accept all changes.
Niall - The submitter has provided documentation from
http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/irish100.html indicating 44 cases of
Niall in M.A. O'Brien's Corpus Genealogiarum Hiberniae, with
Niall being the nominative form and Néill being a common genitive form.
This name also appears as a header in OCM, p.145.
An Eich Gil The submitter has provided documentation from
indicating this name to be found in OCM (p.168, header) and means "[of]
the bright steed" and is dated to 1030. This was verified.
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Order of Precedence Notes
Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning, and
History. New York: The New York Public Library, 1946. Ninth printing, 1989.
Colm Dubh. "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of
Paris." Proceedings of the Known World Heraldic Symposium 1996.
SCA: Montgomery, Alabama; WWW: SCA, Inc., 1997.
Colm Dubh "Occupational By-Names in the 1292 Tax Role of Paris",
Proceedings of the Known World Heraldic Symposium in Ansteorra 2000,
Dauzat, Albert. Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et
Prénoms de France. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1987. Reviewed and
augmented by Marie-Thérèse Morlet. [Dauzat]
Davies, Dewi Welsh Place-names and Their Meanings. The Cambrian
News, Aberystwyth. (undated).
De Felice, Emilio. Dizionario dei Cognomi Italiani. 4th ed. Arnoldo
Mondadori Editore. Milan, 1986. [Cognomi]
De Felice, Emilio. Dizionario dei Nomi Italiani. 4th ed. Arnoldo
Mondadori Editore. Milan, 1986. [Nomi]
Ekwall, Eilert. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names.
4th ed. Oxford University, New York, 1960. [Ekwall]
Evans, H. Meurig and Thomas, W.O., Y Geiriadur Newydd - The New Welsh
Dictionary. Christopher Davies (Publishers) Ltd, Swansea, UK. 1953.
Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name. Olney, MD: Studia
Marklandica, 1977. [Geirr Bassi]
Lind, E.H. Norsk-Isländska Personbinamn från Medeltiden.
Uppsala: 1920-21.
MacLysaght, Edward. The Surnames of Ireland. 6th ed. Dublin: Irish
Academic Press, 1985. [MacLysaght]
Morgan, T.J. and Morgan, Prys, Welsh Surnames. Cardiff: University of
Wales Press, 1985 [Morgan & Morgan]
Munro, Dr. David, ed., Chambers World Gazetteer. W&R Chambers
Ltd. and Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1988.
Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, and Maguire, Fidelma. Irish Names.
Dublin: The Lilliput Press, 1990. [OCM]
Reaney, P. H. The Origin of English Surnames, London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul, 1967.
Reaney, P. H., and Wilson, R. M. A Dictionary of English Surnames
Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press, 3rd ed. 1995. [R&W]
Rowell, Henry Thompson, Rome in the Augustinian Age University of
Oklahoma Press, 2nd printing, 1963.
Talan Gwynek "Late Sixteenth Century Welsh Names"
van der Schaar, J., Woordenboek van Voornamen, Het Spectrrum BV,
Utrecht, 1992.
Ward, Allen M, Heichelheim, Fritz M. and Yeo, Cedric A., A History of the
Roman People, Fourth Edition. Prentice Hall. 2000.
Wickenden of Thanet, Paul. A Dictionary of Period Russian Names.
Mountain View, CA: SCA Inc. - Free Trumpet Press West, 3rd ed. 2001.
Withycombe, E. G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.
Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press 3rd ed. 1977. [Withycombe]
Woulfe, Patrick. Sloinnte Gaetheal ir Gall: Irish Names and Surnames.
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1967. [Woulfe]
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