Minutes of the 8 AUGUST 2004 Meeting
[Note: These submissions appear on the Jan 05 LoAR]
Notes and Announcements
In attendance were: Jeanne Marie Crescent, Lachlan Dolphin,
Selene Aurum, Su Battlement, Damien von Baden, Catherine de
Winter, Cormac Silver Trumpet, Vivienne de Lampérière,
Balthazar van der Brugghe, Angus Seraph, Grimr in hafargi, Santin
Westmorland of Ravenstonedale and Cassandre Loustaunau.
We have received the money for volunteer hours at GWW VI and VII - my thanks
to the heralds who volunteered their time (whether or not their money went the
CoH). The check was for $81.31. GWW VIII is coming up soon. Silver Trumpet will
certainly appreciate any help he can get staffing consulting tables and camp
cries. Miguel will be coordinating field heralds at the various tournaments on
Friday. The Known World heraldic soirée will take place on
Friday at 9PM at Heralds' Point.
The next heraldry meetings will be: September 12th, October 24th, November
21st, and December 19th. Note that the December meeting has been rescheduled to
avoid conflict with QC Archery on December 12th. There will be a road show at
Collegium on September 26th. If you can spend some time at that meeting, it
will be appreciated.
The tentative schedule for 2005: January 23rd, February 27th, March 13th,
(April Crown name/armory submissions due), April 24th, May 15th, June 12th or
19th (whichever on is not QC Equestrian, which is not yet on the kingdom
calendar), July 10th, August 7th, September 11th (I know this is against
Agincourt Archery but a free Sunday in Sept. is impossible, to find; Sept.
Crown name/armory submissions due), October 2nd, November 6th, and December
Una manvitsbrekka is stepping down from her post as Bellows Pursuivant due to
mundane conflicts. Anyone interested in applying to this position should have
their resume to Crescent prior to the meeting on September 12. The announcement
of the new appointee should take place at that time.
Quarterly reports are expected from all territorial and Crescent staff
heralds. All heralds must be warranted every Coronation according to current
practice. This includes territorial heralds, Crescent staff heralds and heralds
at large.
Crown tournament is approaching. Territorial heralds should inform the
populace of their territories Submissions returned by Crescent in August or by
Laurel in March, they must be resubmitted in September if the submitter is
participating as a fighter or consort in Crown.
Approved submissions will be forwarded to Laurel on the September 30, 2004
Letter of Intent. Su Battlement assisted Crescent and
Dolphin in preparing documents this month, allowing us to take time
for vacation without causing a delay in the processing of submissions. She has
our thanks.
Angels, Barony of
Angels, Barony of the - Laurel Resub Order Name
[Order of Apollo]
[Name] The barony's name was "registered at some point". No boxes
were checked. Submitted as "the Order of Apollo". The
submitters also state, "Apollo, Greek God & patron of all ARTS."
Their previous submission, Order of the Halo, was returned by Laurel 06/03 with
the comment "No documentation was presented and none was found that
halo was used as a word in English in period. Further, no evidence was
found that Order of the Halo follows a pattern of period orders and
awards as required by RfS III.2.b.II".
Intended as a baronial arts award; this is thematically consistent with the
baronial service award, the Order of Athena, which was registered 04/82. This
is similar in style to period order names of the form Order of <name>;
however, in period the <name> was most often the name of a saint. While
we are not aware of period examples of Order of <non-Christian god/dess>,
the form Order of <Greek god/dess> is grandfathered to the barony.
The form is signed by the baron, baroness, baronial seneschal, and Seraph
(baronial herald). This is to be associated with Gules, a lyre Or within
two wings conjoined argent, registered to the barony 10/85.
The definite article "the" is not necessary, doesn't match the
existing pattern, and does not appear to be period. Therefore, we are removing
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel.
Gwynith of the Red Gryphon - New Device:
Quarterly azure and Or, a gryphon sejant, gules.
[Name] Her name appears on Caid's June 30th LoI.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Macha Drake - Kingdom Resub Device:
Argent, goutty, a dragon azure
[Name] Her name appears on Caid's Jan. 31st LoI.
[Armory] Her previous submission, Argent, a dragon within a bordure
azure, was returned by Crescent 02/04 for conflict with Evet Drachenklaue
(08/01), Argent, a dragon segreant azure within a bordure sable.
Adding the gouttes clears this conflict.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Perrin le Blanc - Kingdom Resub Device:
Quarterly sable and vert, an annulet between four fleurs-de-lys,
a bordure counterchanged argent and Or
[Name] His name appears on Caid's Jan. 31st LoI.
[Armory] The submitters previous submission, Per bend sinister sable and
vert, a Norse sun cross within a Coptic saltire argent was returned for
stylistic problems. Note to submitter, please draw the border thicker in the
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Darach, Shire of
Alys Chauntrey - New Name.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. She will accept minor
but not major changes, and if the name must be changed, she cares most about
the meaning; "I like the musical context of 'Chauntrey', since I'm a
Alys is in Withycombe (s.n. Alice, pp.15-16), dated in this
spelling to the 15th C.
Chauntrey is in Bardsley (s.n. Chantrey, p.171), as a
surname, with Richard Chauntrey cited in 1465.
Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Grímr járnhrafn - Kingdom Resub Name
[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name. He will accept minor
but not major changes. His previous name submission, Grímr
járnsurtr, was returned by Crescent 05/04 for undocumented construction
of the byname: essentially it was a combination of two adjectives, rather than
the adjective and noun that one expects in Old Norse bynames. The new
submission corrects that.
Grímr is found in Geirr Bassi, p.10, as a masculine
given name.
járn is found as a byname protheme in Geirr Bassi,
p.24, in such constructions as járnauga "iron-eye",
járnbúkr "iron-body", járnhauss
"iron-skull", and járnsaxa "iron knife."
hrafn is found as a byname element in Geiir Bassi, p.23, both
as a prefixed byname (Hrafna-) and as an element in bynames (hrafnhauss,
"raven skull"). The byname is intended to mean "iron
All of the iron examples provided by the submitter are of the format [iron] +
[body part], not [iron] + [bird]. The raven example provided by the submitter
is of the format [raven] + [body part] not [raven] + [thing/composition]. After
the meeting we contacted Gunnvör sílfrahárr to see if she
could provide support for járnhrafn. In part, her reply was:
The problem I see is that the Norse just didn't conceptually combine the
ideas of "iron" and "raven" like the submittor wants to
do. Looking at kennings in poetry, for instance, shows a lot about how ravens
were generally conceptualized. There's a handy online concordance for
kennings,so take a look at these:
Kennings meaning "raven"
Kennings including the word <hrafn>, "raven" (see s.v.
Ravens and blood and corpses go together. They're part of the aftermath of
battle, not a part of the actual battle-clash itself in which iron is
involved. I tried to get to a convoluted multi-level kenning that would be
járnhrafn as "iron + drinker of blood = sword", but that
doesn't happen in Old Norse kennings, either.
Nor, even in poetry, does <járn> get added to animal or bird
Kennings including the word <járn>, "iron"
(see s.v. <járn>)
If he has to have both bynames, why doesn't he do something like
<Járn-Grímr hrafn> ("Iron-Grim the Raven")? In
fact, on p. 12, Geirr Bassi has the masculine personal name
<Járngrímr>, so <Járngrímr hrafn>
shouldn't be any problem at all.
This name must be returned for lack of the documentation of the construction
of the byname.
Name returned for lack of documentation.
Gallavally, Canton of (Dreiburgen)
Mora de Buchanan - Laurel Resub Device:
Per chevron purpure and vert, an owl rising wings displayed
[Name] Her name was registered 08/03.
[Armory] Her first submission, Per chevron purpure and vert, a winged
owl's head cabossed and in chief a crescent argent, was returned by Laurel
08/03 as the owl's head was not identifiable. Her second submission, Per
chevron purpure and vert, an owl striking guardant to sinister wings displayed
argent, was returned by Crescent 04/04 for conflict. Note: this return is
missing from the April 2004 minutes.
We note the following three registrations but feel all are clear because of
the precedent regarding Birds and Substantial Difference and the noted
The new solution to the problem is to sacrifice some of the
theoretical purity of separation of type and posture. Because only eagles among
birds are attested as displayed in period, any other bird in a displayed
posture will be compared to any bird in a displayed posture usuing [sic] the
visual test of rule X.4.e for non-period charges. Thus there will not be a CD
between an owl displayed and an eagle displayed, because they are too visually
similar, but there will be a CD between an owl displayed and a penguin
displayed, because there is still significant visual difference. Additionally
any bird other than an eagle in a displayed posture will be considered a
"weirdness" [step from standard period practice].
1.Gules, a crow rising, pierced by an arrow, both argent (Jehan de
la Marche, 01/73). Also regular-shaped, but this should still be clear with one
CD for the changes to the field and another for wings displayed versus wings
elevated (presumably). However, considering the date, we felt it was safest to
mention it.
2. Per saltire purpure and sable, a Russian firebird volant bendwise
argent (Giulietta da Venezia 12/95). One CD for changes to the field,
another for change in type of bird (poultry-shaped versus regular-shaped).
3. Sable, a peacock rising, wings elevated and displayed maintaining a
sprig of wisteria, all argent (Cristobal degli Glicine che Mangia Uomi
08/88). One CD for changes to the field, another for change in type of bird
(poultry-shaped versus regular-shaped).
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Gyldenholt, Barony of
Altan Gal - New Name and Device:
Gules, a Chinese dragon passant to sinister between in pale a
pair of olive branches in chevron and a pair of olive branches in chevron
inverted, a dexter tierce embattled Or.
[Name] The submitter did not check any boxes.
The name is documented from "On the Documentation and Construction of
Period Mongolian Names" by Baras-aghur Naran
Altan is shown as a color (gold or golden).
Gal is shown as a common name element form other sources,
meaning fire. The author notes "Period names of the n+n pattern are
combined of two elements, both of which can stand on their own." This is
the pattern of the submitted name. The author also notes "However, there
are a few rules that need to be observed when using this name pattern. First,
avoid name combinations that do not make common sense together. Next, personal
nicknames such as fat, wrinkled, popeye, etc may not be combined at all, nor
can the names of clans or tribes. Animal names may be combined with names that
are of a different type (ie a name could be constructed of black wolf, but not
tiger wolf). As in all instances of rules, there are always exceptions that can
be documented. These are general rules that should be followed." The name
as submitted follows these rules and should be registerable.
[Armory] The submitter blazoned the field as sanguine. As this
tincture is considered post period, it is not registerable. The field is
colored such that gules adequately blazons the tincture.
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Conchobar mac Lochlainn - New Name and Device:
Vert, a stag's head cabossed and on a chief embattled Or three
acorns inverted slipped and leaved vert.
[Name] There is a typographical error on the name form which has the surname
as, "mac Lochloinn." All of the other forms have the name
spelled as documented, and the consulting herald who was present at the meeting
confirmed this. The submitter allows all changes and if the name must be
changed, he cares most about the sound.
Both elements are documented from Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's "Dated Names
Found in Ó Corráin & Maguire's Irish Names"
Conchobar is found as a masculine given name dated to
"882-[15th C]". Conchobar is found in OCM (sn
Connor,Conchobar, p.57) Conchobar mac Taidg who died in 882. Mac
Lochlainn is found as a patronymic dated to 1166. While the Mari's
article (and the corresponding OCM entry, Muirchertach, p. 140) shows Mac
Lochlainn, mac Lochlainn should be acceptable as the lower case mac is standard
in Irish patronymics.
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Conchobar mac Lochlainn - New Badge:
Vert, in bend sinister three acorns inverted slipped and leaved
[Name] His name is submitted above.
[Armory] Note to submitter, please draw the acorns larger.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Conchobar mac Lochlainn and Santin Westmerland of
Ravenstonedale - New Household Badge
Per bend sinister sable and Or, a thistle slipped and leaved Or
and a rose guled barbed vert
[Name] Conchobar's name is submitted above. Santin's name was registered
04/02. The badge is to be associated with Clann Lochlainn Mor, which is
submitted below under Santin Westmerland of Ravenstonedale.
Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Dalla Jade - New Name
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. She will accept minor
but not major changes to the name, and if the name must be changed she cares
most about the sound and language/culture.
Dalla was found as a feminine given name in Geirr Bassi
Jade is found in R&W (s.n. Jade, p. 251) with Simon Jade
dated to 1258. Norse-English names are registerable but are one-step from
period practice or a "weirdness" (q.v. Oddr ölfúss the
Tanner, 01/02).
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Galti skullcleaver - New Name and Device:
Sable, a skull argent wearing a horned helm Or horned argent.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name. He will accept minor
but not major changes to the name, and if the name must be changed he cares
most about the meaning and language/culture.
Galti is found in Gierr Bassi (p.21).
skullcleaver is the lingua Anglica form of
hausakljúfr, found in Gier Bassi (p.22) meaning
[Armory] The device conflicts with (Fieldless) A skull argent, wearing a
fool's hat with three tassels gules, erminois and azure (Badge Feliciano
Grimaldi, 09/97).
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for
Laila Hansdatter - New Name and Device:
Sable, on a fess wavy between three annulets and a crab Or two
olive branches stems to center sable.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. She will allow all
changes, and if the name must be changed she cares most about the meaning and
Laila is documented as a feminine given name in Da'ud's
"Period Arabic Names and Naming Practices"
The submitter documents Hansdatter from
a Danish genealogical database. A number of examples are found in the database,
including Maren Hansdatter b. 1560.
There has not been a ruling on Arabic-Danish names, though Arabic-Swiss (q.v.
Krista al Kamil, 05/94) and Arabic-Norse (q.v. Eric Ibrahim Mozarab, 02/95)
names are not registerable. Arabic-English, Arabic-Turkish, and Arabic-Persian
names are weirdnesses (one-step from period practice). No evidence was supplied
that an Arabic-Danish name is a reasonable combination (or even one-step from
period practice), therefore this is being returned for violating RfS III.2
("Name Style - Every name as a whole should be compatible with the culture
of a single time and place.")
[Armory] Note to submitter, please draw the fess lower. Conflict checking was
completed, but it cannot be forwarded without a name.
Name returned for linguistic incompatibility. Device returned for
lack of name.
Lijss van den Kerckhove - New Name and Device:
Purpure, a swan naiant wings elevated and addorsed argent and on
a chief dovetailed Or two sprigs of rosemary conjoined vert.
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. She will accept all
changes and if the name must be changed, she cares most about the sound.
Lijss is found as a feminine given name in "15th
Century Dutch Names" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael
van den Kerckhove is found as a byname in "Flemish
Names from Bruges" by Luana de Grood
where it is dated 1400-1550 (meaning it appears in a census).
[Armory] Note to submitter, please draw dovetail deeper.
Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Lijss van den Kerckhove - New Badge:
Purpure, a trumpet and in chief two rosemary branches fesswise,
stems to center, Or.
[Name] Her name is submitted above.
[Armory] The "rosemary branches" in chief are not recognizable as
drawn, especially combined with the peculiar style of emblazoning on the
colored forms (the branches appear to be, perhaps sable fimbriated Or). For
this reason, the design must be returned for redraw. In addition, we are
uncertain whether the depiction of the trumpet/horn is of a period instrument.
If the trumpet is included on the resubmitted badge, the periodness of this
depiction will need to be addressed.
Badge returned for redraw.
Santin Westmerland of Ravenstonedale - New Household Name
(Clann Lochlainn Mor)
[Name] The submitter's name was registered 04/02. Submitted as Clann
a' Lochlainn Mor. She will accept any changes to the household name, and
if the name must be changed she cares most about the language/culture (Scots
Gaelic). This household name is to be associated with the badge, Per bend
sinister sable and Or, a thistle slipped and leaved Or and a rose guled barbed
vert, submitted above as a joint badge for Conchobar mac Lochlainn and
Santin Westmerland of Ravenstonedale.
The submitter documents the name from a booklet that accompanies a clan map
of Scotland
where Lachlan Mor is dated to 13th century.
Sharon Krossa's article "Medieval Gaelic Clan, Household, and Other
Group Names"
notes that "Most commonly the name used for the eponymous clan ancestor
was his given name only, but sometimes his simple patronymic byname only or his
given name plus descriptive byname would be used." She includes the
example "Clann Eoin Duibh, a late medieval Scottish
Gaelic clan named after a man with the given name plus descriptive byname Eoin
Dubh." The author also notes "After clann the clan
ancestor's name is lenited unless his name starts with D, T, L, N, or
Lochlainn is found in OCM (p.123) meaning probably
"Viking", and dates to the Early Middle Ages.
Mór is found in "Index of Names in Irish Annals:
Masculine Descriptive Bynames" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan
where it is glossed as big/great.
Submitted as Clann a' Lochlainn Mor, the grammatically correct form
appears to be Clann Lochlainn Mor (dropping the a'). Gaelic names may be
registered with or without the accent, therefore we have left Mor as
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Þórunn the wise - New Name
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name. She will allow all
changes, and if the name must be changed she cares more about the sound and
Þórunn, found as a feminine given name in Gierr
Bassi (p.16).
the wise is the lingua Anglica translation of in
spaka, found in Gierr Bassi (p.28).
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Wulfgar gerpir - New Name
[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name. He will accept minor
but not major changes to the name, and if the name must be changed he cares
most about the sound and language/culture.
Wulfgar appears as a witness on a charter from King
Athelstan to the church of St Peter, York: grant of land at Amounderness,
Lancs. (dated 930) found at
It appears to be an accurate transliteration of the forms from the document. It
is also found in Searle (s.n. Wulfgar, p.507), with dates from ninth and tenth
gerpir is found in Geirr Bassi (p.21).
Anglo-Saxon/Norse is registerable as a weirdness (q.v. Ethelfleda
Daviðsdottir, 12/01).
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Lyondemere, Barony of
Cormac Mór - New Household Name (Poore
[Name] His name was registered 02/03. The submitter will allow no changes to
the name (except as explicitly allowed); he cares most about the meaning
"poor". He will not accept changing the order of the name (to
designator first). The submitter will accept any variations in spelling for the
surname (Poore) as listed in either Bardsley or R&W, including the
"Power" variations under the Poor header in R&W, if necessary.
Submitter will accept "Poore Manor" or "Poore Palace", also
Cottage, Hut, et. al. for example, as variants in the designator, but much
prefers "House".
Poore is documented as a surname in Bardesley (s.n. Poore,
Poor, p.615) with John Poor married 1580.
We note that the usual format for household names incorporating a surname
take the format House [surname] rather than [surname] house.
This clearly is a joke name (c.f. Miles Long and Drewe
Steel), and should be registerable so long as it is not determined to be
obtrusively modern. While it made a number of us twitch, we feel that it does
not drag us into the modern age.
Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Cormac Mór - Laurel Resub Badge:
Per bend Or and argent
[Name] His name was registered 02/03.
[Armory] His previous submission, Quarterly Or and argent, was
returned by Laurel 12/03 for conflict.
Badge approved and forward to Laurel.
Patricia de Lyon - New Device:
Gules, a lion's head caboshed and a bordure argent.
[Name] The submitter's name was registered 03/04.
Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.
Starkhafn, Barony of
Lia da Firenze - New Name
[Name] The submitter is interested in a feminine name authentic for 14th-16th
century Italian. She will accept all changes and the name must be changed, she
cares most about the sound.
Lia appears once in Arval Benicoeur's "Feminine Given
Names from the Online Catasto of Florence of 1427"
da Firenze is found in "Fourteenth Century Venetian
Personal Names" by Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek
where it appears as a locative surname meaning "from Florence".
Submitted as Da Firenze we have changed the locative to match the
documented form, da Firenze.
Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel.
OP Notes
Arval Benicoeur. "Feminine Given Names from the Online Catasto of
Florence of 1427",
Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek. "Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal
Aryanhwy merch Catmael. "15th Century Dutch Names",
Bardsley, Charles. W. A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames.
London, 1901; Ramsbury, Wiltshire: Heraldry Today. Reprint ed.: 1988.
Baras-aghur Naran. "On the Documentation and Construction of Period
Mongolian Names",
Da'ud ibn Auda. "Period Arabic Names and Naming Practices",
de Grood, Luana. "Flemish Names from Bruges",
Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name. Olney, MD: Studia
Marklandica, 1977. [Geirr Bassi]
Krossa, Sharon. "Medieval Gaelic Clan, Household, and Other Group
Names" (updated 23 Aug 2002),
Mari Elspeth nic Bryan. "Dated Names Found in Ó Corráin
& Maguire's Irish Names",
Mari Elspeth nic Bryan. "Index of Names in Irish Annals: Masculine
Descriptive Bynames",
Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, and Maguire, Fidelma. Irish Names.
Dublin: The Lilliput Press, 1990. [OCM]
Reaney, P. H., and Wilson, R. M. A Dictionary of English Surnames
Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press, 3rd ed. 1995.
[R&W]Withycombe, E. G. The Oxford Dictionary of
English Christian Names. Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press 3rd ed. 1977.
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