Minutes of the 24 March 2002 Meeting

[Note: These submissions appear on the Sep 2002 LoAR]

Notes and Announcements

Future heraldry meetings are scheduled for Apr. 14 and May 19.

In order to become acquainted, we are again asked to introduce ourselves, this time with favorite movie.

All territorial heralds are required to be warranted. All heralds should complete an "Agreement to Serve" form, which can be obtained from your local seneschal, or the kingdom seneschal's handbook [Word version; PDF version]. Please have the form signed by the seneschal and the Baron or Baroness (if a baronial herald) to show that you are the approved representative. A photocopy of your current SCA membership card must accompany this form. All paperwork must be completed and turned in on or before Crown Tourney. Heralds at large only need to fill out the "Agreement to Serve" form.

The meetings are moving. Next month will likely be the last time we meet at Eirikr's home. The only person who has offered to host the meetings is Jeanne Marie, another Heatherwyne resident.

All heralds are encouraged to join the caid_heralds e-mail list. It is generally a low volume list, and a great place to get help and exchange information. To join the mailing list, [instructions on Caid-Heralds e-mail list information]

As a reminder, all submissions must go through the territorial herald or be mailed directly to Crescent. As a courtesy, a summary of the submission information (presented exactly as you would find them in the minutes) can be e-mailed to Jeanne Marie () prior to each CoH meeting. Copies of the submissions may also be faxed to her at (phone # suppressed; email for number). This change in procedure has greatly sped up the typing and setup process at the beginning of each meeting and reduced the amount of information to be type on the morning of the meeting. In summary, paperwork goes to Crescent (or is brought to the meeting) and summary info goes to Jeanne Marie.

Draft precedents are available at http://home.earthlink.net/~mranc. François' precedents are current through Oct. 2001.

All funds given to the College should be in check form, made out to "SCA Inc: College of Heralds". If cash must be used, do not co-mingle them with your own funds. The IRS will be very displeased with you, and if you cause an audit of the entire SCA, many more people will be very displeased with you. If the money must be mailed, request that the submitter provide a personal check or buy a money order.

Next month's meeting is the last before Crown. Therefore, all names and devices of tournament combatants and consorts must be in submission as of that meeting. Any submissions returned at today's meeting will not be considered in submission for Crown...

By tradition, heralds are not required to file a quarterly report if they attend the Kingdom heraldry meetings on a regular basis. That may change in the near future, due to pressure from and changes in the seneschal's requirements of us. In addition, all heralds must fill out a Herald's Report Form for each event held in their territory that includes the names of all working heralds plus the names of all award recipients. These can be e-mailed to . Expect to write down everything before court, not after, as it is much more difficult to track down the names of the recipients.

All the kingdom ceremonies are available from the Caid website's Herald's link.

We have not hosted the KWHS in approximately a dozen years. It is time we volunteered to do so again. We have a couple of months to bid for the event for June 2003. Some considerations: needs a major airport nearby; cheap airfare would be nice; convention hall space and sleeping accommodations with group rates - college dorms can be a great resource; food provisions. All of these will be helpful to Crescent in compiling two or three solid bids to send forward. He does not have the resources to investigate all these details if you propose a site, so he needs as much information as possible. In addition, Crescent would like you to include who will collect and publish the Proceedings, which may include class papers and other informative articles. Southern CA has many amenities to offer, and advertising that trips are available to the Getty Museum, Huntington Library, etc, as well as Disneyland, and other amusements may make this event more attractive to prospective participants.

* = Estrella submission; † = Collegium submission

Caid, Kingdom of

Caid, Kingdom of: Blue Lymphad Pursuivant (New Heraldic Title)

This heraldic title is intended for use by the herald of the shire of Ildhafn. This follows the format <English color name><heraldic charge>, such as Blue Mountain Pursuivant, Red Tower Pursuivant and Silver Trumpet Pursuivant Extraordinary, all of which are already registered to the kingdom. The shire's device contains an azure lymphad.


Caid, Kingdom of: Quatrefoil Herald (New Heraldic Title)

This follows the format <heraldic charge>, such as Crescent Principal Herald, Dolphin Pursuivant, and Furison Pursuivant, all of which are already registered to the kingdom.


Altavia, Barony of

Jonathan Drake of Skey (New Device)

Vert, a double-bitted axe bendwise sinister between two roundels within a bordure embattled Or

His name was approved and forwarded to Laurel at the Feb. 2002 CoH meeting.


Angels, Barony of

† Cáelfind Ó Ruairc (New Name and Device)

Argent, a dragon contourny azure between a chief checky argent and azure, and a base dovetailed azure


The submitter is interested in a feminine name authentic for Irish Gaelic and will allow all changes.

Cáelfind is found on p. 41 of ÓC&M, which mentions an undated virgin saint.

Ó Ruairc is found undated on p. 158 of ÓC&M under the heading Ruarcc, on p. 261 of MacLysaght under the heading Rourke, and p. 636 of Woulfe under the heading Ruairc.

Checky should be squares, not rectangles. The base should be drawn smaller with larger (and fewer) dovetails and the dragon should be larger. The device was not conflict checked.


† Catharine Hawkwod da Barbiano (New Name)


The submitter is interested in a feminine name. If her name must be changed she cares most about the language/culture (14-15th century Italy, for English mercenaries there). She will not accept major changes.

Catharine is found as a subheading on pp. 186-187 in Withycombe (sn Katharine). It is noted that "in the 17th C the usual spelling is Catherne, Katherne."

Hawkwod is found on p. 222 in R&W under the heading Hawkwood, where the desired spelling is dated to 1351. The submitter changed the form from Hawkwood to Hawkwod.

da Barbiano is found in The Condottieri - Soldiers of Fortune, by Geoffrey Trease (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971). A discussion of Albercio da Barbiano begins on p. 169, "a captain who in status, was for more truly Hawkwood's successor than any of the captains whom Florence tried to enlist in her service." The chapter mentions a "famous triumph over the Bretons in 1379." Barbano is found undated under the heading Barba on p.69 in de Felice's Cognomi.


† Edward of Hartwell (New Name and Device)

Vert, six lions passant Or


The submitter is interested in a masculine name authentic for 14th century English.

Edward is found as a heading on pp. 94-95 of Withycombe. Edward I became king of England in 1272.

Hartwell is dated to 1205 in the desired spelling as a heading on p. 223 of Ekwall.

The submitter is advised to draw the lions larger.


† Fu Ching Lan: Cordelia Helena Fitzgerald (New Alternate Name and Badge)

Vert, estencely, a phoenix and on a chief argent three butterflies purpure


Fu Ching Lan appears on the December 1, 2001 Caidan LoI (Oct. 2002 minutes). She is interested in a feminine name. She had originally requested an authentic name, but on further consultation, she decided she is more interested in the name as submitted rather than an authentic name.

Cordelia is found as a heading on pp. 73-74 of Withycombe, which notes "Cordelia Harvey was buried at St. Martin-in-the-Fields in 1636."

Helena is a heading on p. 148 of Withycombe, where it is noted "Helen and Helena came in at the Renaissance."

Fitzgerald is intended to be an inherited surname. Fitz is a patronymic marker meaning "son of". Gerald is found as a heading on p. 188 of R&W which dates Robertus filius Geraldi to 1086 and Richard Gerald to 1200. The entry further notes that "Garrett Fitzgarret 1586 (SPD) is for Fitzgerald." Fitzgerald is also found as an undated heading on p. 109 in MacLysaght.


† Katherine Merivale (New Name and Device)

Argent, on a bend doubly cotised azure three daisies argent seeded Or


The submitter is interested in a feminine name authentic for the 14th century and will allow all changes.

Katherine is found as a heading on pp. 186-187 of Withycombe where it states "In 1148 Queen Matilda founded a collegiate church and hospital of St. Katharine."

Merivale is found as a heading on p. 306 in R&W, where Richard Meryvale is dated to 1418.

Possible conflict with: Argent, on a bend cotised azure a lily palewise Or between two others argent [Rowan le Beau 03/98]. There is a CD for the number of cotises. If there is a clear difference between a lily and a daisy, then this is clear with another CD by X4.j.(ii).


† Raibeart MacKeever (New Name and Device)

Per pall Or, gules, and azure, a hammer fesswise reversed sable and two dogs combatant Or


The submitter is interested in a masculine name. If the name must be changed he cares most about the language/culture (Scot & Gael), and allows all changes.

Black lists Mac Roibeirt as a Gaelic form on p. 562 under the heading Macrobert. Woulfe lists Ribeart on p. 50 with several others variations of Robert, though none are listed that begin with Rai-. Peder Morgan has Raibeart as a heading form and states "Popularized by Raibeart I (1274-1329), also known as Rob Brus (Robert the Bruce)."

MacKeever is found as a heading on p. 523 of Black, which gives no dated forms.

Submitted as Raibert MacKeever, the name was changed to Raibeart MacKeever to match documented forms.


† Ryuusaki Raiden (New Device)

Per fess sable and argent, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division argent, and an Oriental dragon passant gules

The submitter's name was forwarded to Laurel on the December 1st, 2001 Caid LoI (Oct. 2002 minutes).


† Tomaso da Barbiano (New Name and Device)

Per pale argent and sable, in pale two sheaves of three stalks of barley Or


The submitter is interested in a masculine name. He will accept minor but not major changes (the form was changed by the submitter at the Kingdom consultation table). If the name must be changed, he cares most about an unspecified language/culture.

Tomasa is found as a variant spelling under the heading Tommaso on p. 344 of de Felice Nomi.

da Barbiano is found in The Condottieri - Soldiers of Fortune, by Geoffrey Trease (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971). A discussion of Albercio da Barbiano begins on p. 169, "a captain who in status, was for more truly Hawkwood's successor than any of the captains whom Florence tried to enlist in her service." The chapter mentions a "famous triumph over the Bretons in 1379." Barbano is found undated under the heading Barba on p.69 in de Felice's Cognomi.

The submitter is advised to draw the barley larger.


Calafia, Barony of

Aleyn More (Kingdom Resub. Device)

Per pale vert and argent, a weeping willow counterchanged

The submitter's name was approved and forwarded to Laurel at the January 2002 CoH meeting.
The previous submission, which was identical to this with, but improper forms, was withdrawn by the submitting herald at that meeting. There is a possible conflict with Wolfgang von Valkonberg Per pale vert and argent, a blasted tree atop a mount counterchanged [08/79]. There is a CD for removing the mount. We are unsure if there is a CD between a willow tree and a blasted tree.


Dreiburgen, Barony of

Catherine de Paris (New Name and Device)

Per fess argent semy-de-lis and vert, a fess embattled sable, and an owl vert


The submitter will allow all changes. No boxes have been checked to indicate preferences.

Catharine is found as a subheading on pp. 186-187 in Withycombe (sn Katharine), which notes "the spelling with th came in about the 16th C". Catharine is dated to 1528 in Talan Gwynek's "Late Period Feminine Names from the South of France" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/latefrenchfem/). This spelling is also dated to 307 under the heading Catherine on p. 93 in Dauzat's Noms de Famille, and to the 14th C (Catherine de Sienne).

de Paris is a locative meaning "of Paris". R&W date this surname to 1158 under the heading Paris on p. 338.

We advise the submitter to draw fewer fleurs and much larger; there should be only about one-fourth of the number shown here.


* John Wallace of Loch Maree (New Name)


The submitter states no preferences and will allow all changes.

John is found as a heading on p. 178 of Withycombe, which says "John was a fairly common English name in the 12-15th C."

Wallace appears as a heading on p. 799 of Black, where dated spellings include Walace 1432, and Vallace 1560.

Loch Maree is apparently found undated on p. 287-289 of Watson as a modern spelling of Loch Ma-Ruibhe. Johnston gives the undated spelling L. Marée on p. 248. Both sources state that the origin of the name is not from the Saint Mary, but instead from the Saint Maelrubha. L. Maree is also found undated in CLG.


Richard de Gascoigne (Laurel Resub. Name and New Badge)

[Fieldless] A cross couped gules surmounted by a skull argent


His former submission, Kensuki no Uji Tora Kaito Tamashi, was returned by Laurel in Sept. 2001 for a number of problems. At that time, his device was registered under the holding name Richard of Dreiburgen. The submitter is interested in a masculine name. If the name must be changed, he cares most about the language/culture (French).

Richard is a heading on p. 253 in Withycombe, where it is noted "The great popularity of the name Richard in the Middle Ages was due to importation from the Continent, the Normans bringing in French Richard..." Richard is also a heading on p. 520 in Dauzat's Noms de Famille, where it is listed as a baptismal name, but this spelling is undated. Richard is also a heading on p. 377 of R&W with Thomas Richard dated to 1276.

de Gascoigne is being used as a locative indicating a southern region of France. Under the heading Gascoign on p. 185, R&W cite Robert de Gascoin 1243 and Nicholas de Gascoigne 1340, with the meaning "from Gascony".

Submitted as Richard de Gascony, the spelling was changed to de Gascoigne with the submitter's permission.


We note that the cover letter with the November 1992 LoAR permits overall charges in fieldless badges only if the area of overlap is small and all charges identifiable. We believe that the cross is identifiable and thus acceptable under the current standards, similar to a precedent from Bruce's tenure:

[Two wooden staves in saltire proper by a palmer's scrip Or] This is acceptable under our current standards for overall charges in fieldless badges, the underlying charges are long and skinny, and readily identifiable. (Sean ua Neill the Staffmaker, March 1993, pg.17)


Gallavally, Canton of (Dreiburgen)

† Virginia le Swann (Device Change)

Purpure, a swan naiant argent between four fleurs-de-lys in cross Or

Name registered in Sept. '91.

If this device is registered, her previous device Purpure, a swan naiant argent between four mullets in cross Or is to be released.

The submitter is advised to draw the fleurs-de-lys larger.


Dun Or, Barony of

† F{a-}'izah al-Zaqra (New Name and Device)

Purpure, on a hand of Fatima inverted argent, an eye azure


The submitter is interested in a feminine name. If the name must be changed, she cares most about the language/culture (Arabic). She will not accept major changes.

Faizeh is purportedly found in "Arabic Names and Naming Practices" by Da'ud ibn Auda but we were unable to locate it. We found F{a-}'izah in Hamid.

al-Zarqa is found in "Arabic Names and Naming Practices" by Da'ud ibn Auda, meaning "the blue-eyed".

The name was submitted as Faizeh al-Zaqra. It was changed to F{a-}'izah al-Zaqra to match the available documentation.

The submitter is advised to add internal details to the eye to aid in identifiability.


Gyldenholt, Barony of

Su of the Silver Horn (Admin. Action, Reinstatement of Badge)

Sable, a bat-winged cat rampant to sinister, wings addorsed vert, fimbriated Or, holding in its forepaws the strings of a drinking horn argent


This is a request to reinstate her released device as a badge. Laurel returned this request on the Nov. 2001 LoAR with the statement:

The LoI provided no evidence that the release of the bat-winged cat device, on registration of her 1981 device change, was in error, nor did the LoI present evidence of hardship. There was no directive in the 1981 LoI, on the device change form, or in other paperwork in Laurel files, asking that Laurel preserve the previously registered device as a badge. Standard procedure under the then-applicable 1979 rules for submission (like today) was to release an old device if the device were changed, unless the submitter requested that it be kept as a badge.

In this submitter's previous device change attempt in 1980 (returned at Laurel), the LoI indicated that the previous device (the bat-winged cat device) should be maintained as a badge. However, it has never been College of Arms policy to assume that such directives from one Letter of Intent carry through to another Letter of Intent.

Laurel notes that the submitter was heraldically active in the SCA after the badge was released, as the files show heraldic actions from her through 1983. Therefore, there is no clear evidence of a hardship existing by which she might not have been informed that the previous device was released. Laurel Sovereign of Arms would remind everyone that decisions are made based on the information provided on the forms, in the LoI, and in the comments provided by the College. Therefore, we must hold by non scripta, non est: if it isn't in writing, it doesn't exist.

The letter from the submitting herald states:

We are requesting that the Laurel Sovereign of Arms overturn the decision made in the November 2001 LoAR. Attached is a copy of a Letter of Correction from Baldwin of Erebor, Laurel King of Arms, dated May 29, 1985. On page 5, Laurel stated the following correction to the Armorial and Ordinary:

Su of the Silver Horn. Badge. Sable, a bat-winged cat rampant to sinister, wings addorsed vert, fimbriated Or, holding in its forepaws the strings of a drinking horn argent. [March 1978, changed to a badge June 1981]

This provides the written documentation supporting the submitter's request for the reinstatement of her badge.

As noted in the original request, the Armorial indicates "The following device associated with this name was registered in March 1978 and should have been released? in June of 1981 (via Caid)." The enclosed Letter of Correction provides the needed evidence to show that the badge should have been retained and not released. There is no indication that Baldwin's correction to change this device to a badge ever made it into the Armorial. The Caidan College continues to support the submitter's request to reinstate this badge.


Su of the Silver Horn (Administrative Action, Release of Badge)

Azure, in fess a drinking horn bendwise argent and a flower of four heart-shaped petals saltirewise Or, barbed vert, seeded argent, within a bordure Or, surmounted by another sable

Though included in the Letter of Intent, this release was apparently not acted upon in the Nov. 2001 LoAR.


Ursella of Rowantree (Laurel Resub. Device)

Vert, on a bend sable fimbriated and cotised three suns in their splendor palewise Or

The submitter's name was registered in July 1998.
Her previous submission Vert, on a bend sable fimbriated, three suns in their splendor palewise Or, was returned on the Nov. 1999 LoAR for conflict with John Peregrine of Restormel, Azure, on a bend sable fimbriated three mullets bendwise sinister Or.


Heatherwyne, Shire of

† Gareth Marcellus of Camalodunum (Administrative Action)

The submitter's name was registered in Nov. '89. He registered Sable, a sword surmounted by a horse's head couped within a bordure argent in May '88 (under the name Gareth Morgan Tyrius). In December 1989, he registered a new device: Gules, in pale a lion's head cabossed environed of a pair of wings displayed and a lion's head, cabossed and inverted, environed of a pair of wings, displayed and inverted, all Or. According to the submitter, his old device should have been retained as a badge. At this time, he would like to switch the badge and the device. According to the Armorial, his original device was released in December 1989. A search of paperwork at Kingdom and Laurel indicates that no instructions were received to retain his old device.


Isles, Shire of

* Kolli Benason (New Name and Device)

Gules, a mushroom argent spotted azure winged argent


The submitter desires that the gender of her name be male, and authentic for Old Norse. If the name must be changed she cares most about the language/culture, but will not allow major changes.

Kolli is a masculine given name found on p. 12 of Geirr Bassi.

Beni is a masculine name found on p. 8 of Geirr Bassi.

The patronymic Benason was formed according to the guidelines on p. 17 of Geirr Bassi.


Lyondemere, Barony of

† Kura de Calais (New Name)


The submitter doesn't care about the gender of the name. If the name must be changed, the sound ("Coora", with a hard C) is most important. The submitter will allow major changes to the surname, but not to the given name.

Kura is found as a heading on p. 176 of Wickenden. It is a masculine name, with Kura Olekseevich Shemiatov dated to 1474.

de is the French locative preposition "of".

Calais is found as a heading on p. 131 of Dauzat's Noms de Lieux, with Kalais dated to 1181.

According to a Laurel precedent from Dame Elsbeth's tenure, "While combining Russian with French is registerable, it is a weirdness." [Jarucha Ekaterina Delamare, 04/01, R-Caid].


Morgan MacMaoláin (Kingdom Resub. Device)

Ermine, a hawk striking wings displayed sable tailed gules, in chief 3 triquetra gules

The submitter's name appears on Caid's December 1st, 2001 LoI (Oct. 2002 minutes).

His original submission, Argent, a hawk striking wings displayed sable tailed, on a chief gules three triquetras argent, was returned at the December 2001 CoH meeting for conflict with Argent, a raven rising sable, on a chief gules three pairs of arrows inverted in saltire argent registered to André du Corbeau (04/83). His next submission Argent, a hawk striking wings displayed sable, tailed gules and in chief three triquetra gules was returned at the February 2001 CoH meeting for conflict with Argent, a raven rising reguardant wings disclosed proper in the dexter claw a sword gules Cigfran Myddreal Joserlin, the Raven (08/76).

There are two possible conflicts: Ermine, a raven semi-displayed reversed sable, orbed and taloned Or, grasping two lightening bolts crossed in saltire Or Hal Raven (09/73). We are unsure of the bird's position. Also, Ermine, a turkey vulture displayed, dexter wing erect, sinister wing inverted proper Malutka sep Srebnistska (03/78?). We are unsure what is proper for a turkey vulture.


Özbeg Aghmighan (Kingdom Resub. Name and New Device)

Or, a chevron azure between three brown weasels rampant proper


This name was originally returned at the September 2001 Caid CoH meeting. The submitter has now provided documentation for the name that was lacking before. The submitter will accept minor and major changes if the name cannot be registered without such changes. He wishes a masculine name appropriate to 15th C. Mongolian Uighur, from the time when the Mongols invaded Central Asia and conquered the Uighur.

Özbeg was the name of a Horde clan, after Özbeg, an atabeg of Azerbaijan (ruled 1313 - 1341). References to the ruler are made in many sources provided by the submitter: Spuler (p. ?); Phillips (p. 121); and de Hartog, (p. 154). Spuler refers to "the Özbegs (Uzbegs)" being named after this ruler, implying that there is a tribe of the same name.

Aghmighan is an Uyghurqe epithet meaning "yellow weasel" found on a web site: http://www.geocities.com/uighurlanguage/Animal.html

The submitter has included a copy of an article by Baras-aghur Naran "On the Documentation and Construction of Period Mongolian Names" http://www.panix.com/~mittle/names/baras-aghur/mongolian.html. On the third page of the article, the author writes:

...Among [those naming methods] mentioned are names chosen from the first things seen after the mother has given birth... Animal names were popular among the Mongols, as well as colours, numbers, weaponry and metals, with the names not being gender specific.

...Late in the 13th century, Sanskrit elements were introduced through contacts with other cultures like the Uighur.

...Primary source examples of these names are animal names (lion, bear, falcon, lark)...

Also included was a copy of the article "Mongolian Naming Practices" by Marta as tu Mika Mysliwy. The author writes:

The second type of person name is the given name. Given names are considered proper nouns. In the Mongolian language, a word that modifies a proper noun follows the noun, and this is apparent in the names Duua Sokhur, "Duua the Blind", and Korichar Mergen, "Korichar the Clever". Most modifiers are adjectives, but nouns can also be used (Nayaga Biljigur, "Nayaga the Lark"), and some modifying words can serve as either an adjective or a noun, depending on the translation (Buri Boko is alternately translated as "Buri the Strong" and "Buri the Athlete".

Finally, the submitter included a copy of Kahn, which has a lengthy translation of the Yüan Ch'ao Pi Shih. Throughout the work are references to marmots, sables, weasels and ermines. It is apparent that all of these related animals were known at the time of Chingis Khan.

Özbeg Aghmighan appears to follow the ascribed name construction - <first name> <animal epithet>. While the page documenting "yellow weasel" does not give any dates for the word, that same page does list arslan ("lion") which is also listed in Baras-aghur's article, where the author shows arslan "lion" under the table "Common Name Elements from Primary Sources". The concern was raised that Özbeg might be a title (á la "Caesar"), but that concern may be dispelled by looking at the chronology where Özbeg's predecessors (Temujin, Ögädäi, Badu, Berke, Möngkä Temür, Prince Nogai, and Tokhtu) all appear to be first names, some of whom were the progenitors of their own clans.


† Sabah al-Zaman (New Name and Device)

Or, a wolf sejant ululant contourny, a bordure sable


The submitter is interested in a masculine name and will not accept major changes.

Sabah is found as a masculine given name in "Arabic Names and Naming Practices" by Da'ud ibn Auda (KWHS, 1993)

al-Zaman is found as a masculine cognomen in the same source.


† Sabah al-Zaman (New Badge)

[Fieldless] On a wolf sejant ululant contourny sable an increscent Or

The name is submitted above.


Starkhafn, Barony of

Starkhafn, Barony of: Order of the Frœðimaðr of Starkhafn (New Order Name)


The Baron (as submitter), seneschal, and herald of the barony signed the forms. They are interested in having a name authentic for Icelandic culture and will allow any changes. If the name must be changed, they care most about the desired meaning "scholar". Submitted in January 2002 as the Order of the Frøken of Starkhafn, the submitting herald withdrew that submission because Frøken could not be documented.

According to Zoëga (p. 152), Frœði-maðr does indeed mean "learned man, scholar, historian".

This name follows exactly the same construction as the epithet kennimaðr from Geirr Bassi (p.24), which means nearly the same thing, "teacher" (only of a cleric or priest).

Submitted as Fræði-maður, the spelling was changed to match the documentation and the form found in Geirr Bassi.


Starkhafn, Barony of: Order of the Tönn frá Úlfr of Starkhafn (New Order Name)


The Baron (as submitter), seneschal, and herald of the barony signed the forms. They are interested in having a name authentic for Icelandic culture and will allow any changes. If the name must be changed, they care most about the desired meaning "Tooth of the Wolf". Submitted in January 2002 as the Order of the Ulf's Tann of Starkhafn, that submission was returned for conflict with Ulfstein Hall, a household name registered to Balin Ulfstein Dec. '92.

According to Zoëga, tönn means "tooth" (p. 446), frá is the preposition "from" (p. 148), and úlfr is "wolf" (p. 458). We are unsure of how these elements might have been combined to form a phrase, but will send it forward and beg for assistance.

Submitted as Tönn frá Úlfur, the spelling was changed to match the available documentation.


* Emelyn Gunnarsdóttir (Laurel Resub. Name)


The submitter wants a feminine name, and if it must be changed, she cares most about the sound. She allows all changes. Her previous submission Emeline Vigamerr was returned on the Sept. 2001 LoAR for improper byname construction. This submission removes the problem element. Her armory was registered under the holding name Emeline of Starkhafn.

Emelyn is dated to 1379 under the heading Emmeline in Withycombe (pp. 103-4).

Gunnarr is found as a masculine given name in Geirr Bassi (p. 10).

-dóttir is a feminine patronymic suffix, and the byname construction matches patterns on p. 17 of Geirr Bassi. We note that in the genitive, the final r in Gunnarr becomes an s.


Ishikawa Akirakeiko (New Name and Device)

Argent, in pale a demi-sun and a stream reversed sable


The submitter will allow all changes, and desires a feminine name authentic to the culture of Heian era Japan.

Ishikawa appears on p. 316 of Solveig (1999 ed.), dated to 1147 as a byname. On p. 148 under the heading Ishikawa it is dated to 1183 and said to mean "river rock".

Akirakeiko appears on p. 372 of Solveig (1999 ed.), dated to 1147 as a feminine given name. On p. 195 under the heading Akirakeiko it is dated to 1183 and said to mean "bright, child".


Included with the device submission is a letter from the submitter stating:

The submitter wants a mon to go with the Japanese name and persona. For the submission, she has drawn the European equivalent of a demi-sun and the SCA-compatible version of the Mon depiction called a 'stream', illustrated in the Pic-Dic 2nd edition as #707. The Pic-Dic states: "While not found in European armory, a highly stylized depiction is found in Japanese Mon and this form alone is permitted for Society Heraldry. It has also been blazoned as 'barrulets bevilled arrondi'."

We note that the "stream" is not drawn the same as it appears in the Pic Dic, which states that it must be drawn exactly the same to be registerable. We are therefore returning the device to be redrawn to satisfy that requirement. We also note that Laurel precedents offer conflicting evidence as to whether the device will be returned even if the stream is properly drawn.


* Niniana de Mona (New Name and Device)

Azure, three astronomical symbols for Venus interlaced in pall argent


This paperwork was originally submitted at Great Western War III and promptly lost.

The submitter wants a name that is feminine in gender, but states no other preferences and will allow all changes.

Niniana is a hypothetical feminine form of the masculine Latin name Ninian which is found as a heading on p. 229 of Withycombe; a British saint Ninian died in 432. Ninian is also found under the heading Ninian on p. 629-30 of Black, which dates the Latin form Ninianus to 804 AD.

de is a Latin locative preposition "of, from", commonly used in Anglo Norman naming.

Mona is the ancient (Roman) name for the island of Anglesey off NW Wales, found on p. 51 of Webster's New Geographical Dictionary (s.v Anglesey), which says it was subdued by Seutonius Paulinus in 61 AD. It is also referenced on p. 389 of Lempriére as an island between Britain and Hibernia (possibly Anglesey, or perhaps Man).


* Shereen al-Maghrebiyya (Laurel Resub. Device)

Sable chaussé Or, a goblet bendwise sinister Or

The submitter's name was registered in March 2000.
Her previous submission Argent chaussé sable, a goblet sable was returned on the Aug. '01 LoAR for conflict with [Fieldless] A chalice sable, the Midrealm's Award of the Chalice. This submission has changed the tinctures and the orientation of the goblet. The submitter is advised to use an Or tincture that is more yellow and less orange.


Slaine Aschenane (New Name)


The submitter would like a feminine name authentic for 14th century Irish culture and will allow all changes.

Slaine is dated to 1343 and 1481 in "Names in the Annals of Connacht: 1224-1544" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan: (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsConnacht/).

Aschenane is found dated to 1376 under the heading Shannan on p. 720 of Black.


Western Seas, Barony of

Cellach mac Ualraig (Kingdom Resub. Device Change)

Per chevron throughout gules and argent, two thistles Or and a bear rampant sable

The submitter's name was registered in Oct. 2000.

If the new device is registered, he wishes to release his current device: Per fess purpure and vert, two bendlets and two scarpes fretted, in pale three thistles in pale Or.

His previous submission Or, a bear rampant sable, on a chief argent fimbriated gules three thistles proper was returned by Crescent in May 2001 for fimbriating a chief.


Claudius Brutus di Bartolomeo (New Badge)

Per saltire gules and sable, a wolf's head erased contourny between four roses in cross, a bordure engrailed Or

The submitter's name was registered in Nov. '83.
No conflicts found.


Wintermist, Shire of

† Elena verch Gwalchmai (New Name)


The submitter is interested in a feminine name. If the name must be changed she cares most about language/culture and she is interested in having an authentic 12th-13th century Welsh. She will not allow major changes nor will she allow the formation of a holding name.

Elena is a given name in "A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th Century Welsh Names" by Heather Rose Jones (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/welsh13.html).

verch is a period Welsh patronymic marker meaning "daughter".

Gwalchmai is a Welsh patronymic found on p. 105 of Morgan and Morgan. It is dated to the 12th century and to 1406.



Baras-aghur Naran "On the Documentation and Construction of Period Mongolian Names" WWW: Academy of Saint Gabriel. (http://www.panix.com/~mittle/names/baras-aghur/mongolian.html)

Bethel, John P., ed., Webster's Geographical Dictionary. Springfield, Massachusetts: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1969.

Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning, and History. New York: The New York Public Library, 1946. Ninth printing, 1989.

Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme and Akagawa Yoshio. A Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry as Used in the Society for Creative Anachronism. privately published, 1988. [PicDic]

Da'ud ibn Auda. "Arabic Names and Naming Practices." Proceedings of the Known World Heraldic Symposium 1993. SCA, Inc., 1993.

Dauzat, Albert. Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et Prénoms de France. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1987. Reviewed and augmented by Marie-Thérèse Morlet.

Dauzat, Albert and Rostaing, Ch. Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Lieux de la France. 2nd ed. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1963. Guénégaud, Paris.

de Felice, Emilio. Dizionario dei Cognomi Italiani. 4th ed. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. Milan, 1986.

de Felice, Emilio. Dizionario dei Nomi Italiani. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. Milan, 1986.

de Hartog, Leo. Genghis Khan: Conqueror of the World. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1989.

Ekwall, Eilert. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place Names. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1987.

Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name. Olney, MD: Studia Marklandica, 1977.

Gruffudd, Heini. Enwau Cymraeg I Blant/Welsh Names for Children. Talybont: Y Lolfa Cyf, 1980.

Hamid, Azieza, The Book of Muslim Names (London: MELS, 1985).

Johnston, James. B. Place-Names of Scotland. London: John Murray 3rd ed., 1934.

Jones, Heather Rose. "A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th Century Welsh Names." WWW: J. Mittleman, 1996 (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/welsh13.html)

Kahn, Paul. The Secret History of the Mongols. First expanded ed. Boston: Ching & Tsui Company, 1998.

MacLysaght, Edward. The Surnames of Ireland. 6th ed. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1985.

Mari Elspeth nic Bryan. "Names in the Annals of Connacht: 1224-1544." WWW: Academy of Saint Gabriel, 2000.

Morgan, T. J., and Morgan, Prys. Welsh Surnames. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1985.

Morgan, Peder. Ainmean Chloinne: Scottish Gaelic Names for Children. Isle of Skye: Taigh na Teud Music Publishers, 1989. revised/enlarged ed. 1994.

Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, and Maguire, Fidelma. Irish Names. Dublin: The Lilliput Press, 1990. [ÓC&M]

Phillips, E. D. The Mongols. London: Thames & Hudson, 1969.

Reaney, P. H., and Wilson, R. M. A Dictionary of English Surnames Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. 1995. [R&W]

Seltzer, L. E., ed. The Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World. Morningside Heights, NY: Columbia University Press, 1952. [CLG]

Solveig Throndardottir. Name Construction in Mediaeval Japan. Carlsbad, N. M.: The Outlaw Press, 1994

Spuler, Bertold. History of the Mongols. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972.

Talan Gwynek. "Late Period Feminine Names from the South of France." WWW: Academy of Saint Gabriel, 1999. (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/latefrenchfem/).

Trease, Geoffrey. The Condottieri - Soldiers of Fortune. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.

Watson, William J., The History of the Celtic Place-Names of Scotland (London: William Blackwood & Sons Ltd., 1926).

Wickenden of Thanet, Paul. A Dictionary of Period Russian Names. Mountain View, CA: SCA Inc. - Free Trumpet Press West, 3rd ed. 2001.

Withycombe, E. G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names. Oxford: Oxford University Press 3rd ed. 1977.

Woulfe, Patrick. Sloinnte Gaetheal ir Gall: Irish Names and Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1967.

Wright, F. A. Lempriére's Classical Dictionary. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 3rd. ed. 1984.

Zoëga, G. T. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1981.

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