Caid College of Heralds Badge

Minutes of the September 28, 2008 College of Heralds Meeting

Caid College of Heralds Badge

Meeting commenced at 11:00 AM.

In attendance were: Lachlan Crescent, Su Dolphin, Illuminada Silver Trumpet, Hrorek Chevron, Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau, Maela Caimbeul, Thomas Quatrefoil, Eridana Trident, John ap Griffin, Cormac Battlement, Jared Seraph, Tighearnan Coral, Magdi Morrisson.

Upcoming meetings are: October 19, November 23, December 14. The November meeting will be held at Lachlan’s house, then the files will be moved so that the December meeting can be held at Su’s.  Su points out that this is the day after her anniversary.
If your group has business for Coronation, email <>.  At Queen’s Champion, Su will step up as Crescent.  All 3rd quarter reports are due by October 10 so that Lachlan can give Su a timely report.

Su wants to remind us that “You don’t have to know how to draw!”  Her recommendation is to search for Pennsic clipart or Pennsic traceable.  There is also Heraldic Graphics, a Yahoo! group which is creating scalable vector graphics of heraldic charges.

We recently received the April LoAR.  The cover letter didn’t contain much.  Congratulations go to several senior heralds: Alisoun for promotion to Herald Extraordinary, Istvan for elevation to the Order of the Pelican, and Jeanne Marie, Wreath and Crescent emeritus, who will be elevated to the Order of the Pelican at GWW.

Unless otherwise noted, all submitters will accept the creation of a holding name, if appropriate.  Approved submissions will be forwarded on the December 30, 2008 Letter of Intent.

Altavia, Barony of

Saint Firmin, College of. New branch name.

[Name] The submitter will allow all changes and if changes must be made, the submitter cares most about the meaning, "Want a saint associated with matadors".

Saint Firmin The submitters provide the following documentation for the saint name: "Saint Fermin" ( states, "According to tradition, San Fermin was the first Bishop of Pampolona, although his veneration is not recorded until the 12th century..." Also, "Saint Firmin" (http://www.magnificat. ca/cal/engl/09-25.htm) states, "[the martyrdom of Saint Fermin] occurred under the reign of Trajan in the first years of the second century."

St. Firmin is found in Oxford Dictionary of Saints on p. 163.  s.n. Firmin, (Firminus) (4th century), bishop and martyr.  He was probably a missionary bishop who died at Amiens, over whose tomb a later bishop of Amiens, St. Firmin the confessor built a church.

Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Angels, Barony of the

Jason ap Griffin, Laurel resubmission device. Checky, azure and argent, two dogs salient respectant sable, in chief a roundel gules.

[Name] Registered 04/08.

[Armory] The submitter's previous design with an identical blazon, was returned by Laurel 04/08 with the comment, "This device is returned for lack of identifiability of the dogs due to the poor contrast between large portions of the sable dogs and the azure portions of the field." The submitter has corrected this problem by drawing the "checks" smaller, and in a lighter shade of blue.

Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Jean-Christophe Messier.  New Name

[Name] The submitter will allow no changes, nor will he allow a holding name. There was a device submitted in March 08, for Jean Christophe, but the Caidan college was unable to find any copies of the paperwork, so the submitter has agreed to provide new copies.

Jean-Christophe.  Precedent from 2000 does not allow hyphenated given names, "Submitted as Jean-Pierre Dubois, we know of no period examples of double given names that use the hyphenation. [Jean Pierre Dubois, 04/00, A-Atenveldt]" However, additional precedent from 2005 states (emphasis added), "Submitted as Guillaume Jean-Pierre de Mortain, double-given names, sometimes hyphenated, are occasionally found in French names, but no evidence was submitted and none found showing the use of triple given names in France. However, by dropping the hyphen, we can reasonably interpret the name as a double given name, an unmarked patronymic and a locative byname. We have done this in order to register the name. [Guillaume Jean Pierre de Mortain, LoAR 01/2005, Outlands-A]"

The submitter also notes that Jean-Christophe d’Isigny dates to 1066, Armand-Jean du Plessis, b. September 9, 1585; more commonly known as Cardinal Richelieu, Claude-Gaspar(d) Bachet de Méziriac, b. October 9, 1581, mathematician, Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac, b. 1597, author and Henri-Louis Habert de Montmort, b. 1600, poet, but no sources were supplied.

Jean is a masculine, French name found in "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" by Colm Dubh (, which lists "Jean de Chanevière, le jenne".

Christophe is found in Dauzat, p.130 sn. under Christophle, which cites Christophe; no date given. Also found as Christofle with one occurance on Aryanhwy merch Catmael's "Masculine Names from Artois, 1601" ( It is also found on Aryanhwy merch Catmael's "Names from a 1587 Tax Roll from Provins" with four occurances ( and on Aryanhwy merch Catmael's " French Names from Paris, 1421, 1423, & 1438" with three occurances ( It seems to be derived from the Latin Christoforus (found on Aryanhwy merch Catmael's "Names from 13th- and 14th-Century Latin Records from Gascony", Colm Dubh also lists Christofle le Longis in his "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris"
The f/ph switch seems to be a reasonable phonetic change. It may also be that "ph" is used initially, while 'f" is used internally, and was more of a calligraphic notation rather than a spelling issue.

Messier is found in R&W p. 307 s.n. Messer meaning harvester, more probably Hayward. William la Messier 1187.

Name is approved and forwarded to Laurel

Ném Aibhann Rua. New name and device. Purpure, a unicorn's horn bendwise and a bordure argent.

[Name] Submitted as Ném of AnAbhann Rua. The submitter doesn't care about the gender of the name. She will accept all changes, and if changes must be made, she cares most about the meaning, "Nem of Red River" and sound "[Neev]".

Ném is a header spelling in OCM (p.145). It is the first spelling before the colon. Both Ulster saga and a saint's name are cited in this spelling.  This appears to be a masculine name.

Aibhann Rua is a constructed Irish name based on the name elements in the index of Adrian Room's "A Dictionary of Irish Place-Names."

"Aibhann-" means river. Room states on p. 131 "Owen- Irish aibhann 'river' compare the English river-name Avon".  The name is seen in Room in the names "An Aibhann Beag" "the little river" (s.n. Avonbeg p. 18), "An Aibhann Mhor" "the great river" (s.n. Avonmore ibid.), "Aibhann Dubh" "the black river," (s.n. Owenduff p. 99) and so forth.

"-Rua" means red.  Room states on p. 133 "Roe- Irish <i>rua</i> (earlier <i>ruadh</i>) 'red' (russed, copper-colored)." and seen in Room in the name "an tOilean Rua" "the red island," (s.n. Red Island, p. 108).
There seems to be an Aibhann Ruadh somewhere in the west islands of Scotland that shows up on Google searches. "of An Abhan Rua" mixes orthographies in a single name element. And since we are unable to document the English conjuctive within this name, we are dropping it so this name may be registered as an unmarked locative.

[Armory]The device is clear of Purpure, a needle argent a bordure argent, (Ursula Johanna Silbernagel 12/98) for complete difference of primary charge (and the addition of the bordure).

Name is approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel.  Device is approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Reymund of Salisbury. Kingdom resubmission device. Lozengy argent and azure, a lightning bolt palewise sustained by a lion sejant erect guardant Or.

[Name] Registered 08/98 (via Atlantia).

[Armory] The submitter's previous submission, Lozengy azure and argent, a lion sejant erect guardant sustaining in its forepaws a baton dovetailed bendwise sinister Or, was returned by Crescent 04/08 for redraw:

The submitter's previous submission, Lozengy argent and azure, a lion sejant erect guardant maintaining in its forepaws a baton dovetailed bendwise sinister Or was returned by Crescent 02/07;
The color emblazons provided are color photocopiesy. (sic) Unfortunately, the Or did not reproduce well, leaving the lion appearing brownish. We are returning this device for this reason. We recommend that, on resubmission, the submitter consider drawing each lozenge in the field larger. If each lozenge were the size of four of these lozenges, it would help clarify the outline of the primary charge.

The proposed blazon specifies that the maintained charge is meant to be a lightning bolt. Though not reason for return, this is not drawn as a standard lightning bolt, so we have done our best to blazon what is drawn. If the submitter really desires a lightning bolt, we recommend consulting the Pictorial Dictionary or their local herald.
The tinctures on this resubmission are much clearer, and the larger lozenges do help identification of the primary charge. The question of the identity of the baton remains. This emblazon has the charge drawn much larger, making it equivalent to a co-primary charge. This status as a co-primary is necessary to clear the conflict with Ermine, a sword surmounted by a lion sejant erect Or, within a bordure invected azure. (Ulrich Vikingsjäger 02/82). This is either a complete change of primary charge or two CD's for change in field and the addition of the sword. However, while the larger lozenge size helps identification of the lion, we are still unable to adequately blazon the baton as it is mostly is on white, more difficult to read, and in an indeterminate posture between palewise and bendwise. Given these various problems, we apologize to the submitter for not previously more clearly stating the required changes and we are returning this at this time so that the submitter can redraw. (RfS VIII.3)

The submitter has made an significant attempt to follow the directions of the previous return.

This is clear of [Fieldless] a lion rampant sustaining a ragged staff Or. (Maximillian Alois von Brandenberg, 12/04) with one CD for the field, and another for changing one of the charges,  There is an additional CD for the change in position of the lion. 

Device approved and forwarded to Laurel

Caid, Kingdom of

Caid, Kingdom of. New badge, Azure, an acorn within a bordure embattled argent.

[Name] The branch name was registered 02/75. This badge is to be associated with Acorn, Order of the, registered to the kingdom in 11/89. The kingdom wishes to retain the badge currently associated with the order, (Fieldless) An acorn proper, registered 02/00.

Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Caid, Kingdom of. New order name, Golden Flame, Order of the, with associated badge, Azure, a candle argent
enflamed Or, a bordure embattled argent.

[Name] The branch name was registered 02/75.

Golden is found in OED (compact ed. p. 1171 s.n. Golden) "1. made of gold, consisting of gold" dtd as early as 1275 - in this spelling 1548.  "3. Of the color of gold, that shines like gold" dtd as early as c.1300 – in this spelling 1552.

Flame is found in OED (compact ed. p. 1014 s.n. Flame) "1. Vapour heated to the point of combustion" dtd as early as 1384 – in this spelling 1563

The construction is similar to orders named after heraldic charges like "Order of the Golden Fleece" documented from "Registering an Order Name in the SCA" (

[Armory] This badge conflicts with Azure, a candle palewise argent enflamed at both ends Or, (Rurik the Axe-finder. 05/88) Numerous variations to clear this conflict were discussed.

Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.  Device returned for conflict. Name withdrawn by the submitter.

Caid, Kingdom of. New order name, Shining Star, Order of the, with associated badge, Azure, on a mullet argent a crescent azure within a bordure embattled argent.

[Name] The branch name was registered 02/75.

Shining is found in OED (compact ed. p. 2788, s.n. Shining) "The action of the verb SHINE; emission or shedding of light, gleaming, beaming" found in this spelling,1586: “He… might spie sometimes .. the shining of armour, like flashing of lightning.”

Star is found in OED (compact ed. p. 3019 s.n. Star) dated in this spelling to the sixteenth century. 

Name and badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Calafia, Barony of

Catelin Avenel. Kingdom resubmission device. Argent, in pall throughout three ivy vines sable leaved gules.

[Name] Registered 02/06.

[Armory] The submitter's most recent submission, Per bend gules and argent, a natural tiger argent marked sable and an ivy vine sable leaved gules was returned by Crescent 05/08 for redraw. This is a complete redesign.

We note that it is very artistic, but not heraldic.  The vines should be straighter (pointing to the corners), thicker, and not touch the edges, and the leaves should be bolder as well.  RFS VIII.4.(c,d) discusses the difference between modern and period depictions, and naturalistic drawings.  This submission is too naturalistic, and drawn in a modern style.

Device returned for non-period style.

Dragon Georglev syn rudak. New device. Gules, three chevronels braced and on a chief argent an axe reversed gules.

[Name] This name appears on the 01/30/08 LoI.

[Armory] This conflicts with Gules, three chevronels braced and on a chief argent a laurel wreath between two cinquefoils gules (Sylvan Glen, Shire of, 12/93). There is one CD for all changes to the tertiary charge group.

Trident will contact the Barony to see if they will give permission to conflict.

Device returned for conflict.

Parlan of Ord. Kingdom resubmission device. Pean, on a cauldron argent, two dolphins hauriant embowed respectant sable.

[Name] Approved by Crescent 07/08, appears on the 9/30/08 LoI.

[Armory] The submitter's previous design, Pean, on a cauldron argent two dolphins respectant sable, was returned from at the 07/08 meeting, considered again at the 08/08 meeting, and designated to be returned for redraw of the dolphins. While this submission corrects the prior drawing issues, these decisions had not yet been published when this was resubmitted.

Device is approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Kemma le Gardiner. New name.

[Name] Submitter allows minor but not major changes and has indicated no other preferences.

Kemma is found R&W (p.262, s.n. Kemm) "Kemma ... Kima 1221 Cur (L), Kemma Scriuener 1311 MESO (Ess.) ... OE *Cymme (f),perhaps from the OE Cyneburh(f)"

le Gardiner is a occupational byname meaning “the gardener” found in “Bynames Found in the 1296 Lay Subsidy Rolls for Rutland, England (occupational names)” by Karen Larsdatter (Karen Harris) ( The author notes three cases of this byname and states that both men and women used the preposition "le". This name is also found as a surname in R&W (p.183, s.n. Gardner) with Anger gardiner and William le gardinier, le Gardenier  1199 &1201P (R) There are various similar spellings some with and without “le” in both capital and lower case “G”

Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Leon Verrier. New name.

[Name] Submitter allows minor changes but not major changes. No other preferences are indicated.

Leon is found in Dauzat (p.382) as a baptismal name and is the name of various Popes (Leo, Leon). Leon de Montingy dated 1587, is found  in "Names from a 1587 Tax Roll from Provins" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Sara L. Friedemann) ( And Leon is also found in R&W (p.276, s.n. Leo, Leon) with Leon de Roeslega, 1271

Verrier is an occupational byname found in Dauzat (p.592) "<< fabricant de verres >> ou << vitrier >>" ("fabricator of glass.") Also found in "Occupational By-Names in the 1292 Tax Role of Paris"By Colm Dubh  ( Finally, R&W (p.466) cites Fulko le Verrier, 1185. 

Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Marcus Artorius Metellus. New badge. (Fieldless) Two throwing axes in saltire and overall a cinquedia dagger inverted all per pale argent and sable.

[Name] Name registered 10/07.

[Device] This armory is clear of SCA armory Per pale sable and argent two double-bitted axes in saltire fretted with a mascle counterchanged. (Valdis Raginheid, 07/90, Caid).  We have pulled this file and confirmed that it is significantly different.  There is one CD for removal of the field. Valdis' mascle is tiny in comparison to the axes, so it does not appear co-primary with the axes. Therefore, we see an additional CD for change in number of primary charges. 

Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Marcus Artorius Metellus. New badge. (Fieldless) Two daggers inverted in saltire sable, a lion rampant to sinister argent.

[Name] Name registered 10/07.

[Device] This armory is clear of SCA badge (Fieldless) Two swords crossed in saltire sable surmounted by a domestic cat sejant affront argent. (Alasdair MacIain of Elderslie, 03/96).  The daggers’ quillions need to be redrawn larger, and the overall lion must also be larger.  Finally, we note the following precedent:

[(Fieldless) An anchor fouled of its cable argent enfiling a coronet bendwise sinister Or pearled argent] There is a high degree of overlap between the coronet and the anchor and its cable. This is not acceptable style for overall charges on a fieldless badge for reasons of identifiability and non-period style. The same stylistic constraints, which apply to charges surmounted by overall charges also apply to charges enfiled by other charges. [The badge was also returned for other stylistic problems] (William the Mariner, 04/03, R-An Tir)
By this standard, this must be judged according to the requirements for overall charges on fieldless badges set forth in the cover letter of 11/92 LoAR:
I've therefore decided not to implement a comprehensive ban on fieldless badges with overall charges. I will be returning cases where the underlying charge is rendered unidentifiable, per Rule VIII.3; this will include the most egregious cases of overall charges (e.g. A pheon surmounted by a hawk's head). But this can be done as an interpretation of the current Rules, and needn't involve a new policy. In cases where identifiability is maintained -- where one of the charges is a long, slender object, and the area of intersection small -- overall charges will still be permitted in fieldless badges.

Since this badge does not follow the guidelines set forth in the above two precedents, we must return it for this reason.

Badge returned for redraw.

Dreiburgen, Barony of

Elyn de Hauocmore. New device. Per bend wavy argent and Or, a hawk sable and a pomegranate slipped inverted gules.

[Name] The submitter's name was registered 03/04.

[Device] “The Pictorial Dictionary” states that “the pomegranate is usually found slipped and leaved…  It is depicted with the bulb split open, revealing the interior and seeds;…”

This armory needs to be redrawn.  First, the wavy line of division must come clearly out of the corner.   Second, the hawk has a rather small head which hampers identification.  Third, the fruit must be drawn with the seeds visible.  They may be of a contrasting tincture, but do not have to be.  Finally, both charges should be drawn significantly larger to fill the available space.

[Administrative] The submitter has provided a voucher, issued by the College of Heralds, good for, "one free, new heraldic submission, for which a fee is required".

Device returned for redraw.

Héléne de Lyon. Device resubmission. Gules, two keys, wards to chief, heart-shaped guards linked, Or.

[Name] Registered 10/05

[Armory] Her previous device Gules, a key palewise wards to base argent, was returned on LOAR 10/05:

Unfortunately this nice device conflicts with the arms for the city of Bremen, Gules, a key bendwise wards to chief argent, protected on this letter. There is a single CD for the orientation of the key.
This submission addresses this conflict by the addition of a second key. 

Device is approved and forwarded to Laurel. 

Rekon tulema Kuressaare. New name and device. Sable, an increscent argent and a tierce vert fimbriated argent.

[Name] Submitted as Rekon tulema Kuresaare, but all documentation (including her own) has the spelling Kuressaare (2 “s” 2 “a”).   The submitter has approved the correction of her original spelling to make it consistent with documentation.
Submitter allows minor but not major changes and if changes must be made, cares about the sound and language/culture, "Estonian, pre-Christian era 12th century name”. 

There was much discussion between Trident and the submitter who specifically allows “von” rather than “tulema” (minor change) and using an unmarked locative (major change) if it is the only way to register her name.  The submitter is also aware Kuressaare castle is not dated to before 1380. (Copies of all references included)

Rekon is a feminine Estonian given name found in the "Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway" by Snorri Sturluson

From the Saga

… A third man, called Reas, bought Olaf for a good cloak.  Reas had a wife called Rekon, and a son by her whose name was Rekone.  Olaf was long with them, was treated well, and was much beloved by the people.  Olaf was six years in Eistland in this banishment (A.D. 987-972).

Our analysis is that Rekon is the the wife of Reas, who is a man from Eistland (Estonia) who purchased a slave, Olaf (later King of Norway), from Klerkon for a cloak.

tulema- is intended to mean “from” but Trident unable to document it in any way to mean this.  Trident finds “tulema” as a modern verb meaning “come” and other variations.  The submitter said she found “tulema” on an on line Estonian dictionary meaning “hails from”. Unfortunately, this is insufficient documentation for this word and the construction of the name element "tulema Kuressaare"..

Kuressaare is a medieval fortress in now Estonia (in period Eistland), on the Island of Saaremaa.  According to "Saaremaa: Island of Baltic Sea" ( The first records of the Kuressaare castle are from 1380. The castle, town and market all had the name Kuressaare from 1424 (market town)- 1563 on the 8th of May obtained freedom of a town (Rigas bylaws)

This name must be returned for more work. We do not have enough indication that the two name elements are temporally or linguistically compatible. We do not have sufficient documentation of the place name marker.

[Armory] This conflicts with Sable, an increscent argent (Sean Macarailt Sandihiume 01/73) with only a single CD for addition of secondary charge. The fimbriation does not contribute to clearing this conflict.  Additionally, a tierce is not a suitable charge for fimbriation: "Voiding and fimbriation may only be used with simple geometric charges placed in the center of the design." (RfS VIII.3) 

Name returned for further work. Device returned for conflict.

Gyldenholt, Barony of

Jeronimo Alexandre Jose Vicente. New name and device.  Azure, a great northern diver duck  proper on a chief argent, two musical notes sable.

[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name, the only other preference the note on the back of the submission form, "The only change the submitter is willing to accept a grammatical marker between two surnames. (as 'y' is used in Spanish)."  

Jeronimo is from "Portuguese Masculine Names from Lisbon, 1565". Aryanhwy cites Jeronimo 33 times.

Alexandre is also from "Portugueses Masculine Names from Lisbon, 1565". Aryanhwy cites Alexandre 3 times

Jose is also from "Portuguese Surnames from Lisbon, 1565". Aryanhwy cites this name once as an unmarked Patronymic surname

Vicente is from "Portuguese Surnames from Lisbon, 1565". Aryanhwy cites this name once as an unmarked Patronymic surname.
This name has four name elements, all of which are given names. While Portuguese names are found with unmarked patronymics (the usual being the father's given name +ez), we know of no Portuguese names containing either three given names or two given names and two patronymics. This name would probably be registerable if one name were omitted, but the submitter will not allow this change. This name must be returned for lack of documentation of the construction of the name.

[Armory] The duck in this submission is primarily black with some white markings. Therefore, the charge lacks required contrast with the field. The submitter has provided documentation from Hungarian armory ("Magyar Országos Levéltár" from to justify the lack of contrast based on regional style. RfS VIII.6 reads:

6. Documented Exceptions. - An armorial design element that is adequately documented as a period practice may be deemed acceptable even if it violates other sections of Part VIII (Compatible Armorial Style).

Such design elements will be accepted only on a case-by-case basis and only in armory comparable in style and complexity to the documented period examples. The strength of the case for such an exception increases in proportion to: the similarity of the documented examples to the submitted armory; and the number of independent period examples offered as evidence.
b. Regional Style - Alternatively, a proposed exceptional armorial design element may be documented as characteristic of a specific regional armorial style. In such cases the submitted armory may be registered provided that all of the following conditions are met. (1) The submitter explicitly requests an exception to the other sections of Part VIII (Compatible Armorial Style) on the grounds that the submitted armory exemplifies a specific regional style. (2) Documentation is adduced to show that exceptional design element was not uncommon in the regional style in question. (3) Documentation is adduced to show that all elements of the submitted armory can be found in the regional style in question.

We believe the first two of these requirements are met in this submission. The submitter has provided many emblazons where sable appears on azure. It seems clear that this coloration is "intentional", and not the result of charges in silver, which have tarnished to black.

We do not feel the third requirement is met with this submission. None of the examples provided included a charged chief. None of the examples include a bird in this posture.

We have suggested that perhaps Azure, a whatever-type duck sable marked argent and in chief two musical notes Or would more closely match the documented regional style.

Name returned for lack of documentation of the construction. Device is returned for redraw.

Isles, Shire of the

Rikitsa Tuomalainen. New name and device. Azure, in pale two winged fish migrant bendwise Or.

[Name] Submitted as Rikitsa Tuomalainen The submitter desires a feminine name. She will accept minor but not major changes, and if changes must be made, she cares most about the language and/or culture, "Finnish".

Rikitsa is found in "Vanhat nimityyppimme (Finnish Names)" ( Rikitsa as the author's reconstruction of the Finnish spelling of the Swedish census records "hustrv Rikizza 1449, Rikizsa Olaffs dotter1449".

Tuomahainen is a patronymic based on "Tuomas", documented from "Finnish Family Names for Inhabitants Assessed for Taxes in Savonlinna Province in 1571" ( The cited spelling is "Tuomahainen", however the site also indicates, regarding patronymics, "The best know [sic] type is the straightforward-poika or –tytär ending to the actual parent name. However it's not the only way, also a-nen-ending and spelling variants-n, -inen and-in were often used." The submitter has attempted to follow these instructions. We are unable to verify the submitter’s claim that the submitted form is a valid variant of the patronymic, so we are changing the name to the form noted on the website.

[Armory] There was confusion over whether these were fish, as intended, or swallows.  "Elements must be used in a design so as to preserve their individual identifiability." (RfS VIII.3) Identification is further hampered by use of colored pencils, which do not create clearly heraldic tinctures.   Upon resubmission, the submitter should use markers for better identification of the colors desired.  

Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel. Device is returned for redraw.

Sviatoslava Akilina Vasil'evskaia zhena Nicolaia. Kingdom resubmission device. Sable, on a bend sinister argent three pomegranates palewise gules seeded and  in canton a peacock in its pride Or.

[Name] This name appears on the 06/08 Letter of Intent.

[Armory] The submitter's previous submission, Sable, on a bend sinister argent three pomegranates palewise gules seeded, slipped and leaved and in canton, a peacock feather Or was returned by Crescent 04/08 for redraw:

The bend sinister should be drawn wider, which would allow the pomegranates to be larger. The peacock feather is difficult to identify and should also be redrawn. (RfS VII.7.a) There is also the possibility that the Or stems and leaves will not have enough contrast with the argent bend. (RfS VIII.2.b.ii) We must therefore return this at this time for more work.

The submitter has redesigned some to address these concerns. This depiction is heading in the right direction.  The bend needs to be even wider (perhaps another ½ to ¾ inch), which would give the pomegranates more room, allowing them to be drawn larger. Additionally, we note that, in historical heraldry, charges on a bend are oriented diagonally to allow them to fit the available space better. The submitter might consider rotating the pomegranates 45 degrees counter-clockwise.  Finally, this depiction of the peacock is not in keeping with period style – the feet need to show, and the tail feathers are usually not shown with a horizontal bottom. 

Device returned for redraw.

Lyondemere, Barony of

Lyondemere, Barony of. Kingdom resubmission order name, Sanderling, Order of the, to be associated with kingdom resubmission badge. Barry wavy vert and argent, a sandpiper close atop a mount Or.

[Name] The branch name was registered 01/80.

The submitter's previous order name submission, Sandpiper of Lyondemere, Order of the, was returned 07/08 for lack of documentation that the word "Sandpiper" was used in period. The submitter has chosen a period word for the same bird. The submitter will accept all changes and has indicated no preferences.

Sanderling is a small marine bird, the period name for the sandpiper. The OED (Compact Ed, p.2634, s.n. Sanderling) dates this spelling to 1602.

The order name is constructed similar to the pattern "Order of the [heraldic charge]". As a bird known to Europe in period, the Sandpiper is compatible with SCA armory rules.

[Armory] The submitter's previous badge design, Barry wavy vert and argent, on a sandpiper Or an escallop vert was approved at the 07/08 meeting, but is hereby withdrawn.

This armory is clear of Vert, a dunghill cock atop a mount Or. (Vigge Jonsson, 06/03), with one CD for changes to the field, and a second CD for change of type of bird from "category: barnyard" to "category: generic."

Name and badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Cecilia Lightfoot. Laurel resubmission badge Or, a lion maintaining a harp gules and on a chief azure three castles argent.

[Name] Registered 02/06.

[Armory] The submitter's previous design, with an identical blazon, was returned by Laurel 07/07 with the following comment: "This badge is returned for redraw as the castles are neither in fess nor in chevron. On resubmission, please draw the lion so that it is not touching the chief." Submitter has redrawn the badge as requested, with the castles clearly in fess.

Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Mons von Goarshausen and Arianna Kateryn Nunneschild. New Jointly-owned badge. (Fieldless) A brown  stag's head erased contourny proper gorged of a closed fetterlock Or.

[Name] Mons' name was registered 11/99. Arianna's name was registered 02/92.

[Armory] While the submission form does not indicate the preference for joint ownership, the submitters indicated in subsequent email communication that they both intended joint registration and consent to this change.

Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Order of Precedence Notes



Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Sara L. Uckelman).  "Portuguese Masculine Names from Lisbon, 1565".

Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme and Akagawa Yoshio.  A Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry as Used in the Society for Creative Anachronism.  privately published, 1988.  [PicDic]

Colm Dubh. "Occupational By-Names in the 1292 Tax Role of Paris"

Dauzat, Albert.  Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et Prénoms de France.  Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1987.  Reviewed and augmented by Marie-Thérèse Morlet.  [Dauzat]

Ekwall, Eilert.  The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names.  4th ed.  Oxford University, New York, 1960.  [Ekwall]

Farmer, D. H.  The Oxford Dictionary of Saints, 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

"Glossary of Terms As Used by the College of Arms of the Society for Creative Anachronism", revised December 23, 2003;

Harris, Karen, “Bynames Found in the 1296 Lay Subsidy Rolls for Rutland, England (occupational names)” by Karen Larsdatter (

Indexes of Family Names, Finnish Family Names for Inhabitants Assessed for Taxes in Savonlinna Province in 1571,

Oxford University. The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. [OED]

Reaney, P.  H., and Wilson, R.  M.  A Dictionary of English Surnames Oxford: Oxford Uni.  Press, 3rd ed.  1995.  [R&W]

Withycombe, E.  G.  The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.  Oxford: Oxford Uni.  Press 3rd ed.  1977.  [Withycombe]

"Vanhat nimityyppimme (Finnish Names)" (

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