Caid College of Heralds Badge

Minutes of the September 24, 2006 College of Heralds Meeting

Caid College of Heralds Badge

[Note: These submissions appear on the Mar 07 LoAR]

Meeting commenced at 11:00 AM.

In attendance were: Lachlan Crescent, Su Dolphin, Illuminada Silver Trumpet, Catherine de Winter, Cassandre Nicole Loustaunau, Thomas Quatrefoil, Cei Myghchaell Trident, Marion Coral, Robin Foxfire, Aran Darkhelm, Mary Taran of Glastonbury, Giovanna, Selene Aurum, Eridanna Ambra Dragotta, Rhoderick, Hrorek Chevron, Cormac Mor, Eirikr Gold Phoenix, Elizabeth Goodchilde.

Upcoming meetings are: October 22, 2006, November 19, 2006 and December 3, 2006. After the December meeting is the traditional College of Heralds Holiday Party. January through June 2007 meetings should be set once a 2007 kingdom calendar is available.

At Crown Tournament, Mary Dedwydd verch Gwallter assumed the office of Bellows Pursuivant (field heraldry deputy to Crescent). As of this week, Cei Myghchaell Wellinton assumed the office of Trident Macer (territorial herald of Calafia). Crescent is glad to have such dedicated individuals in these essential offices. May all good will attend them.

Unless otherwise noted, all submitters will accept the creation of a holding name, if appropriate. Approved submissions will be forwarded on the November 22, 2006 Letter of Intent.

Altavia, Barony of

Lynnette de Sandoval del Valle de los Unicornios. New Badge. [Fieldless] A unicorn's head couped contourney purpure armed Or.

[Name] Registered 04/86.

Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Angels, Barony of the

Angels, Barony of the. New badge. Gules, a standing seraph affronty proper, winged and haloed Or.

[Name] The group's name was registered "at some point."

[Armory] This badge is for the populace. Previously, the badge Gules, a standing seraph affronty proper, winged Or was registered to the barony 11/84 and released 04/86. Unfortunately, the barony still uses this badge, and wishes to register this variant to match current practice.

Badge withdrawn by submitter.

Bjorn Zenthffeer. Kingdom resubmission device. Purpure, on a bend between a hunting horn and an axe Or, three paw prints purpure.

[Name] The submitter's name appears on the 09/20/06 Letter of Intent from Caid.

[Armory] The submitter's previous design (submitted under the name "Bjorn Einarsson") was returned by Crescent 09/05 for redraw.

The use of pawprints is one step from period practice.

This conflicts with Purpure, on a bend between two boar's heads erased Or, three roses purpure barbed and seeded proper, (Kyre aet Hraefnswudu 10/98). There is one clear difference via X.4.e. The other, necessary difference must come from RfS X.4.j. There is only one visually significant change (type) between the tertiary charges, so we cannot get a CD via RfS X.4.j.i. The submitted design is not simple according to the definition in X.4.j.ii due to it having three types of charge on the field, therefore we cannot grant a CD via that rule either.

We apologize for not finding this conflict previously.

Badge returned for conflict.

Huette Aliza von und zu Ährens und Mechthildberg. New badge. Purpure, a dance cotised Or.

[Name] Registered 10/81.

[Armory] The submitter requests to release one of her old badges to make way for the new. Please release Chequy purpure, crusilly Or and Or (registered 11/89) upon registration of this new badge.

Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Hroar sviðandi. New change of name from Hroar Njalsson.

[Name] Submitted as Hroar Svithandi. The submitter's current primary name (registered via the Middle 12/02) is to be released upon registration of this change. He will accept all changes and desires a masculine name, with the meaning "earth-scorcher".

Hroar is already registered to him.

sviðandi is a descriptive byname meaning "Earth Scorcher." The submitter provided a printout of an essay found on the webpage, titled "On the Importance of Icelandic Literature", which cites the name Sveinn Svithandi (d. 1157) as coming from the book "The Origins of Icelandic Literature", G. Turville-Petre, 1953. Unfortunately we do not have access to the latter book to verify the spelling. We also have documentation for the name from the St. Gabriel article "The Bynames of the Viking Age Runic Inscriptions", Lindorm Eriksson,

Current College of Arms practice is not to capitalize descriptive bynames in Old Norse names. We are changing the name to match the documented form from the Saint Gabriel site.

Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel.

Jason Thomas the Wanderer. New badge. Gules, a bezant charged with a Bowen knot crosswise gules.

[Name] The submitter's name was registered 08/88.

[Armory] The submission form indicates that the intention here is a charged bezant on a gules field to match the charge combination from his arms, Gules, a stag's head cabossed, between its attires a roundel Or charged with a Bowen knot crosswise gules (registered 08/88). The appearance of a border is caused by the shape of the emblazon on the current standard form.

This is clear of Gules, on a roundel Or, a hawk rising, wings elevated and addorsed gules within a bordure indented Or (Timmeke Haakanson of Nordheim 02/92) With one clear difference via RfS X.4.b for removal of the bordure and another for change in type of the tertiary charge according to RfS X.4.j.i.

Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Thomas Whitehart. Laurel resubmission device. Azure, a stag trippant argent between three harps Or.

[Name] Submitter's name was registered 04/97.

[Armory] The submitter's previous submission, Azure, in pall a stag trippant argent between three harps Or was returned by Laurel 05/06, "This device is returned for conflict with Ireland (important non-SCA arms), Azure, a harp Or stringed argent. This is a single group of primary charges, so there is a single CD for changing the number of charges. We apologize to the submitter for missing this conflict previously." The submitter has redrawn the design to clarify that the stag is the primary charge and the harps secondary charges, which is clear of Ireland via RfS X.2.

Unfortunately, the submitter reduced the size of the harps to the point that they are not identifiable according to the requirements in RfS X.3. Also the outline of the emblazon appears to have a narrow bordure. We believe that the submitter does not intend there to be a bordure, so this requires a redraw to clarify the wishes of the submitter.

Device returned for redraw.

Caid, Kingdom of

Caid, Kingdom of. New badge. (Fieldless) Two dolphins hauriant respectant maintaining between them a pearled coronet Or.

[Name] The group name was registered 02/75.

[Armory] This badge is "For former territorial barons/baronesses of Caid."

Withdrawn by the submitter.

Calafia, Barony of

Andrew Bruce. New name change from Andro Bruce and Laurel resubmission device. Per chevron azure and Or a chevron between three crosses bottony fitchy counterchanged.

[Name] Submitted as Andru Bruce. The submitter requests a masculine name. No other boxes are checked.

Andro Bruce was registered 10/96. This was originally submitted as Andru Bruce, but was changed at kingdom to Andreu Brus. Then Laurel changed it to the registered spelling which was closer to the submitted spelling, but which the submitter is not happy with. Although no boxes are checked, the submitter explicitly states that he will accept a change to "Andrew" if necessary to register the name.

The submitter has added documentation in support for his original spelling, Andru from "The Celtic Kingdom of Elmet" ( This website appears to reprint an article by Wm. Vavasour Esq. entitled "Henry VIII Through Yorkshire" which claims that Sir Andru Younge held the manor of Burne in York during the thirty-eighth year of Henry's reign. Withycombe offers the spelling "Andreu" dated to 1273 (p.23, s.n. Andrew), but this is as close as the College is able to come. We have changed the spelling of the name to the submitter's accepted "Andrew", but would appreciate the help of the college in finding better documentation for his desired spelling.

Bruce is found in Black, p 108, under this heading, with the earliest use of this spelling dated to 1668. Bruce is grandfathered to this submitter.

[Armory] In 10/96 the submitter's device submission Per chevron sable and or, three crosses bottony fitchy counterchanged was returned by Laurel for conflict with Per chevron sable and Or, two Maltese crosses and a griffin counterchanged (Ekaterina Adrianovna Sinilnikova, 03/94) with only one CD given for changes in type of primary charges. The addition of the chevron and the change in color clears this conflict.

Name and Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Christel Leake. Kingdom resubmission device. Azure, an escarbuncle argent and a base rayonny Or.

[Name] Registered 07/05.

[Armory] The submitter's previous design, Azure, two bears rampant addorsed and a bordure dovetailed argent was returned by Crescent 03/05 for conflict. This is a complete re-design. As greater than one year has elapsed since the previous return, a new fee is required by Caid.

We believe this is clear of Azure, a compass rose argent (Alexandre sur la Mer, 07/81) via X.2, complete difference of primary charge. We see no precedents comparing escarbuncles with compass roses. The closest we see is a precedent from Da'ud's tenure which gave no CD between an escarbunkle and a compass star with points that ended in lighting bolts.

Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Gaius Sion Crassus. New name and device. Argent, a Greek battleship per fess gules and sable, sail unfurled argent charged with a bull's head cabossed within a bordure indented sable and argent.

[Name] The submitter will accept all changes, desires a masculine name, and though he has not checked the box requesting changes to make the name authentic, has indicated an interest in authenticity for 500 B.C. Greek/Roman.

Gaius is documented from "Names and Naming Practices of Regal and Republican Rome" by Meradudd Cethin ( where it is listed as a praenomen.

Sion is not documented by the submitter. It can be found in Morgan and Morgan, Welsh Surnames, dated in this spelling to 1627. We found no documentation that the name is Greek or Roman.

Crassus is also documented from "Names and Naming Practices of Regal and Republican Rome" where it is listed as a cognomen.

As submitted, this name is not registerable. First, it mixes Latin and Welsh, which is not a registerable combination (see Elena Glamorgan, 06/03). Second, the names are temporally incompatible, being separated by over 1000 years, which is also reason for return. (RfS 3.1.a)

We considered dropping the problem element "Sion", leaving us with "Gaius Crassus", but that would leave a name with only praenomen and cognomen without the required nomen. This has been reason for return in the recent past (see Gaius Brutus, returns 05/06).

[Armory] This must be returned for multiple problems:

1) The color drawing does not match the line drawing (with blazonable differences)

2) There is no contrast between the argent sail and the argent field. (RfS VIII.2.a.ii)

3) We have no evidence that this type of ship is a period charge, nor do we have documentation showing it is a period artifact from the period and domain of the Society. (RfS VII.7.a)

4) The design upon the sail is presumptive. Laurel precedent states,

Because a charged sail appears to be an independent display of armory, it should be treated analogously to other armorial elements, which might appear to include an independent display of armory... Therefore, it seems appropriate to rule that a charged sail must be checked for conflict against already registered armory. [Eiríkr Mj{o,}ksiglandi Sigurðarson, 06/03 <>, returns-Caid].

The design on the sail conflicts with Argent, three bull's heads cabossed sable (Morgan of Rhymney, 02/98). (RfS XI.3.b)

5) We were unable to adequately blazon the "triangular/compony" border. (RfS VII.7.a)

6) The submitter has no name available to register the device. (Administrative Handbook II.a.1)

Name returned for lack of documentation. Device returned for multiple reasons.

Ilse Schreckenfüchsin. New Name and Device. Per fess vert and argent, a fox courant to sinister and a serpent erect to sinister tail nowed counterchanged.

[Name] Submitter desires a feminine name. She will accept all changes, and if changes must be made, she cares most about the sound.

Ilse is found under Elizabeth in Talan Gwynek's "Medieval German Given Names from Silesia," dated to 1397.

Schreckenfuchs is a header in Brechenmacher's Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen dated to 1473 and 1511; it means "frighten fox", a hunter's name. The submitter and consulting herald are not sure how it would have been written in period, but indicate the feminine of 'fox' is modernly füchsin ('vixen'), hence Schreckenfüchsin as the hopefully correct feminine form of the byname. We respectfully seek the assistance of the College of Arms in determining the correct spelling.

Name and Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Fáelán O'Gradáigh, New Name.

[Name] Submited as Faelan O'Gradaigh. The submitter desires a masculine name, authentic for Irish. He will accept minor but not major changes, and if changes must be made, he cares most about language/culture.

Fáelán is in OC&M, (p.92, s.n. Fáelán) as a common early name especially among the royal families of Leinster. St. Fáelán, brother of St. Fursu, who was martyred in Flanders about 656

O'Gradáigh is in MacLysaght (p.134, s.n. O Grady) Ó Grádaigh a Dalcassian sept. The leading family went to Co. Limerick but the majority are still in Clare.

Name approved as changed and forwarded to Laurel.

Fionnghuala inghean Uilliam, New Device. Argent, three mullets and on a chief sable a comet fesswise Or.

[Name] Her name was registered 06/06.

Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Kára sindri, New Device. Vert,in pale a sheep salient argent, legs and head sable and a gate argent within a bordure Or.

[Name] Her name appears on the 08/23/06 Letter of Intent from Caid.

[Armory] This must be returned for redraw. The sheep is difficult to identify due to stylization. Overall, most thought it resembled a cloud. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the head and legs are black on green, thus very hard to see. Also, the bordure as drawn is too thin, and is reason for return in itself. Please draw approximately one and one half times the current thickness. (RfS VIII.3 and VIII.4.d)

Device returned for redraw.

Murchadh Garrioch and Matheus le Vaus. Kingdom resubmission badge. Gules, a cross between in bend two Maltese crosses and in bend sinister two crescents argent, a bordure Or.

[Name] The submitter's names were both registered 02/04.

The submission form specifies that this be associated with "Order of Hospitallers of St. John of Caid". This is not a registered household name and there is no submission form for this name. We are forwarding this as a badge jointly owned by the two submitters without a specific association. If the submitters wish to later submit a household name, this badge can later be associated with the name. Finally, we note that the indicated name may not be registerable.

[Armory] The submitter's previous design, Gules, a cross between in bend two Maltese crosses and in bend sinister two sets of four crescents conjoined in saltire horns outward argent was returned by Crescent 07/06 for conflict with several pieces of important non-SCA armory, all with the blazon Gules, a cross argent. The addition of the bordure provides the necessary, second Clear Difference.

Badge approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Darach, Shire of

Cicilia la Seria. New change of device. Azure goutty, on a pile inverted argent, a swan naiant sable.

[Name] The submitter's name was registered 09/04.

[Armory] If this is passed, the submitter would like to release her previous device, Azure, gouttee d'eau, on a plate a swan naiant sable (Registered 02/03)

Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Ciorstan MacAmhlaidh. New change of device. Quarterly sable and argent, a square weaver's tablet saltirewise counterchanged.

[Name] Submitter's name was registered 07/83.

[Armory] This is clear of Quarterly sable and argent, a lozenge fesswise throughout Or voided gules (Artur of Daeyrnmoore, 04/81) with one Clear Difference for change in tincture of primary charge and a second CD for change in type, number and tincture of tertiaries.

Device is approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Conrí Mac Eógan. New name, new device. Per pale Or and purpure, a wolf statant to sinister counterchanged.

[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. The submitter will accept minor but not major changes, and if changes must be made, he cares most about the meaning "king of wolves, son of Eógan".

Conrí is listed in OCM, (p.59, s.n. Conrí), as a "name which occurs occasionally in the earliest pedigrees".

Eógan is listed in OCM, (p.87, s.n. Eógan) as "one of the twenty most popular names in early Ireland". It is also the name of the submitter's father, Eógan Ua Confraích, registered 11/96.

The college noted Conchobar mac Eoin (registered 08/98), but believe the difference in spelling and the difference in pronunciation of given name is sufficient for aural difference. The surnames are essentially equivalent,

Name and device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Dreiburgen, Barony of

Mary Dedwydd verch Gwallter. Laurel resubmission device. Vert estencilly on a pile throughout Or a brunette mermaid proper maintaining in each hand an escallop inverted vert.

[Name] The submitter's name was registered 11/00.

[Armory] The submitter's previous design, Vert estencelly, on a pile throughout argent a brunette mermaid proper maintaining in each hand an escallop inverted vert was returned by Laurel 01/06 for lack of contrast between the proper mermaid and the argent pile. The change in tincture of the pile to Or fixes this problem.

Unfortunately, this now conflicts with Vert, on a pile between in pile seven cups Or, a mermaid erect affronty maintaining in her dexter hand a wine bottle and in her sinister hand a tray bearing three cups vert (Christianna MacGrain, 07/84). There is one Clear Difference via RfS X.4.e for change in type of secondary charges (cups to sparks) There is not a CD via X.4.f for change in number of secondary charges ("Six and higher numbers, including sem [sic] of charges, are not significantly different from each other."). RfS X.4.j.i requires two visually significant changes to tertiary charges to warrant one CD. Here we have change in color of half the tertiary charge (vert to argent and vert), but no change in type or number.

Furthermore, this must be returned for redraw. The sparks are extremely difficult to make out, especially on the colored emblazon. Please draw the individual dots of the sparks larger and the whole charge more distinct. (RfS VIII.3)

Device returned for conflict and redraw.

Ranulfr Þorfinnsonn. New device. Vert, a horse courant dismembered argent between in chief two axes in chevron the blades to center argent hafted and in base a flame proper.

[Name] The submitter's name was registered 04/05.

[Armory] This must be returned for redraw. Overall, the stylization of the charges is not heraldic. The posture of the horse is not a standard heraldic posture. The axes in chief are registerable, though would be more clearly visible if they were completely argent. (RfS VIII.4.d)

Device returned for redraw.

Dun Or, Barony of

Ciar ingen Dáire Laurel resubmission device. Quarterly sable and gules, in bend two oak leaves within a bordure argent.

[Name] Her name was registered 07/03.

[Armory] Her previous design, Quarterly gules and sable, in bend two oak leaves argent was returned by Laurel 07/05 for conflict with Bastian Eychner, Per bend sinister bevilled sable and gules, two oak leaves argent. The addition of the bordure adds a second Clear Difference via RfS X.4.b. As greater than one year has passed since the most recent return, a new fee is required by Caid.

Device approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Heatherwyne, Shire of

Elizabeth Goodchilde. New device. Pean, a stag trippant erminois.

[Name] Submitter's name was registered 03/01.

[Armory] If this is registered, the submitter asks that her previous device, Purpure, a unicorn passant and in chief three eagle's heads erased argent all armed Or (Registered 12/01) be retained as a badge.

This submission is pended due to lack of time.

Lyondemere, Barony of

Aurelia della Rossa. New name.

[Name] The submitter will accept minor but not major changes, and if changes must be made, she cares most about sound. No other boxes checked.

Aurelia is found in De Felice's "Nomi" (p.82, s.n. Aurelio) as the feminine form "widely distributed in Italy."

della Rossa is found in De Felice's "Cognomi" (pp.216-7, s.n. Rossi) as a variant form of Rossi, "a type of cognomen frequent in Italy".

Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Jon Thomme de Claydon. New name.

[Name] The submitter desires a masculine name. He will accept minor but not major changes, and if changes must be made, he cares most about sound.

Jon is found in R&W (p.256, s.n. John) with Thomas fitz Jon dated 1296 and Richard Jon dated 1372.

Thomme is found in R&W (p.443, s.n. Thom) John Thomme dated 1311

de Claydon is found in R&W (p.99, s.n. Clayden) with John de Claydon dated 1370.

Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Wulfric Forlong of Falconhurst. New name.

[Name] The submitter is interested in a masculine name. He will accept minor but not major changes, and if changes must be made, he cares most about sound.

Wulfric is found in R&W (p.502, s.n. Woolrich) with William Wulfric dated 1212. At the end of the entry, the authors state that the name Wulfric is "a personal name fairly common after the Conquest."

Forlong is found in R&W (p.180, s.n. Furlong) with John Forlong dated 1316.

Falconhurst is a constructed byname using the examples "Hawkhurst (Havekherst, 1291)" in Ekwall

p. 226. and "Faulkbourne (Falkeburn, 1207)" meaning "Falcon's stream" from Ekwall p. 175.

Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Western Seas, Barony of

Anna Hartman. New name and device. Azure, a bend sinister between a sun of twelve rays and an increscent argent.

[Name] The submitter will accept all changes, no other preferences are noted.

Anna is found in Withycombe (p.25, s.n. Ann) "used in England, France, Germany and Spain ... first in England beginning of 13th C (1218 first recorded) but rare until beginning of 14th century."

Hartman is from Bahlow/Gentry 2nd edition (p.214 s.n. Hartmann), where it's more common as a given name but as a surname Ticze Hartman,Liegnitz 1369.

[Armory] This conflicts with Azure, a bend sinister between a unicorn couchant reguardant contourney and another couchant reguardant argent (Rhiannon of Berra, 04/99) with only a single Clear Difference for change in type of all secondary charges. (RfS X.4.b) There is another potential conflict: Azure, a bend sinister and in canton a compass star pierced argent (Sebastian of Dragon's Mist, 12/99), There is one CD for change in number of secondary charges (two to one). The other CD must come from change in type between a compass star pierced and a sun.

Name approved and forwarded to Laurel. Device returned for conflict.

Conan Hawkwood. New device. Azure, a pale vert fimbriated Or between in chief two torques Or and overall a drakar's prow argent.

[Name] The submitter's name was registered (via Meridies) 05/96.

[Armory] Due to extreme stylization, the drakar's prow/dragon's head is not recognizable as a heraldic charge. It must be returned for this reason. We recommend the submitter consult the Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry for assistance. (RfS VII.3)

This must also be returned for use of a fimbriated ordinary with an overall charge ("This armory uses a fimbriated ordinary surmounted by an overall charge, and thus is not acceptable" [Sophie Davenport, 02/03 returns - AEthelmearc]). Also, the drakar's prow is only slightly overall, and it is difficult to indicate in the blazon that the torques are not also overall. (RfS VIII.3) Our recommendation is to reduce the size of the drakar's prow so that it lies entirely on the vert portion of the pale.

Device returned for redraw.

Donnel Stewart Davinsson. New Name.

[Name] The submitter will accept minor but not major changes. He has checked no other boxes.

Donnel is probably the anglicized spelling of the Gaelic Domhnaill (pg. 499, Woulfe), where the author lists one Eigheachan, father of Domhnall.

Stewart is found in R&W (pg. 427, s.n. Steward), dated to 1327 in this spelling.

Davinsson was not found. The closest Gaelic name in pronunciation was O Damhain (Woulfe, pg. 494), which the author anglicizes to O Davan.

Name returned for lack of documentation.

Jacqueline de la Bere. New Name.

[Name] Submitted as Jacqueline du Bear. The submitter desires a female name, will accept minor but not major changes, and if changes must be made, cares most about the sound. She is aware spelling of Bear may be changed to register.

Jacqueline is in Withycombe (p.170, s.n. Jacqueline) "French diminutive of Jacques ... found time to time 13th to 17th centuries."

de la Bere is found in R&W (pg. 34, s.n. Bear), dated to 1263. The formation du Bear ("of the worker") cannot be justified. We have switched to the documentable Anglo-Norman name from R&W, as it most closely matches the form submitted. Subsequent to the decision meeting, the submitter was contacted and found the change acceptable.

Name approved and forwarded to Laurel.

Valerie de Barbeyrac. New name and device. Per bend sinister azure and sable a griffon passant regardant argent.

[Name] No boxes are checked.

Valerie is the submitter's mundane name, though no documentation is provided as required to use the legal name allowance, RfS II.4.

de Barbeyrac is documented by the submitter from "History of Languedoc, vol. II" (p.255, no copies were provided by the submitter) which notes that "Berenger de Barbeyrac attended like witness with the Act of Union of the Abbey of Gilles Saint that of Clugny in 1066".

We must return the name for lack of documentation.

[Armory] This armory conflicts with (Fieldless) A griffin passant argent (Serena Lascelles, 07/96). (RfS I.3.a) Furthermore, the wings are in a non-standard (trian) posture. (RfS VIII.4.d) The submitter used pencil crayons, which produced less-than-distinct colors. For resubmission, we recommend the submitter use magic markers.

Name returned for lack of documentation. Device returned for conflict and redraw.

Order of Precedence Notes

Conrí Mac Eógan is listed in the Order of Precedence as "Kyle of Caid".


Bahlow, Hans. Dictionary of German Names. translated by Edda Gentry, University of Wisconsin, Madison: Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, 1967, English version: 2002. [Bahlow/Gentry 2nd]

Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning, and History. New York: The New York Public Library, 1946. Ninth printing, 1989. [Black]

Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann. Etymologisches Woerterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen. Limburg a.d. Lahn: C.A. Starke Verlag, 1957-1960.

De Felice, Emilio. Dizionario dei Cognomi Italiani. 4th ed. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. Milan, 1986. [Cognomi]

De Felice, Emilio. Dizionario dei Nomi Italiani. 4th ed. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. Milan, 1986. [Nomi]

Ekwall, Eilert. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names. 4th ed. Oxford University, New York, 1960. [Ekwall]

Elmet's post medieval Era (

Lindorm Eriksson, "The Bynames of the Viking Age Runic Inscriptions",

MacLysaght, Edward. The Surnames of Ireland. 6th ed. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1985. [MacLysaght]

Meradudd Cethin, "Names and Naming Practices of Regal and Republican Rome",

Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, and Maguire, Fidelma. Irish Names. Dublin: The Lilliput Press, 1990. [OCM]

Reaney, P. H., and Wilson, R. M. A Dictionary of English Surnames Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press, 3rd ed. 1995. [R&W]

Talan Gwynek, "Medieval German Given Names from Silesia,"

Withycombe, E. G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names. Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press 3rd ed. 1977. [Withycombe]

Woulfe, Patrick. Sloinnte Gaetheal ir Gall: Irish Names and Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1967. [Woulfe]

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